Yeah but there's an important difference, Pane Sterwarts plane had a transponder, the hijackers turned off the transponders on the hijacked jets. So locating them via their signal like they did with Stewart's plane would have been impossible. Combine that with all the war games operations they had running, I think it was like 4 or 5 different ops, can't remember off the top of my head and don't have time to look it up, and all the planes in the air at the time plus the phantoms from the wargames and locating them quickly would have been very difficult. The fact that they had that many different military wargame ops running on that day is to me just further proof that they had foreknowledge. Not to mention that I read somewhere that shoot down orders had been changed, giving the authority to the president or vice president instead of military commanders, so even if pilots had gotten there quickly they couldn't have shot them down without authorization from Bush or Cheney. I may be wrong about that, but I remember reading it somewhere.