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A question for UFO skeptics.

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The best part is I have lived long enough to see an actual UFO fairly close and observe it hovering for several minutes, wandering around as if looking for something, leave my sight over some trees, return right towards me, veer away and then get chased out of sight by a non existent fighter jet as I tried to catch it while driving 70-80 mph on black ice. It was a very cool experience that no one believes and makes me think that I would never tell anyone if I saw another. It is not worth the ridicule, laughing and strange looks from even the closest family member. Glad I had a witness.
Oh c'mon Pixel - you know fine it was a weather balloon! There is no such thing as a witness who knows what he sees - you are all mistaken!

Oh c'mon Pixel - you know fine it was a weather balloon! There is no such thing as a witness who knows what he sees - you are all mistaken!

i have never seen a weather balloon floating in -3 degrees, against snow going sideways at about 40 mph. my witness is a PMSing redhead that would rip Lances head off and s#it down his neck for doubting her.
Lance, you are always a breath of fresh air and reason. I'm sure others have said it, I really appreciate your contributions to this site and often look for your posts. You sir, have done your homework on many cases. So many investigators seem to rely on 3rd party heresay of "facts" and this is problematic for obvious reasons.

Still I myself have had a few experiences that make me wonder. I'm not saying its proof of ETH or something similar, but it does make me wonder. I also have a hard time discounting the sheer number of witnesses. Granted there is lots of inconsistency in witness reports and we could chalk it all up to misunderstandings, miscommunication, hoaxes, wishful thinking, etc. Often times humans selectively choose to look at the evidence. The fact is I am sure if you filtered the data you could also find compelling groups of eye witness reports for Jesus in potato chips, flying monkeys, insert-wild-fantasy-reality here. Looking simply at witness reports, we don't know of a way to distinguish those that reflect actual reality with those that reflect a false narrative. Especially when we have a culture that breeds memes and largely does not promote critical thinking. As for hard evidence.... as I have posted here before, I am compelled to believe, based on what I read of present research, humans will soon (in coming lifetimes) have technologies that transform biological life into digital life, nanotech that can transform your MGB into a Corvette with the flip of a switch, the ability to print out any object you desire from digital info and we will have electromagnetic devices that can erase your mind and influence your behavior; I look at this tech and I think to myself.... advanced civilizations will likely be like nothing we can comprehend. "Beings" and "objects" in these civilizations will be highly amorphous and abstract from our level of understanding and perspective. Nor would I expect that civilization to have motives anything like ours: namely self sustainment. At a high level of technology, with the ability to harness enormous energy and computation, I think the universe would be reduced to a plaything and perhaps a curiosity, assuming there are limits to knowledge of our existence. I would expect a highly advanced civilization should have no problem dropping in on our most private and public activities, undetected should they choose, and leaving without humans having any clue what the hell just happened. So that all fits the UFO narrative nicely. In the end I am agnostic as to UFOs. They are probably out there, but I'm not sure they're here.

Sorry if this has been asked of you before, but are there any cases that at least make you scratch your head? Cases that would make your top 10 so to speak? Presumably cases you have looked into? I have seen your blog (keep it up!) and you have done a good job providing possible other explanations for some famous cases.
The best part is I have lived long enough to see an actual UFO fairly close and observe it hovering for several minutes, wandering around as if looking for something, leave my sight over some trees, return right towards me, veer away and then get chased out of sight by a non existent fighter jet as I tried to catch it while driving 70-80 mph on black ice. It was a very cool experience that no one believes and makes me think that I would never tell anyone if I saw another. It is not worth the ridicule, laughing and strange looks from even the closest family member. Glad I had a witness.

