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Hi all ...

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I haven't had ANY bad experiences ... couple of weird, but that's it. Mine have been SO different that people generally just don't get it. Everything has been centered on learning - but not from them - from our own libraries. I get a topic from them - study it and stay with it until something else comes in, then add it to the pile. There is a name for this kind of teaching, and it's called constructivism. The teacher points - the student goes and gathers the information - at this point there should be a student / teacher conference, discuss the data, but not with me ... at least not until the point I fell on my face back in 2006 ... then there was a "conference" ... it was one sided, but it was something at least.

No, I have not seen one ounce of "bad" in all the years I have done this. Strict - oh yeah - I have to abide by the rules of the game. Why? I have no idea, but then it's their game. All I will say right now is that they are here for a reason ... and that reason isn't a good one. We were supposed to know all about this, but, just like today where we let the sociopathic idiots ruin this country, we let the idiots ruin our data 5000 years ago. Now - we're screwed unless we wake up ... and so far, I haven't seen one eye open.

OC you sound a lot like me.
I use the term "Experiences" because that is an expression most people understand quickly.
Those that know me know that I have no belief in good or evil,positive or negative, anythings.
For me it is all Teachers or Lessons, the important thing is did you learn anything from the experience?
If yes then it was a Teacher, if not it was a lesson you have not yet learned.
But basically the term "Shit Happens" says it all.
Now do you take that shit and wipe it off, or do you use it as fertilizer?
I am interested in knowing what shit you stepped into, or fell on you, and how did you use it?
Sixty one years of shit makes quite a mountain of shit!
Did you run away from it holding your nose?
Did you tunnel into its many layers to examen its contents?
Or did you climb it to get a better view of where all this shit was coming from?
Come on please share the shit.
We all want our portion of it.
Well, at least I do.:)
... Short and to the point - we had an agreement with ET that goes back 40,000 years ...
Everything points to the fact that this superwave event is coming again - hence they are here.

So are you saying that 40,000 years ago there was a human civilization (the pyramid builders?) that had some sort of business arrangement with ETs? What is the nature of the agreement? What is their interest in human beings?
OC you sound a lot like me.
I use the term "Experiences" because that is an expression most people understand quickly.
Those that know me know that I have no belief in good or evil,positive or negative, anythings.
For me it is all Teachers or Lessons, the important thing is did you learn anything from the experience?
If yes then it was a Teacher, if not it was a lesson you have not yet learned.
But basically the term "Shit Happens" says it all.
Now do you take that shit and wipe it off, or do you use it as fertilizer?
I am interested in knowing what shit you stepped into, or fell on you, and how did you use it?
Sixty one years of shit makes quite a mountain of shit!
Did you run away from it holding your nose?
Did you tunnel into its many layers to examen its contents?
Or did you climb it to get a better view of where all this shit was coming from?
Come on please share the shit.
We all want our portion of it.
Well, at least I do.:)

yes, please share the (bull) shit.
OC you sound a lot like me.
I use the term "Experiences" because that is an expression most people understand quickly.
Those that know me know that I have no belief in good or evil,positive or negative, anythings.
For me it is all Teachers or Lessons, the important thing is did you learn anything from the experience?

Sorry- was out, just got back.

Everything that has gone on in my life, and tied to the last reevaluation, has been figured into a constructivist picture. If I didn't learn anything (and that came later in a flurry of dreams AFTER I started to read about this subject) I can't use it, there's no data, so I log it as entertainment only or as Piaget calls it, schemata. It can't go any further than that. I'll make a separate post after this to explain - don't want to lengthen this one out.

If yes then it was a Teacher, if not it was a lesson you have not yet learned.

Maybe - there is no hard data to say one way or the other sometimes - and THAT is where we are making our mistake .. we're guessing.

But basically the term "Shit Happens" says it all.
Now do you take that shit and wipe it off, or do you use it as fertilizer?

It's no different than what's going on right now ... I tell you what I have learned, and like you say, do you take that shit and wipe it off, or do you use it as fertilizer? Most just wipe it off. Hard data is the bottom line - don't argue with me, argue with the data.

