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What Is The Best Hypothesis

What Is The Best Hypothesis

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Not to stray too far afield from the best hypothesis but while I could never stomach early Dr. Who getting a revamp for all the reasons you mention I'm still quite taken by the new space effects in Star Trek as those images are a better match for what was often a uniquely advanced social perspective and strong story writing. Given the pathos of their budget it's incredible what they were able to accomplish in terms of set and fashion but the space shots were often fairly limited and the new material is quite strong. Not to say Dr. Who didn't have great writing as it did but their budgetary constraints did work well with the cheesey sets and effects of their respective eras and ramped up capacity as the years went by. Comparatively speaking Star Trek was a moment in time.

Back to the best hypothesis. What's interesting about both these tv shows is how the human race is centered as being special in the galaxy, if not the universe. The way the UFO phenomenon responds to us in terms of its dazzling light displays and other grand theatrical gestures one wonders if it might in fact be true. Perhaps life in the universe is actually rare, or at least a species surviving through their hunt for energy and acquisition of materialist needs & luxuries might be incredibly rare.

Planned obsolescence may not just be a function of consumerism & shareholder profits but also a part of the evolution of intelligent species. We have eliminated ourselves before on this planet in different regions & eras multiple times over. Surviving through these "civilized" trajectories could be an entirely rare event and consequently we receive a lot of attention by way of species stopping by for their obligatory space tourist's soil sample. Instead of chipping off a chunk of the Berlin Wall as a visitor's memento it's, "I got a chunk of earth before its inhabitants blew the place to pieces."
In contrast to the human-centric bias of Trek and Who, Red Dwarf shows humanity to be grubby, drug-addled, neurotic, petty jerks who are unwelcome in the greater cosmos.:rolleyes: Carry on. Best hypothesis, and...go!
I've been taping all the original series ST recently and I watched the one the still shot above is from. I'm really enjoying them and they have been digitally remastered to an amazing extent that all exterior shots of the Enterprise and all planets really look about as good as in later incarnations of ST. If anyone hasn't watched any of the remastered original series, I seriously suggest you look them up because the difference is amazing and really worth catching.
Ya it's great! I went all out and got the DVD sets.
In contrast to the human-centric bias of Trek and Who, Red Dwarf shows humanity to be grubby, drug-addled, neurotic, petty jerks who are unwelcome in the greater cosmos.:rolleyes: Carry on. Best hypothesis, and...go!

I think the 'entertainment' potential for ET TV is huge considering that they've resolved most of their survival issues. Planet earth becomes the ultimate reality show once real post-industrial era weather changes kick in !
They'll quickly get addicted to the human life drama, the suffering, the massive dislocation and movement away from coastal areas. The episode will be called 'The Flood'

Will earthlings have the same solutions we adopted they'll wonder. Of course, the GGC (Galactic Gaming Corporation) will have cornered the gambling market.

The premise here is that most civilizations that can visit us don't really need anything from us except maybe the entertainment value (jackass fails and stuff) and a few fun gambling opportunities since we are a closed system where the odds can be calculated (fish in a bowl type situation).
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