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WTC 7 tell me what you think of this video

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If you're interested in ABLE DANGER, check out "The Watchers, The Rise of America's Surveillance State" by Shane Harris. It's a very interesting read, in the book Harris makes the point that for all of our intelligence gathering abilities, the only thing they've really done is make it easier to spy on our own citizens and harder to catch actual terrorists.
If you're interested in ABLE DANGER, check out "The Watchers, The Rise of America's Surveillance State" by Shane Harris. It's a very interesting read, in the book Harris makes the point that for all of our intelligence gathering abilities, the only thing they've really done is make it easier to spy on our own citizens and harder to catch actual terrorists.
that would be because of who the real terrorists are and who are the ones most likely to take action against them.
My main question stands who put the contoled demolitions in the towers?
When were they placed?
So far I have only 1 unusual instace of a power down involving one tower. Pixel can you give me a little direction here...
there was a lot of construction going on in the months before the demolition, many offices were vacant. a power down wasnt necessary to wire up the building but probably helped in some areas. there is also talk of thermite paint being used but i have not looked into that much.
Here is an example of the thorough investigation by NIST:
ABEL: ... what about that letter where NIST said it didn’t look for evidence of explosives?
NEWMAN: Right, because there was no evidence of that.
ABEL: But how can you know there’s no evidence if you don’t look for it first?
NEWMAN: If you’re looking for something that isn’t there, you’re wasting your time....
--Conversation between a reporter and a NIST spokesperson.
Interesting. I consider myself quite good at the body language game and the guy in the video is undoubtedly uncomfortable with the question.

However, being uncomfortable is proof of nothing and perhaps he genuinely thinks any conspiracy talk is just silly and he hates even entertaining such questions. We have to remember that if there was a conspiracy - it would affect people gravely to find out members of the government etc could be complicit in such a heinous act.

But there is no doubt he is uncomfortable.

The photo clearly shows steel at the point of melting - the colour is a giveaway and supposedly no such temperatures were reached?
You can clearly hear the fireman speak about 'rivers of molten steel, like lava'.

Ok, so the fireman is a liar and also obviously someone who knows nothing about the temperatures of various things on fire or melting!

So....who you gonna believe? An 'official' or the fireman who were there? I do not believe the firemen would lie about seeing molten steel for the simple fact that there is no way they would dishonour their fallen colleagues or the victims by pissing in the pool of evidence of what happened that day. Not a chance in hell would they make stuff up.
A Nano-thermite or "super-thermite"[1] is a metastable intermolecular composite (MICs) characterized by a particle size of its main constituents, a metal and a metal oxide, under 100 Nanometers. This allows for high and customizable reaction rates. Nano-thermites contain an oxidizer and a reducing agent, which are intimately mixed on the nanometer scale. MICs, including nano-thermitic materials, are a type of reactive materials investigated for military use, as well as for general applications involving propellants, explosives, andpyrotechnics.
What distinguishes MICs from traditional thermites is that the oxidizer and a reducing agent, normally iron oxide and aluminium, are in the form of extremely fine powders (nanoparticles). This dramatically increases the reactivity relative to micrometre-sized powder thermite. As the mass transport mechanisms that slow down the burning rates of traditional thermites are not so important at these scales, the reactions become kinetically controlled and proceed much more quickly.
A method for producing nanoscale, or ultra fine grain (UFG) aluminium powders, a key component of most nano-thermitic materials, is thedynamic gas-phase condensation method, pioneered by Wayne Danen and Steve Son at Los Alamos National Laboratory. A variant of the method is being used at the Indian Head Division of the Naval Surface Warfare Center. Another production method for nanoaluminium powder is the pulsed plasma process developed by NovaCentrix (formerly Nanotechnologies).[9] The powders made by both processes are indistinguishable.[10] A critical aspect of the production is the ability to produce particles of sizes in the tens of nanometer range, as well as with a limited distribution of particle sizes. In 2002, the production of nano-sized aluminium particles required considerable effort, and commercial sources for the material were limited.[3] Current production levels are now beyond 100 kg/month.
An application of the sol-gel method, developed by Randall Simpson, Alexander Gash and others at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, can be used to make the actual mixtures of nanostructured composite energetic materials. Depending on the process, MICs of different density can be produced. Highly porous and uniform products can be achieved by supercritical extraction.
The reactivity of a nanolaminate can vary, possibly making it more sensitive than thermite. In addition, super thermites are very sensitive to electrostatic discharge (ESD). Surrounding the metal oxide particles with carbon nanofibers may make nanothermites safer to handle.
my husband won't even think like I do. I am not sure what to beleve after seeing this...
according to our experts Muadib and Lance all of these people are lying and jet fuel/kerosene can now be used along with office furniture to melt steel and be utilized in controlled demolitions, gone are the days of placing charges in key locations and firing them off in computerized sequence!... BUT, please be careful using your coleman camp stove now, it could suddenly collapse and melt.