I am interested in knowing what shit you stepped into, or fell on you, and how did you use it?
Sixty one years of shit makes quite a mountain of shit!
Did you run away from it holding your nose?
Did you tunnel into its many layers to examen its contents?
Or did you climb it to get a better view of where all this shit was coming from?
Come on please share the shit.
We all want our portion of it.
Well, at least I do.:)

Give it a bit ... I have some stuff to do but I'll get some of it up in a moment.
So are you saying that 40,000 years ago there was a human civilization (the pyramid builders?) that had some sort of business arrangement with ETs? What is the nature of the agreement? What is their interest in human beings?

No ... I'm saying they were hunter gatherer people - period. My focus on this is MY approach, based on a historical projection of the symbol in question and a connection to Dr L's superwave. I wound up here in time because of a question and answer period I had with the Dr.

Events triggered by the 40,000 year BP superwave | Starburst Forums: Galactic Superwaves
No ... I'm saying they were hunter gatherer people - period. My focus on this is MY approach, based on a historical projection of the symbol in question and a connection to Dr L's superwave. I wound up here in time because of a question and answer period I had with the Dr.

So you're saying that ETs had some agreement with a group of primitive humans 40,000 years ago? How did you arrive at that? Agreement about what? Rescuing the species from a future galactic super wave? Any clue as to why they would bother with human beings in the first place? 10s of thousands of years is a long time for a contract or agreement to be in force wouldn't you agree? Generations upon untold generations of beings would have to care about it. Have I misconstrued what you're saying?
I too have never had what I would term "bad experiences". As I have also been taught in similar fashion...a topic would be brought to my attention and then I in turn seek out any and all info on the topic. I and some close to me are familiar with one sided meetings...I have learned many things and believe I know at least the basis of what this was/is all about , why they are here so prominently again , and what is to come. I have been guided, nurtured, educated, and prepared. I would not deem any of that as "bad" either though. Perhaps I do not have the whole pic. , that I would not dispute. Nor would I dispute your opinion of what is , has been, and will be taking place. I respect others beliefs. And I feel that you have something big to share , so by all means stop beating around the bush and spit it out! lol Please.
So you're saying that ETs had some agreement with a group of primitive humans 40,000 years ago? How did you arrive at that? Agreement about what? Rescuing the species from a future galactic super wave? Any clue as to why they would bother with human beings in the first place? 10s of thousands of years is a long time for a contract or agreement to be in force wouldn't you agree? Generations upon untold generations of beings would have to care about it. Have I misconstrued what you're saying?
Why would they bother? We were headed for intelligent development ... they didn't come here for the lions, or birds, or crocs ... they came to see US ... we were the ones headed for intelligence. As far as "agreement' goes, look at it as lone piece of information added to what they had. It isn't a big deal really. The sign of life (the symbol involved) was originally the mother goddess carvings. One would have to take into account those people were extremely right hemisphere oriented, but they weren't stupid either. It was at that time the carvings began in history in earnest and continued on for thousands of years. The symbol was updated after the 13,000 BC event, and both symbols are based on the Orion Nebula. One has a triangular "body" and one larger and rounded. It was the larger / rounded body that was used originally and represented the continual obese nature of the feminine carvings. The obesity was eliminated when history was rewritten - can't have a fat Isis ... that doesn't look good LOL.

I too have never had what I would term "bad experiences". As I have also been taught in similar fashion...a topic would be brought to my attention and then I in turn seek out any and all info on the topic. I and some close to me are familiar with one sided meetings...I have learned many things and believe I know at least the basis of what this was/is all about , why they are here so prominently again , and what is to come. I have been guided, nurtured, educated, and prepared. I would not deem any of that as "bad" either though. Perhaps I do not have the whole pic. , that I would not dispute. Nor would I dispute your opinion of what is , has been, and will be taking place. I respect others beliefs. And I feel that you have something big to share , so by all means stop beating around the bush and spit it out! lol Please.
I'm trying to ... but posts keep popping up LOL.

