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A question for UFO skeptics.

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tomorrow i will post a map showing its movements and the path of the jet that chased it away. AND as a bonus i will show where i had my missing 20 minutes of time, where i "disappeared" of my route and where i "reappeared". yes i am serious.

Missing time? Very interesting, looking forward to hearing more about it. Have you ever explored what happened during those missing 20 minutes, either through hypnosis or maybe it coming out unintentionally in your dreams or something like that? I've experienced some missing time myself but I never wanted to do the whole hypnosis thing...
I have not read all of the thread so I don't know if this one has come up, but what about the The Valentich disappearance of 1978?

It is not hard evidence as far as physical items of a UFO but the fact that the incident was recorded and there has never been any trace of the plane found is kind of compelling in its way.
I agree Stoney - the Valentich case is good, esp cos he was reporting what was happening as it was happening to ATC. He specifically said it's not an aircraft. Also, as corroboration, about the same time a man walking on the beach on the coast of Oz, or Tazmania (cannot remember which), saw a green ufo and took a picture I think. Fred Valentich reported the object as green.

That case is in my top 5 for sure.
I agree Stoney - the Valentich case is good, esp cos he was reporting what was happening as it was happening to ATC. He specifically said it's not an aircraft. Also, as corroboration, about the same time a man walking on the beach on the coast of Oz, or Tazmania (cannot remember which), saw a green ufo and took a picture I think. Fred Valentich reported the object as green.

That case is in my top 5 for sure.

I have read that Phillip Klass debunked this story by claiming the Valentich family were drug smugglers and that he faked his disappearance to cover his drug dealings. The family was very understandably furious because there was zero evidence for such slander, Apparently Klass spun this yarn out of thin air.
Good link Exo - I remember Bob being on the Paracast and it was an excellent show. One of those shows where you don't know who the guest is or what they are about until you hear it.

If Bob's blob (!) of metal does show weird properties etc, I am still not surprised if there has been no major story made of it. It is amazing how powerful the media can be in not publicising things.
those are cool charts! it was a little after 10 pm, dark and a nasty very cold blizzard so it was not real clear. this thing was so low to the ground all i really saw was a side view that was somewhat cigar shaped. but when it rotated the lights on the side changed so i tend to think it was maybe triangle shaped with different lighting on the back. maybe like 9F above with sharper corners like a skinny rectangle. it also had a single reddish colored light on the bottom in the middle. the sides had a row of white lights and what i assume was the back had only 2 white/yellowish taller rectangle shaped lights that were visible as it moved slowly away from me and over some trees... as it cam back at me then veered to the south and picked up speed (it probably knew the jet was coming) the lights on the side were no longer visible but the red one on the bottom was still there... thats when i tried to catch it and a few minutes later i pulled over to try and jump out for a better pic and that is when the jet came over my head and chased it out of sight. as i recall it was a total of about a 20 minute sighting at least because we first noticed it from about a mile away on a parallel road.

I hope you don't mind if I ask a few questions.

  1. Did the object ever appear between you and another fixed object in the background such as trees, buildings ( whatever ) so that you could get a reasonable fix on its size and distance? If yes please elaborate.
  2. Given the darkness, blizzard conditions, and limited visibility, without further details the description could fit that of another vehicle such as a semi-trailer on a parallel roadway ( ref quotes: "... like a skinny rectangle with lights" and "because we first noticed it from about a mile away on a parallel road" ). Also, semi-trailers often have a single red light in the bottom middle and it isn't uncommon for them to have a row of white lights along the trailer. It may have appeared to have moved up and away over the trees because it was turning up and out over some elevated turnpike that you couldn't see because of the darkness, the blizzard, and trees in the way. Anyway, I'm not saying that is what you saw, but what I'm asking for are details that would eliminate this or similar possibilities. Another example would be that given the conditions, a stationary object such as a building or billboard off in the distance might seem to move because of the relative motion of your vehicle against the background ( a parallax effect ). How do you know it wasn't something like that?
  3. Are there any features of your experience that would distinguish the object as a UFO ( alien craft ) as opposed to a UAP ( unidentified aerial phenomenon ... something possibly manmade or natural ). For example did it make any unmistakable maneuvers that indicate it was both under intelligent control and beyond our own technology?
Thanks ... looking forward to your reply!
Here is the posting where pixel attaches the photo.