AND...that lump of melted steel shown has probably been planted by Truthers.
With my fathers passing I have little time to look into this properly. My wife found that vid. Witnesses that saw rivers of steel in th below ground lvl...the witnesess to other aspects of the event.I still think this is expainable. And will look into it as time premits.
yes it is partially explainable. something other than jet fuel melted structural steel and kept temps up extremely high for about 3 months. that something had "unignited aluminothermic explosives in dust samples from the Twin Towers" in it.
IF 9/11 was a part-inside job, and it was indeed solely for financial reasons, then there are some seriously warped people in the world. I have more understanding of a serial killer than someone who could even be remotely involved in something like 9/11.
IF 9/11 was a part-inside job, and it was indeed solely for financial reasons, then there are some seriously warped people in the world. I have more understanding of a serial killer than someone who could even be remotely involved in something like 9/11.
it was not solely about financial reasons... that was a bonus. It was a pretext for war... and control.
The 'false-flag' operation. Thing is, surely there were other ways even to fake an attack so that the US could go to war?
I don't think 'they' had to go to the lengths they did? A cessna with explosives in D.C would have been enough if they could 'tie it to al-queda' but no, overkill was used in the 'best' sense of the word!

Sometimes I forget the horror of the people in those planes and buildings. It really was an absolute horror of the greatest magnitude. And I feel sick thinking people on 'our' side could be complicit. I don't want to think it but there are things that don't add up.
The 'false-flag' operation. Thing is, surely there were other ways even to fake an attack so that the US could go to war?
I don't think 'they' had to go to the lengths they did? A cessna with explosives in D.C would have been enough if they could 'tie it to al-queda' but no, overkill was used in the 'best' sense of the word!

Sometimes I forget the horror of the people in those planes and buildings. It really was an absolute horror of the greatest magnitude. And I feel sick thinking people on 'our' side could be complicit. I don't want to think it but there are things that don't add up.
faking attacks is something we are pretty good at. Northwoods, Gulf of Tonkin, etc etc etc etc...

Speaking at the Campus Progress journalism conference earlier this month, Seymour Hersh — a Pulitzer-Prize winning journalist for The New Yorker — revealed that Bush administration officials held a meeting recently in the Vice President’s office to discuss ways to provoke a war with Iran.
In Hersh’s most recent article, he reports that this meeting occurred in the wake of the overblown incident in the Strait of Hormuz, when a U.S. carrier almost shot at a few small Iranian speedboats. The “meeting took place in the Vice-President’s office. ‘The subject was how to create a casus belli between Tehran and Washington,’” according to one of Hersh’s sources.
During the journalism conference event, I asked Hersh specifically about this meeting and if he could elaborate on what occurred. Hersh explained that, during the meeting in Cheney’s office, an idea was considered to dress up Navy Seals as Iranians, put them on fake Iranian speedboats, and shoot at them. This idea, intended to provoke an Iran war, was ultimately rejected:
HERSH: There was a dozen ideas proffered about how to trigger a war. The one that interested me the most was why don’t we build — we in our shipyard — build four or five boats that look like Iranian PT boats. Put Navy seals on them with a lot of arms. And next time one of our boats goes to the Straits of Hormuz, start a shoot-up.
Might cost some lives. And it was rejected because you can’t have Americans killing Americans. That’s the kind of — that’s the level of stuff we’re talking about. Provocation. But that was rejected.​

In one of David Manning’s famous memos describing a prewar meeting between George Bush and Tony Blair, he says that Bush admitted that WMD was unlikely to be found in Iraq and then mused on some possible options for justifying a war anyway:
“The U.S. was thinking of flying U2 reconnaissance aircraft with fighter cover over Iraq, painted in U.N. colours,” the memo says, attributing the idea to Mr. Bush. “If Saddam fired on them, he would be in breach.”​
The mind boggles over what is done in the world. It really does. All comes down to greed and power and I put it to you that only the smallest, weakest and pathetic of men need power and money like it seems many 'leaders' do.:(
it boggles my mind that WE outnumber them by millions to one... yet we let them do the shit they do.
faking attacks is something we are pretty good at. Northwoods, Gulf of Tonkin, etc etc etc etc...

Northwoods was not an attack, it was a series of proposals which were rejected by the Kennedy administration, it was never officially accepted and none of the operations that were proposed were ever carried out. Not only did Kennedy reject it, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff was fired over it.

it boggles my mind that WE outnumber them by millions to one... yet we let them do the shit they do.

Unless we could somehow either gain control of the military or could count on them not to attack American citizens, any revolt would be absolutely and utterly futile. We may have numbers, but numbers mean nothing when you're facing down the largest and most technologically advanced military in the entire world. Personally, I'd love to see the government and congress all tossed out on their asses, but realistically, I highly doubt it will ever happen.
3000+ dead spt 11th
4448 dead iraq
1998 dead afgainistain
A while back I posted about a titanic conspericy. If 9/11 truth is right then this is greater then that theory.I can't wrap my brain around the thought that some one in gov wanted to kill our citazins as a pretex for war...the ends just don't justify the means!