The picture is super-simple. Based on everything, in the event of a coming galactic superwave, they pop in to help. I will say this, they are not into BS with people. The last time this event hit, there was also an air-burst comet impact over N America. There was no archeological find that ever connected the Clovis people here with the goddess symbol, so, they would have had no idea who may have been flitting around the skies. They would have been impossible to deal with, and so - they were left. The comet hit - end of the Clovis people. Why didn't they divert the comet? Ask them. I have a feeling this is a picture unlike any that we have conceived so far, it's just that I can't prove what I'm looking at.
Why would they bother? We were headed for intelligent development ... they didn't come here for the lions, or birds, or crocs ... they came to see US ... we were the ones headed for intelligence.

These alien intervention theories are difficult for me to grasp mainly due to the presumption that human beings are so interesting that beings from somewhere else would travel whatever unimaginable distance in a universe so enormous we can't even conceive of its true size to meddle around with some species fresh out of the trees. It is predicated on the presumption that human beings are incredibly interesting, important, or significant in some way to something other than other human beings. Hard for me to get there, but I am willing to listen.
These alien intervention theories are difficult for me to grasp mainly due to the presumption that human beings are so interesting that beings from somewhere else would travel whatever unimaginable distance in a universe so enormous we can't even conceive of its true size to meddle around with some species fresh out of the trees. It is predicated on the presumption that human beings are incredibly interesting, important, or significant in some way to something other than other human beings. Hard for me to get there, but I am willing to listen.
Understand too, our main problem is that we lost this information due to the worst case of cognitive dissonance ever, in one place on the globe, what we call Egypt and Sumer. There was a MINOR superwave event, ET never showed up (no reason to come), they thought the worst, and rewrote everything under a theme of reverence or what became religion to us much later.

About 10 years ago I asked Dr L about the galactic center shinning in the sky back then, and he said yes, although it was probably a lot dimmer. Dealing with something like that is like seeing a glowing ball 32 times the size of the sun in a full blown event ... what they saw 5300 years ago was probably less spectacular, but what did they know? The idea is, like David Rohl said:

"The origins of pharaonic civilization have always been shrouded in mystery. What caused dynastic culture to burst forth in the Nile valley within such a relatively short period of time? ... There is little evidence of kingship and its rituals very much before the beginning of the 1st Dynasty; no signs of the gradual development of metal working, art, monumental architecture and writing – the defining criteria of early civilization. Much of what we know about the pharaohs and their complex culture seems to come into existence in a flash of inspiration."

This has been the picture for years - why did it happen? I say it was a panic event. The information was tossed because it was believed to be wrong, everything was rewritten, the goddess was given a back seat, a husband and child, and over the last 5000 years we have slid right down the tubes.
The base idea is that at 5 years old what the heck did I know. These events were basically things to look back on later in my life, almost 40 years later in the beginning of the '90s. The constructivist approach understands this method, and it basically generated curiosity. I never forgot either of these events.

First experience: 1955: No exact date and was about five years old.
Woke up during the middle of the night to a lit up bedroom and the arrival of about five beings; nothing happened that I know of.
From my notes:
In the mid-‘50s the earth was being invaded by flying saucers and aliens all of the time through movies that came out, and also TV had its share of alien invasions and space-type shows. I had never heard of Roswell even though it was a handful of years prior to this. I remember being in my friend’s place one day on the top floor of our four-story apartment building in Bushwick, which is in Brooklyn NY. As I looked out the window and up Bushwick Avenue, I saw something huge hovering in the sky at a very low altitude. I called my friend and his mother to the window, and his mom told me it was just a blimp. Rats - I thought it was a flying saucer.
If this shows anything, it shows the impact TV and movies had on my young life at that time, but there still remains a problem regarding my visit that night. There was nothing in my TV / movie show experiences that painted a picture like the one I had that night. In fact, it would be about forty years before I ever ran into this scenario again in books, and when I did read about it - the memories came flooding back and there was a grand connection. Did this early event really happen? Why have so many other people experienced this exact same event structure?
In the 1950s I lived at 990 Bushwick Avenue in Brooklyn NY. This building is a three building in one apartment (990, 992, and 994), and each building has an inside and outside apartment. In between each building, constructed for the inner and outer center apartments, we had what we called airshafts that were large square cutouts between the outer and center apartment buildings. These cutouts allowed windows to be built for the bedrooms of those outer and inner apartments.