Here is the photo.

i am at home and have to tale off to my studio very soon but i will post the map and answer the questions above in detail. thanks trainedobserver for finding that. it really does NOT indicate what it looked like tho. it didn't squiggle that that in the sky. it was moving in a straight line and the squiggly happened in the long exposure and me being blow around by the high winds. i will mark on my map later where it was when i took this pic. also the light was more reddish than this shows. this light was the one on the bottom all other lights on the sides were not visible when it started moving away from us and remained off the rest of the sighting.
I hope you don't mind if I ask a few questions.

  1. Did the object ever appear between you and another fixed object in the background such as trees, buildings ( whatever ) so that you could get a reasonable fix on its size and distance? If yes please elaborate.
  2. Given the darkness, blizzard conditions, and limited visibility, without further details the description could fit that of another vehicle such as a semi-trailer on a parallel roadway ( ref quotes: "... like a skinny rectangle with lights" and "because we first noticed it from about a mile away on a parallel road" ). Also, semi-trailers often have a single red light in the bottom middle and it isn't uncommon for them to have a row of white lights along the trailer. It may have appeared to have moved up and away over the trees because it was turning up and out over some elevated turnpike that you couldn't see because of the darkness, the blizzard, and trees in the way. Anyway, I'm not saying that is what you saw, but what I'm asking for are details that would eliminate this or similar possibilities. Another example would be that given the conditions, a stationary object such as a building or billboard off in the distance might seem to move because of the relative motion of your vehicle against the background ( a parallax effect ). How do you know it wasn't something like that?
  3. Are there any features of your experience that would distinguish the object as a UFO ( alien craft ) as opposed to a UAP ( unidentified aerial phenomenon ... something possibly manmade or natural ). For example did it make any unmistakable maneuvers that indicate it was both under intelligent control and beyond our own technology?
Thanks ... looking forward to your reply!

1. no but it was hovering over a field and then moved over some trees and out of sight for a few minutes. it was probably between 40 and 80 feet long. i know that is a big difference but it was dark and poor visibility.
2. when you see the map you will see it was not a sign, house, tower, semi or any other road based vehicle.
3. not really, we live across the road from a small ultra light and small aircraft grass runway airport so i see ALL kinds of small aircraft of different configurations, we are also on a normal flight path for the local medivac helicopter that tends to follow the main roads to crash sites, i have had experience with small aircraft and have flown them many times since a kid because my uncle built an airplane and had a small airport on his farm. he would get the plane in the air and let me take over so i am no stranger to small aircraft. I do not know of any small aircraft that would have attempted to fly in that weather much less hover around and not appear to be doing anything but observing. it did not dart around at right angles but it was able to hover motionless (from 2 miles away i first thought it was a tower light) then pick up considerable speed. even as the jet chased it away it stayed at approximately the same altitude until it was out of sight.
Missing time? Very interesting, looking forward to hearing more about it. Have you ever explored what happened during those missing 20 minutes, either through hypnosis or maybe it coming out unintentionally in your dreams or something like that? I've experienced some missing time myself but I never wanted to do the whole hypnosis thing...
Muadib i just gotta get to work so i will answer this later. I am very interested in your missing time experience. please share here or in a pm please!
it is here on the forums somewhere. my copy was lost when a "back up" hard drive failed. i wanted to reformat an old drive so i purchased a new one, copied everything over to it, reformatted the old drive and as i was copying stuff back to it the NEW drive failed and I lost 250 gb of photos.

just picture a red squiggly line.

Hi Pixelsmith.
Is this the photo that you are refering to?
UFO/Alien video thread | The Paracast Community Forums

