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August 14, 2016 — Walter Bosley with Alejandro Rojas

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I seriously doubt you would ever get Philip Imbrogno on the Paracast. I did a brief search and only found two interviews he did since 2011. I would imagine he would not talk to anyone unless they guaranteed the subject of his resume will not be discussed.
I don't want to have him on the show. NO WAY! He is an embarrassment to himself and has given the field a black-eye. Why would we want to give him more publicity? Isn't it obvious? The guy had a shrine to MIT in his house, wore an MIT ring and clothing. The guy has some deep routed worthiness and fantasy issues and the man needs serious help—help that he wouldn't get from us here on the Paracast!
I don't want to have him on the show. NO WAY! He is an embarrassment to himself and has given the field a black-eye. Why would we want to give him more publicity? Isn't it obvious? The guy had a shrine to MIT in his house, wore an MIT ring and clothing. The guy has some deep routed worthiness and fantasy issues and the man needs serious help—help that he wouldn't get from us here on the Paracast!
LOL, I believe you Chris!
Wrong Walter, I DO propose the careful application of psychedelics (psilocybin and natural entheogens) as a possible investigative tool. Of course their use would be monitored by investigators not 'under the influence.' The wheel's broke dude, we need to get creative!

Too bad you don't live in the NJ area as I'd like to do some experimentation with you. My one-time experimentation session was very nice and my wife and I remember it to this day.
Wrong Walter, I DO propose the careful application of psychedelics (psilocybin and natural entheogens) as a possible investigative tool. Of course their use would be monitored by investigators not 'under the influence.' The wheel's broke dude, we need to get creative!

I briefly discuss my accidental experience with this in my new book so I won't bore anyone with it here :)
Yeah, but you're still listening! As to your critique of the show, what you've stated is a total crock of shit! We want the truth, period! If we ask tough questions, good—somebody has to drill down. As for guests, you are absolutely right. There are some who wouldn't dare come on the show because we would expose their BS to our discerning audience. If you don't like what we do and how we do it, that's YOUR problem and you'll deal with it.

Hence my sarcasm and my sarcastic NDT statement. You guys are out searching for this legitimate scientific "the truth" in a field where that is probably impossible. You write about this yourself, when appealing to the "trickster" element that purposely evades the "truth." Also, I don't find your questions that good. Just sarcastic questions usually followed by arrogant laughing. Additionally, you say there are others who won't come one because you would expose "their BS" to your discerning audience. Again, why do you get to pick and choose what is BS, invite the guest on and hear what they have to say before pre-judging them. You miss out on many guests, because they don't want to come on and deal with gotcha journalism in a field that in inherently very bizarre. You actually tried to "expose" Walter, in a sense, by blindly ambushing him with Rojas. Based on a few posts by some "discerning listeners" they have concluded just that, i.e., Walter was SMACKED DOWN! So mission accomplished.

FYI: I only listened to this episode because I like Walter, and I read a little blurb online where someone said he was "smacked down" by Rojoas....I had to tune in to hear the the BS that took place, and it was, in my opinion, just that.
...You actually tried to "expose" Walter, in a sense, by blindly ambushing him with Rojas. Based on a few posts by some "discerning listeners" they have concluded just that, i.e., Walter was SMACKED DOWN! So mission accomplished....
Again, BS! I had nothing to do w/ bring Alejandro on the show. That was completely and unilaterally Gene's idea. I found out seconds before we brought Walter on! I actually am a fan of Walter's work and agree that there is a high probably that a small population of uber-elites that have access to exotic technology. If you actually had listened to the show, you would have heard me arguing w/ Alejandro and insisting that he should do more research before dismissing the subject out-of-hand. Sheesh, I damned if I do and vilified if I don't!
Well, well, well, he finally cracked! So, you now think that this could be an investigative avenue to take. I've FINALLY broke through!

Face it Randall: The UFO investigative wheel is not only broken, it is shredded, off the vehicle, it has flown off the cliff to be mistaken as an internet hoax. I would say that after almost 70 years with very little (if any) progress that we should be getting creative in our efforts and I know that psychedelic awareness (and I agree, if properly applied) will provide investigators w/ breathtaking breakthroughs in understanding. And since you are so hung up on accreditations, diplomas, degrees and other sniffy educational validity, I have invited Rick Strassman to be a guest on the Paracast. He has all these degrees and is one of only a handful of brave scientists willing to jeopardize his career and study psychedelics. He has had to deal w/ the bullshit stigma that has been leveled at these wonderful substances (like you do) but has managed to damn the torpedoes and forge ahead to reveal what shaman have been saying for thousands of of years. But, since he has you precious establishment credentials, he has been taken seriously. You bet your ass I am going to bounce some very interesting questions off him and we'll see what Dr. expert has to say about your fears and trepidation around the subject.
Withoutlimits09, I think you have been watching too much WWE. Perhaps you should ask Walter Bosley if he was 'Smacked Down.' It normally comes down to this. If you don't like the program, find something else to listen to. The hosts aren't going to change their approach just because you don't approve. Maybe a change to Coast to Coast is in order.
I think Alejandro's comments are correct there is no sound evidence that there is a conspiracy in the press and the evidence for these break away societys is small The ET question is different it is one of a number of things mass hysteria thought forms.?Goverment experiments.? Or beings who co exist which we are simply out of phase with like a fish would be if you lifted him out of water and showed him our world.The latter being my favourite and I think most likely theory.
Hence my sarcasm and my sarcastic NDT statement. You guys are out searching for this legitimate scientific "the truth" in a field where that is probably impossible. You write about this yourself, when appealing to the "trickster" element that purposely evades the "truth." Also, I don't find your questions that good. Just sarcastic questions usually followed by arrogant laughing. Additionally, you say there are others who won't come one because you would expose "their BS" to your discerning audience. Again, why do you get to pick and choose what is BS, invite the guest on and hear what they have to say before pre-judging them. You miss out on many guests, because they don't want to come on and deal with gotcha journalism in a field that in inherently very bizarre. You actually tried to "expose" Walter, in a sense, by blindly ambushing him with Rojas. Based on a few posts by some "discerning listeners" they have concluded just that, i.e., Walter was SMACKED DOWN! So mission accomplished.

