Paranormal Adept
I like this topic as it's something I do for a living so gives me a legitimate reason for research at work...I don't think it's imminent or near enough to place accurately but I do feel something big is happening . I did some research recently on long-term trends and in post war USA, $100 of debt had turned into $70,000 while the value of that dollar was debased by 99% or thereabouts . I haven't got the dataset in front of me but it was pretty phenomenal . When you have a debt problem you can only earn more to repay it, default on it or inflate it away. Looking at the major emerging market currencies they've all weakened over the last year except for China and China has only recently started reducing its exposure to US debt. If this signals the end of a carry trade or a bond buyers strike, the consequences could be massive.
Thanks for the post