Have you ever sketched the thing? Did it fit one of these categories?

ufopattern.gifUFO shapes .jpgufoarray.jpgufo_evolution.jpg
those are cool charts! it was a little after 10 pm, dark and a nasty very cold blizzard so it was not real clear. this thing was so low to the ground all i really saw was a side view that was somewhat cigar shaped. but when it rotated the lights on the side changed so i tend to think it was maybe triangle shaped with different lighting on the back. maybe like 9F above with sharper corners like a skinny rectangle. it also had a single reddish colored light on the bottom in the middle. the sides had a row of white lights and what i assume was the back had only 2 white/yellowish taller rectangle shaped lights that were visible as it moved slowly away from me and over some trees... as it cam back at me then veered to the south and picked up speed (it probably knew the jet was coming) the lights on the side were no longer visible but the red one on the bottom was still there... thats when i tried to catch it and a few minutes later i pulled over to try and jump out for a better pic and that is when the jet came over my head and chased it out of sight. as i recall it was a total of about a 20 minute sighting at least because we first noticed it from about a mile away on a parallel road.
@Cabal - That was a good post and as much as I like to poke fun at some debunking types, it is indeed true that it is equally important to look at both sides. I've said before we all have our biases and that includes me. I had one strange experience with another witness, but it was not a ufo sighting.

No-one on this forum I think need to illustrate how silly some 'believers' are - it is self-evident. But if anyone wants to see an example of the 'any explanation in a storm' practice of people like Phil Klass, please look at the JAL/Alaska incident on Bruce Maccabee's page. It actually makes painful reading in that a supposedly intelligent man could suggest the things he did. I can only think Klass was officially working to debunk. He could not be that stupid.

Great post - I haven't seen you here much (not been here long myself) and it's always nice to read a good thoughtful post.
those are cool charts! it was a little after 10 pm, dark and a nasty very cold blizzard so it was not real clear. this thing was so low to the ground all i really saw was a side view that was somewhat cigar shaped. but when it rotated the lights on the side changed so i tend to think it was maybe triangle shaped with different lighting on the back. maybe like 9F above with sharper corners like a skinny rectangle. it also had a single reddish colored light on the bottom in the middle. the sides had a row of white lights and what i assume was the back had only 2 white/yellowish taller rectangle shaped lights that were visible as it moved slowly away from me and over some trees... as it cam back at me then veered to the south and picked up speed (it probably knew the jet was coming) the lights on the side were no longer visible but the red one on the bottom was still there... thats when i tried to catch it and a few minutes later i pulled over to try and jump out for a better pic and that is when the jet came over my head and chased it out of sight. as i recall it was a total of about a 20 minute sighting at least because we first noticed it from about a mile away on a parallel road.

Pixel - are you saying you think the jet was actually there to chase it? Or it just buggered off when it approached? I agree - really cool chart Trained.
Pixel - are you saying you think the jet was actually there to chase it? Or it just buggered off when it approached? I agree - really cool chart Trained.

Thanks, but I didn't create any of those charts of course, they have been around in various forms for a while. It is interesting that the photo that 4F in the UFO matrix chart is taken from has pretty much been proven to be of a sucker-cup stuck to a piece of glass.
i know it was there to chase it. there is no other reason for a jet to be in that area or that low to the ground.
i called the airport tower on the 2 mile trip back home to report it and they said there were no aircraft in the area. i said bullshit, i just took a pic of the ufo and a small jet chased it out of the area, they said again there were no aircraft in the area would i like to be connected to FAA, i said yes and i was connected, FAA asked a few questions about what it looked like and then said there are no aircraft in the area. I said in a very stern tone YES there ARE aircraft in the area! He then hung up on me.
it is here on the forums somewhere. my copy was lost when a "back up" hard drive failed. i wanted to reformat an old drive so i purchased a new one, copied everything over to it, reformatted the old drive and as i was copying stuff back to it the NEW drive failed and I lost 250 gb of photos.

just picture a red squiggly line.
tomorrow i will post a map showing its movements and the path of the jet that chased it away. AND as a bonus i will show where i had my missing 20 minutes of time, where i "disappeared" of my route and where i "reappeared". yes i am serious.
Looking forward to it Pixel, as I said earlier - you cannot beat info first-hand from the witness. I will let you know (everyone) if I track the red squiggle photo down.