If there was something in the airshaft creating the light that I saw that night, it had to be small, and it had to be IN the airshaft. This apartment building was right on Bushwick Avenue in the middle of everything, and there is no way a large craft could have hovered over or near that building without being seen.
I remember waking up in the middle of the night lying on my right side facing the wall. I also remember something odd … I slept in pitch-black darkness, so, why was there light in my room? I remember raising my head to look at the window where the light was coming from. I remember a thought suddenly going through my head that said the light was from the bottom of the air-shaft where the connecting doors were; these doors gave access to the basements of both connected buildings. I never remember those lights EVER being on. I don’t remember ever THINKING about those lights. In fact, and as far as I can remember, I never knew there were lights down there. I do have a faint recollection of looking one day after the event – but it’s been a long time and is hard to place exactly when that was.
As I looked at the lit-up window I noticed something odd, it seemed like something (or someone?) was going by my window; I could see the tops of - heads? But how could that be … I lived on the second floor? Those shadows against my lit-up drawn-down paper shade were heading directly for the airshaft’s brick-wall of the apartment. On the other side of that wall was my closet. Beyond the closet was our apartment’s main hallway. Was I dreaming all of this?
As I lay on my left side now, I watched in the dim light created by the light coming in from the window. My closet, which was on the other side of my room and on the same wall as the window, had double-doors, and under it there was a pullout draw. Slowly, the closet doors began to open. Down stepped - someone - I just couldn’t see clearly, as the light was too dim on that side of the room. Then another stepped down, and another. One opened my bedroom door and came in from the hallway, another came right through the wall. That one was strange as it seemed the ‘hole in the wall’ he came through was high, and whoever - climbed down? There was no noise … was that a planted image, or was this all in my mind? I can’t remember if my baby brother’s crib was there at the time, as this would fix the time period more exactly; the picture I have would say no. Anyway, I just laid there looking at them, and they were now all standing there - looking at me? There wasn’t enough light for details on that side of the room, but oddly they were the traditional stature we read about - thin and about 4 foot or so tall. Was this really happening? And if it wasn’t, why does it sound so much like what other people had written about some forty years later?
Suddenly, they all began to move slowly - my way - and I ducked under the covers. I stayed there for the longest time, finally deciding to take a peek. As I slowly pulled back the blankets I could see the room was still lit-up. I figured THEY were at the foot of the bed, and there was NO WAY I was going to look, so, back under the covers I went. It was somewhere after that time I fell asleep, and sometime after that I again woke up in the same exact position. This time I took another peak and the room was dark. I supposed whoever it was had left, although I had NO intention of checking. I remained under the covers for the rest of the night.
Unlike the stories I had read decades later, there was no abduction memory, nor was there any meeting with alien beings. In fact that has never happened in my entire sixty-plus years of life. In even earlier notes from 1999, I had written that I had one memory of floating down the apartment airshaft headed towards my room. So it is possible SOMETHING was going on in that vein. Whatever transpired that night 50-odd years ago, it was the same, and it was different. I was scared, but there was no attempt to put me in a situation that crossed that line and completely panicked me.

How to deal with this event:
The constructivist method is a hands-on method of learning. Rather than sit in a class and write endless notes of the material that is verbally tossed at you by your teacher, and then doing endless hours of study in order to remember these facts, the constructivist method makes you ponder the picture and seek an answer yourself. Granted it has taken almost six decades for me to even figure this much out, and for the longest time I called this the Distance Factor, the unknown enigma where they do not get that close for some unknown reason. But after coming to grips with this approach, I wondered what would happen if I applied that principle to my overall picture.
The bottom line for this first event rests on the single idea that nothing was learned; it was an experience that, although odd and possibly could be called a dream, is consistent with other reports that paint a similar picture of a lit up room followed by an arrival. There was no abduction or contact as we usually read about, but then that has never happened to me that I know of. Categorizing this event is easy since there is no hard data to deal with; and even the sleep paralysis explanation does not fit because that never happened. It simply becomes a beginning picture, a starting place that generates “interest” and nothing more. This is something I can fall back on and ponder, but nothing else of value exists here. These types of events I log as entertainment value only, and the constructivist method calls the schema: ‘Piaget defined a schema as the mental representation of an associated set of perceptions, ideas, and / or actions. Piaget considered schemata to be the basic building blocks of thinking (Woolfolk, 1987).’
Piaget's Constructivism - Emerging Perspectives on Learning, Teaching and Technology

