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World Cup 2014: 'Psychic' turtle Big Head tips Brazil win

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You know who has been dominating in this WC though is FIFA itself. They seem to have the world's media running scared, even home brewed media. Just try and find a real-life highlights reel that isn't computer generated and/or consists of stills. If you like watching replays filmed from televisions though you're in luck.

Obama and Putin think they are the most powerful men in the world. Sorry guys, you're pikers compared to Bach and Blatter.
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I surely haven't..Really great for them, to be quite honest, I expexted them to lose all their matches. Italy against Uruguay (old old Simpsons 'joke', get out of my head...)will be a great watch. :) Would have liked another England - Germany clash in the elimination stages though..For Spain..well, screw them, enough glory for the next 30 years.

What's the most surprising team for you so far ? My votes go to Mexicos goalie, the damn Refs and Uruguay.

I'm not surprised by Netherland's performance - Robben and Van Persie are formidable when healthy and the whole team is quality and are well coached.

Costa Rica and Chile and the best so far in how they have performed against expectations.
You know who has been dominating in this WC though is FIFA itself. They seem to have the world's media running scared, even home brewed media. Just try and find a real-life highlights reel that isn't computer generated and/or consists of stills. If you like watching replays filmed from televisions though you're in luck.

Obama and Putin think they are the most powerful men in the world. Sorry guys, you're pikers compared to Bach and Blatter.

try this BBC Sport - Football - World Cup Results click on the "report" to see video highlights

(see pic below)

There has been some "back biting" going on! literally!
Suarez should be muzzled.
If he was a dog his future would not be very bright.
Even in MMA/cage fighting they are not allowed to bite!

Sadly this is not an isolated incident, in football you can get away with murder if you have exceptional talent.

What is a real shame is that this has been a fantastic competition so far, but it will be overshadowed by suarez's behaviour.
Well, they lost and still got through.. ? Other than whatever (honestly) happeneded in the 91' Minute, the wasn't much 'USA' on the field...but that '91 almost gave them a draw...argh...
Mexico D has shut the vaunted Dutch O down...at least in the first 45. I don't think the Dutch had even one decent shot on goal, and their fans are getting antsy.

Get a load of me, I'm a live blogger :D
Goal Mexico in the 49th. With the (so-far) tepid attack of the Dutch, Mexico has to be feeling quite confident
87th minute goal by Dutch tied it up. The pasr five + minutes they have been relentless. It was now or never so they went with now
I did notice a number of mt seats and was thinking wtf ? it appears they were mt mostly because the people that occupied these seats were getting fried by the sun and had to seek relief in the shade down in the lower concourses, imagine what the players were going through.
Now for the greeks to kick some ass(please, preferably a 0:1)..Got a 23 men/women tipping group going here, and I'm trailing.. :)
Nah, just close friends and their 'baggage'. ;P I'm at position 8 atm, three points would put me in the top three, thats if noner of the other f..guys don't score. Still fun, though. :)

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