Update: Just saw that "trainedobserver" also located it at the previous page, so ignore this post.
Here is a map of the sighting and my missing time episode.
1. this is where i last remember i was on my daily route home.
2. this is where i "woke up" driving at about 2 mph and very confused.
the missing time episode was about a year earlier to the UFO sighting and i will tell you more about that later.
3. this is where my girlfriend first spotted the ufo and we both thought maybe a new tower was installed in the area but we decide the light on top was way to big. it sat motionless all the way to my #5 location. the black dot with red circle is where we first spotted it.
4. this is where we had to stop for a stop sign and watched the thing sit there hovering. we could tell at this point it was NOT a tower light and could see white lights along the edge. we started to think maybe the medivac helicopter was hovering but realized it was way to big for that and had way too many lights and nothing blinking. we had a car pull up behind us so we proceeded across the highway and pulled over at #5.
5. this is where I got out to get a better look and it started to slowly move away to where i could not see it anymore because of trees and weather conditions. I got back in the car and girlfriend and i exchanged WTF'S!!! as i was about to leave we saw it coming back towards us and i got out of the car again. this where when i realized i had my new pocket camera in the back seat. i left my pro camera at my studio because i had just bought the little one. i went back to the car to get it and saw it started to veer off and pick up speed. i jumped back in the car with camera in hand and proceed to chase it. i pulled over quickly at #6
6. this is where i tried to get a shot but the flash was going off and did not capture a thing, i quickly figured out how to turn flash off (this was my 2nd time trying this camera out and did not know its features yet) i fired of 3 shots but it was so damn cold and windy they didnt turn out well as you can see. it was getting away and veering south so i chased it on black ice up to around 80 mph and was driving right next to it and managed to get a little ahead of it to where i thought i might be able to try and stop to get a better shot because it was basically right outside the right side of my car and only about 400 yards or so above me.
7. this is where i stopped and jumped out to take another pic i just brought the camera up and this jet came right over my head and scared the shit outta me. this is where i was basically in shock and was unable to even think about trying to get another photo. i understand now why lots of sighting are not photographed because a person is in sort of a shock and you do not want to miss seeing what is happening. hard to explain unless you have been in this situation. i then stood there and watched them fly side by side out of my sight. my jet markings are the direction i ASSUME the jet came from. i did not see the jet until i was at #7.
just above my #7 by the "42" is where i was already calling the airport to report the incident. i will post another map with terrain so you can get a better idea of what the area looks like. i believe the ufo was probably over a camping area with a small lake when it turned and came back towards me.
** i failed to mention that when it re appeared it popped straight up several hundred feet from where it disappeared then came back towards us and i believe when it started its more southernly route it might have been a little further away than what it shown.
Trained, thanks getting that phot. Pixel - well it really sounds like something out of the ordinary went down.

In the New Zealand TV doc in which a camera crew recorded a UFO on the inter-island mail run or whatever it was, there was a single frame that Bruce Maccabee pointed out for having a crazily-shaped trajectory in the space of one single frame. Our physics would dictate no object could change direction like that several times in 3-D space due to inertia.

Your red squiggle is eerily reminiscent of that New Zealand case. The filter questions USI put to you seem sensible enough as alternative explanations but that squiggle, depending on what you were doing when the image was captured, looks nothing like those other explanations to me.
Ah well, I did not read close enough that you def said the squiggle was not representative of what you saw! I was on a roll with my New Zealand analogy too.,.,.lol
that squiggly image is why i keep my sony a65 with me at all times now. even if i drive a mile away i throw my gear in the car. it would have been a heck of a shot capturing the jet and ufo going by!
You should be chuffed to have captured even one UFO on camera! I have never even seen one let alone photograph one.

It is a double-edged sword - the fact that camera phones are ubiquitous now, the problem of course being can you trust these digital images now?

If I lived in a proper country where the sun shines, I might indeed carry a camera but I don't get too many days that are not overcast and a million UFOs could go over me daily and I would not see any of them unless they were like below 150 ft!

I am starting to think that the clarity of your local skies is the single biggest factor into whether you might catch a UFO sighting or not. I am not sure if one country gets more UFO visits per square mile or not but actually being able to see the things, if there, may be the major reason.
Arthur C. Clarke said that if you have not seen a UFO you 'either are unobservant or live in a cloudy area' and I am sure he was being very serious. Most of us fail to look up at the sky most of the time anyway so probably another large factor is indeed how much time to you spend actually looking up? With most UFOs reported as silent, unless one comes right upon you, or you spot it far away on a clear day, you will no doubt miss it. I am consciously trying to pay more attention to the sky on a clear day but it's easy to forget here cos the time between clear days can be quite extensive! (Scotland's weather isn't terrible, it's just shit and there is no way to 'spin' that!).
Arthur C. Clarke said that if you have not seen a UFO you 'either are unobservant or live in a cloudy area' and I am sure he was being very serious ... "

Interesting quote, but of course Clarke was actually making a reference to simple unidentified objects in the sky and not UFOs ( alien craft ). But his intended point is still quite correct. I tend to look up more than most people and consequently I've seen more up there than most people. I've seen more than one UAP but only one UFO.