Second experience: The next morning (?) as I was getting dressed for school.
From my notes:
On top of all of this, there was one more piece that I believe happened the next day as I was getting dressed for school; it was just an odd thought that ran very noticeably through my head; what I today call intrusive thoughts.
What ran through my head that morning was the single line: ‘The Catholic Church is wrong.’ What does a child that young do with a thought like THAT? Why would a strong thought like that even enter my little head? I look at my grandchildren today and run that scenario through my mind, and I can see that thought is WAY beyond anything they would entertain. So then, what was it … an inner expression of my own feelings about Catholic school in the ‘50s, or my first - message? I will say that after all of these years what ran through my head that morning was right, just not for any reason you would think of.

How to deal with this event:
So, if memory serves correctly here, during the night there was a lit-up bedroom event, complete with an arrival, and the next day this thought literally hit me from out of nowhere. My first question would be - why pick on the Catholic Church? I believe the answer is as simple as that was all I knew about regarding Christianity, which would be the main focus. I remember a bit later in my young life learning about some group called the Protestants, and they were dead wrong and going to Hell. Then there was some other group called the Jews, and I had no idea how they fit into the picture. This gives you a small idea of what I knew about this subject at that age.
This episode would be my first piece of information, and the only risk here is that if I considered it to be unimportant (I mean really, I was only five), I would forget about it entirely. But oddly that never happened; it was always playing somewhere in the back of my mind. If nothing else, it kept ‘interest’ alive.

All the events in my life followed that "piece by piece" idea ... follow the bouncing ball so to speak. They never told me anything ... I had to do it all.
Well I'll certainly agree that the super wave event is upon us. It is easily realized in the research into all of the planets in our solar system warming up , (to put it simply).
Your beginning experience plays out much the same as mine...definite strong thoughts in my head that could not have come from outside sources. The "why target the young is a no brainer, agreed. The real question is why target specific people ? And by this I mean, it 'has' to be specific not random people. Is it a bloodline, a certain gene, ability, agreement, voluntary, etc. There are so many possible answers that all seem to play in to the equation...So I ask you , is this a question you have found an answer to ? And if so, please do tell. (note that I do have an answer, I am just still looking to see if others agree or have similar answers to mine, to help gauge who else is involved and also pinpoint my accuracy in my conclusion.) I already have a good feeling that you are one and know...
Without hijacking your thread and going in to too much detail of myself, I will tell you this, I am 39 and I've been learning and living this life incorporating all the while this reality with the other. (for it does at times make you doubt your sanity and wonder what is going on). I am comfortable now in 'who I am' and have been for about 8 yrs. now. After much learning and soul searching , I then took to meditating to truly learn from within. This has been by far the most rewarding and freeing of the benefits of knowledge aquired in this lifetime. I am calmed and centered, have been prepared in many ways for the present and future, and am ready to face it and embrace it...I am still a student but I am also a teacher. (and I know now that I am not alone.)
Yikes OC!
I had no idea you were a New Yorker as I am.
I was a Bronx Boy till 1981 when I moved to Brooklyn East New York where the shit hit the fan.
Till then I had comforted myself with the vivid dreams story that my mom gave me when I told her about the things that came through the window into my two brother's and my bed room at night from the air shaft or the alley as I called it back then.
Even though while in the Bronx I had some amazing sightings of UFOS and saucers, but because they were always with many other witnesses I never thought they had anything to really do with me.
That all changed when I hit Brooklyn, or better to say when Brooklyn hit me.
Please see this article this was happening to me in the Bronx at the same time you were having your what ever it was that you choose to call it.