FYI: I only listened to this episode because I like Walter, and I read a little blurb online where someone said he was "smacked down" by Rojoas....I had to tune in to hear the the BS that took place, and it was, in my opinion, just that.[/QUOTE
Hence my sarcasm and my sarcastic NDT statement. You guys are out searching for this legitimate scientific "the truth" in a field where that is probably impossible. You write about this yourself, when appealing to the "trickster" element that purposely evades the "truth." Also, I don't find your questions that good. Just sarcastic questions usually followed by arrogant laughing. Additionally, you say there are others who won't come one because you would expose "their BS" to your discerning audience. Again, why do you get to pick and choose what is BS, invite the guest on and hear what they have to say before pre-judging them. You miss out on many guests, because they don't want to come on and deal with gotcha journalism in a field that in inherently very bizarre. You actually tried to "expose" Walter, in a sense, by blindly ambushing him with Rojas. Based on a few posts by some "discerning listeners" they have concluded just that, i.e., Walter was SMACKED DOWN! So mission accomplished.

FYI: I only listened to this episode because I like Walter, and I read a little blurb online where someone said he was "smacked down" by Rojoas....I had to tune in to hear the the BS that took place, and it was, in my opinion, just that.
Are we supposed to accept everything
Hence my sarcasm and my sarcastic NDT statement. You guys are out searching for this legitimate scientific "the truth" in a field where that is probably impossible. You write about this yourself, when appealing to the "trickster" element that purposely evades the "truth." Also, I don't find your questions that good. Just sarcastic questions usually followed by arrogant laughing. Additionally, you say there are others who won't come one because you would expose "their BS" to your discerning audience. Again, why do you get to pick and choose what is BS, invite the guest on and hear what they have to say before pre-judging them. You miss out on many guests, because they don't want to come on and deal with gotcha journalism in a field that in inherently very bizarre. You actually tried to "expose" Walter, in a sense, by blindly ambushing him with Rojas. Based on a few posts by some "discerning listeners" they have concluded just that, i.e., Walter was SMACKED DOWN! So mission accomplished.

FYI: I only listened to this episode because I like Walter, and I read a little blurb online where someone said he was "smacked down" by Rojoas....I had to tune in to hear the the BS that took place, and it was, in my opinion, just that.
Are we then to accept everything that every guest says then on face value?One of the reason I listen to the paracast is because questions are asked and if anything at times think Chris and Gene are to soft with guests and have told Gene so in the past.
If Walters evidence is that strong then it should stand on its own no matter what Chris,Gene or Alejandro say.
Are we then blindly to accept what every guest says one of the reasons I listen to the paracast is because questions are asked and If Walters evidence is so good it should stand alone no matter who asks the question.
A quote from my dead father if your wright you dont need to argue and if your wrong you cant afford to .
Ok guys,

Withoutlimits09: Thanks for the support! In fairness to the show, it has been rare that I've had to 'debate' on the show. In fact, I don't recall another instance. So I've had it fairly simple on The Paracast. :)

As regards other comments that suggest the breakaway theory is oh so ridiculous and thin on evidence made by people who are A OK with the ET theory, think about that. I'm not going to get into a bicker with ET people over their difficulty with breakaway theory. That's because we are both proponents of an extraordinary proposal. It would be like those people who say they believe in angels but not demons, or a ghost hunter rejecting the concept of tulpas. Yes I have expressed an opinion about how much the ET camp credits their theory with the UFO phenomenon, but I never dismiss it nor say there is absolutely no evidence. I can respect a total skeptic who doesn't advocate either theory telling me he thinks I'm full of crap, but anyone who credits the ET theory to any degree being dismissive of breakaway theory is kinda being dumb. :)
And for the record -- again -- my position on breakaway civilizations is where I'm at. I am personally convinced I'm on the right track but I'm not ignorant enough to fall into the trap of saying you should agree based on my word or even works. You gotta decide that for yourself. If people want me to say 'This is the truth, this is what you should believe', you're not gonna hear that from me. :)
And for the record -- again -- my position on breakaway civilizations is where I'm at. I am personally convinced I'm on the right track but I'm not ignorant enough to fall into the trap of saying you should agree based on my word or even works. You gotta decide that for yourself. If people want me to say 'This is the truth, this is what you should believe', you're not gonna hear that from me. :)
Here is the breakaway society those who have and those who have not no master plan no group (except for the I am rich group) and the rest of us who are excluded because of lack of the knowledge or money to join in .
Here is the breakaway society. Those who have. And those who have not. No master plan, no group/ (except for the I am rich group) and the rest of us who are excluded because of lack of knowledge or money to join in
There you go Walter now with punctuation.I know you thought by making me look small it would make you look big.Which really says more about you and your evidence than about me.