Well you can still qualify it. The thing that Ignostism has going for it is an elimination of yet another layer of assumption. You can either choose to believe (read as assume) that human beings have the capacity and resources to formulate a correct concept of a an omnipotent, omnipresent, immutable, eternal, creator being responsible for the creation, direction, and maintenance of the universe (or some such thing loosely referred to as a god), a large assumption in my estimation, or you can choose to not to assume that human beings are capable of comprehending things which lie outside of their short and small footprint inside space/time. Making fewer assumptions seems like a safer and more reliable means of doing things to me.
Actually, Ignosticism itself is just another in a long line of "isms". Just another definition attempting to limit
the unlimitable.
To assume means to suppose to be the case, without proof. Just another term for belief.
You're absolutely right about various assumptions being made. Assuming God is an accurate term for the entity.
Assuming the associations that come up in people's minds when they hear the word God are correct ones. Assuming that science has found everything there is to find, and anything outside of it's current ability to assess is idiotic fantasy. Assuming the entity is even made out of matter as we understand it. Assuming that it doesn't generate effects in the world. Assuming various religious texts were meant to be interpreted literally. Assuming those texts are written for the layperson. Assuming we're "only human".
There are assumptions all over the place.
Belief systems are in vogue now for some very simple reasons. It makes it very easy to manipulate large numbers of people simultaneously to achieve your goals, whatever they may be. If I can get you to believe that a dove impregnated a girl, that a man parted a sea, that all (infidels, jews, gentiles, fill in the blank) must be killed, then I can get you to believe in anything I need you to believe in.
Also, belief is easy. You don't have to really do much, other than read books and attend events that reinforce
the belief. Just believe. Oh, and give me your son for this war we've got to fight. It's
(God's, Allah's, Bob's, etc.) will. He told me so.
Belief also generates doubt. Which generates fear. It's a perfect built in failsafe. More people starting to doubt the current belief? Modify a couple of "interpretations" of the text, and all's well with the world.
You're right that making fewer assumptions will go a long way in straightening this all out, especially as it applies to the UFO field. Thanks.
---------- Post added at 05:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:28 PM ----------
Exactly! (Bells ring, lights flash, a duck drops down from the ceiling) We are navigating a multidimensional (10, 11?) full spectrum universe using a 3-Dimensional limited spectrum user interface called the human mind. There are numerous phenomena that we know of that are real and effect us but which do not register to our senses nor display in our consciousness, such as magnetic fields for example. Are there living things or other consciousnesses that exist outside of interface's ability to portray to us? Possibly ...but how would you know? How could tell what is a function of a failure of the mechanism (such as in a hallucination or mirage situation) and what is a reliable interpretation of a anomalous event? You have to be able to reliably reproduce it of course and that is something the paranormal doesn't readily lend itself to unfortunately.
He's got it!(fireworks, people throwing popcorn in the air) You put it all together in one paragraph.
What I would add though is that we have other levels of interface available to us. That what things like meditation,Taoist internal alchemy, yoga, & theurgy are for. We don't just have the human mind on hand to access.
It's just that some of the practices are involved, take time, and can be repetitive and boring as hell. But they do work. Different rates of breathing correspond to different levels of consciousness, and activate other systems in the body and brain over time.
You can reproduce the various mind states, but depending on how deep down you go (theta and lower), you don't always have direct control over what shows up, either in your head or outside of it.
And I'll be the first to say that unless you're involved in one of these or other similar systems, talking about it is just an intellectual exercise. That why most people involved in these systems keep there mouths shut to the layperson.
Also the stuff that happens can be so bizzare to our standard mode of perceiving and functioning, that you're just opening yourself up to ridicule to talk about it at any length. Which is understandable. What I'm saying is just heresay and nonsensical mumbo jumbo if you haven't experienced it yourself.
As I always say, never believe about the important things in life.
Your post rocked!