Point of interest.​
I am shitting bricks now.​
My Chow Fox has suddenly jumped up and charged my locked and gated Guess Room, and is standing there snarling and growling at the door.​
All my windows are locked and gated, so I know there can be no one in there. but I'll be damned if I am going to unlock that gate and door tonight to see what's up.​
If its "The Guys" locks and gates won't matter anyway.​
NO sleep in Brooklyn tonight.​
I need to stop talking about this shit.​
Well I'll certainly agree that the super wave event is upon us. It is easily realized in the research into all of the planets in our solar system warming up , (to put it simply).

My approach to what is coming is based on literally the worst of all my experiences. Worst because I was in a car wreck, literally had the whiplash from hell and acquired a brain injury from it. Of course it was during this time that a completely different experience event happened - I "heard" stuff in my sleep that woke me up. I needed that like I needed a hole in my head because there was an excellent chance this was a crash related psychotic event. I went through everything more times than you could believe, reached final conclusions that it was a real event, presented the data to the psychotherapist who agreed to look at my experiences (this was the event he was waiting patiently for LOL), and after all was said and done, it was the data that proved it was a real event. The thing that bothers me about the event picture is the wording - it was called "the end of the road". Now I can speculate on what that means, and it isn't a pretty picture. The superwave arrival will hit us with a gravity wave and an EMP. If all the electric goes down on the planet, and the nuclear power plants shut down, we are screwed. Then if the gravity wave sets off volcanic eruptions and earthquakes - well, I surely don't want to be here. By the time the cosmic dust influx begins ... who'll care.

Your beginning experience plays out much the same as mine...definite strong thoughts in my head that could not have come from outside sources.

I call them Intrusive Thoughts. They could be eureka moments, or just random thoughts surfacing - or, they could be contact events. I leave it to the data to decide.

The "why target the young is a no brainer, agreed. The real question is why target specific people ? And by this I mean, it 'has' to be specific not random people. Is it a bloodline, a certain gene, ability, agreement, voluntary, etc. There are so many possible answers that all seem to play in to the equation...So I ask you , is this a question you have found an answer to ? And if so, please do tell. (note that I do have an answer, I am just still looking to see if others agree or have similar answers to mine, to help gauge who else is involved and also pinpoint my accuracy in my conclusion.) I already have a good feeling that you are one and know...

In all honesty - I can't see anything about myself that would make me a candidate to put me in this position over someone else. I was a regular guy growing up, did all the stupid things guys do, followed the rules of brain development for guys all the way down the line LOL - until one day, on November 5, 1970 at 11:23 AM - everything changed. I know exactly where I was, I know exactly what I was doing - and suddenly my brain opened up to a level I had never before experienced. It was that event that opened the door to a desire to study everything that popped into my head. Three years later, the "study" I knew was coming from my teen years began, and it went on from there. I haven't stopped since that day ... slowed down a BUNCH after the car crash - lost that ability I gained in 1970, but continued on like a motor without the turbo-charger that used to be there. Special? Me? - no. I don't buy it. "Someone" took a 1949 model human ... and turbo-charged it's brain. Outside of that, I'm just a guy.

Without hijacking your thread and going in to too much detail of myself, I will tell you this, I am 39 and I've been learning and living this life incorporating all the while this reality with the other. (for it does at times make you doubt your sanity and wonder what is going on).

Hence the reason I saw the shrink - I wanted to know - and now I do LOL.

I am comfortable now in 'who I am' and have been for about 8 yrs. now. After much learning and soul searching , I then took to meditating to truly learn from within. This has been by far the most rewarding and freeing of the benefits of knowledge aquired in this lifetime. I am calmed and centered, have been prepared in many ways for the present and future, and am ready to face it and embrace it...I am still a student but I am also a teacher. (and I know now that I am not alone.)

I've loved it too ... but I think Campbell summed up everything for me:
"How to teach again, however, what has been taught correctly and incorrectly learned a thousand thousand times, throughout the millenniums of mankind's prudent folly." ... "The easy thing is to commit the whole community to the devil and retire again into the heavenly rock dwelling, close the door, and make it fast." — Joseph Campbell
I LOVE looking at the old apartment on Google Earth - and "driving" down the old streets on 'street view' ... Damn - was it really that long ago? :(
Forgive my ignorance, but what is this "superwave" you guys keep talking about as if it's like something normal? It sounds a little woo-woo to me.

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