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sigh the return of the birthers...

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I honestly do not know what thre birthers have to gain...if they are right and obama is removed...guess who becomes pres? Not john mcan or mitt...joe bieden! They can have an election declard invalad....
Besides everybody knows that Obama was "born" right here in the lower 48....underground at Dulce. That's Right, he's one of "them"

But seriously, I think the birther nonsense died when it was revealed that Senator Rafael Edward "Ted" Cruz was born in Canada to a woman who was a U.S. citizen. That makes him a citizen of the U.S. and thus eligible to be president. So even if the unproven claim that Obama was born in Kenya was true, he would be a natural born citizen because of his mother. Oh yes, Cruz is white. Well actually Latin.
It's just noise. They are so desperate for something to scream about, and so dull they can't come up with something that isn't idiotic, that it's just pathetic. It's a joke. A bad joke.
I don't care where he was born. He should be impeached. Soon.

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OK, that would make Joe Biden president.

Besides, why would you want the criminals in the Congress to try the criminals you perceive to be in the White House?
Looks down just shaking his head, thinking...how could anyone with any degree of decency or intelligence support ANYONE that has been in our white house over the course of the last 75 years? Who cares about Prince Obozo and the latest group of white house thugs? I certainly don't. It's just more of the same.

When will people get real? It's us that are being dishonest. Politicians should stop being referred to as dishonest and we should just start calling them what they really are. Namely, cruel.

Right now, this very second, not one of us that participates in this forum, that hales from the united states, is ANY different than those who Obama pretends to be interested in rescuing. WE are slaves! Wake up!!
Problem is no one called for bush to be removed like this. It seems that they will try anything to get rid of Obama.

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Good. But why do you impeach Obama, except for partisan-manufactured non-scandals? Sure he's messed up big time, as with that stupid promise "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. Period," which was no doubt urged on by the idiots on his team. But none of that rises to an impeachable offense.
He should be impeached for bombing the crap outta more countries than bush, for lying, for hiring ex Monsanto and Goldman Sachs people etc etc etc etc...

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During the French Revolution Thomas Jefferson wrote a letter supporting the crown. The revolutionary government sentenced Jefferson to death in abstena he of course was never exerdited if Obama is found guilty you know nothing will come of it. ..

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Problem is no one called for bush to be removed like this. It seems that they will try anything to get rid of Obama.

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Before I go into this, which certainly won't be too much, but I have to say honestly, I like you guys too much to discuss much about the USA's politically criminal farce. You simply cannot be expected to "see" things from my perspective and I *DO* respect all your positions. I have just had it with this BS and I WILL call a spade a spade.

R you kidding me vesvehighfolk? The media and Democrats did NOTHING but persecute W. They constantly called for his removal and for his being tried for his illegal middle east engagements along with his buddies. Please don't pretend that Obama is being anymore persecuted than the idiot before him. That's just bullshit and I have to wonder, do you live in the USA? Because for 6 of the 8 years that his majesty was in office, they (the fake opposite side) did nothing but hound the guy for being criminally stupid.

Don't you remember all the "Monkey Boy", "he ain't my president" that was going around when Georgy was in office? Come on! Please, for the sake of intelligent and unbiased context, lets at least be fair. Don't be the victim of media brain washing. It's such an insult to have to live this lie. It's NOT what this USA is supposed to be and I hate it.

rant over...sorry...but I do think they would all make better Christmas ornaments than they do career criminal politicians.
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Pixel, just give it up dude. The only thing more hypocritical than a right winger is a left winger. Free speech for everybody as long as they march lockstep with libs and call all conservatives racist. I'm not a conservative by the way. I just don't lean so far left my brains fall out. It's why I try to stay away from politics and organized religion.

Like my Dad said, "Get the facts and then decide what you believe...never label."
I watched a program quite a few years ago now, where someone took all of W's antics, ever captured on film- and put something like the "Benny Hill Show" music to it all. Example- the guy who took off both shoes and threw them at W's head.(W dodged both shoes with cat like reflexes) W's walking into a room and quick "back rub" to a woman who cringed like she was being groped by the devil.
There must have been a full half hour of hilarious footage, like the above mentioned.

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