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August 14, 2016 — Walter Bosley with Alejandro Rojas

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I don't recall Gene and Chris being particularly mean to anyone while they're interviewing them. True, they can be harsh in their commentary on some people when they discuss their appearance, but I don't recall them saying anything inappropriate. I recall that they asked David Jacobs a few tough questions and I don't recall them being disrespectful with Stanton Friedman; they just asked him a few questions that he didn't have the best answers for. Regarding Richard Dolan, they gave him some hard time over the Roswell Slides, but they were fair and allowed him to come on and respond to criticism. David Stinnet couldn't answer questions clearly, so they kept repeating their questions because his answers were so vague (e.g. Just look in the Bible). I think Chris was getting a little frustrated that he wasn't getting a clear answer of any kind.

In my opinion, your points are somewhat exaggerated.

You often have to listen to the NEXT episode where they talk about the previous one. That is where I find a lot of the sarcasm and arrogance.
I wasn't particularly talking about you. As for twitter, whatever—if you say so—me? I haven't a clue about innocuous bird sounds and how they are presented. I've been asked so many times to tweet, and to be perfectly honest, I don't have enough time in the day as it is and the last thing I want to do is pontificate sound bites to my potential fan base/cult-of-personality. Or tell people about the sandwich I'm having w/ grilled red peppers or (again) whatever...

TBH Chris I used 2 B like that & 2 an extent I refrain frm. tweeting a whole lot as my life is boring but twitter really does give U pretty good indicator of the public mood on a variety of things. I really don't follow a lot of people ( I do follow Walter Joshua Cutchin and Albert Rosales) I mostly follow news organizations but a quick search of trending hash tags will swamp you with a number of point of views and opinions on a myriad of events good , bad & obscene, including I'm willing to wager, #Sandwhiches & #GrilledRedPeppers
You often have to listen to the NEXT episode where they talk about the previous one. That is where I find a lot of the sarcasm and arrogance.

Right, I agree that they can be a bit harsh in their post-interview criticism sometimes, but I haven't seem them not be respectful to their guests during the interview.
Tell it to Gene. Evidently, he has little regard for my feeling or opinions in this regard as this is not the first time he's pulled this on me. I guess since I don't get paid, I should be taken for granted, so why tell me in advance there's a surprise guest coming on? As for your comments about our demeanor and approach with our guests, isn't it ironic... a couple of years ago we were getting chastised for being too easy on our guests, that we had laid over and were getting our tummies scratched. So, we tightened up our approach, asked tougher questions as requested, and now we are again getting chastised, but for the opposite reason! It's our show (well, Gene's) and we'll do whatever we want, however we want to and to whomever has the courage and honesty to be a guest on the show. OK, I was a bit grumpy last year having lost my closest best friend & brother, two ex-girlfriends who died, I fucking died and was lucky to be brought back. I was sick as a dog for over four months and my book of a lifetime was almost completely ignored by the field. You woulda been fucking grumpy too. I've turned the corner, but perhaps lost a small chunk of my charm. Get used to it already and please stop sounding like you are whining, ok buddy?
No surprise to Chris. He knew Alejandro would be on. No we didn't expect him to overreact that way to the breakaway civilization matter.
TBH Chris I used 2 B like that & 2 an extent I refrain frm. tweeting a whole lot as my life is boring but twitter really does give U pretty good indicator of the public mood on a variety of things. I really don't follow a lot of people ( I do follow Walter Joshua Cutchin and Albert Rosales) I mostly follow news organizations but a quick search of trending hash tags will swamp you with a number of point of views and opinions on a myriad of events good , bad & obscene, including I'm willing to wager, #Sandwhiches & #GrilledRedPeppers

Twitter sounds like a dialect of Newspeak.
TBH Chris I used 2 B like that & 2 an extent I refrain frm. tweeting a whole lot as my life is boring but twitter really does give U pretty good indicator of the public mood on a variety of things. I really don't follow a lot of people ( I do follow Walter Joshua Cutchin and Albert Rosales) I mostly follow news organizations but a quick search of trending hash tags will swamp you with a number of point of views and opinions on a myriad of events good , bad & obscene, including I'm willing to wager, #Sandwhiches & #GrilledRedPeppers
Well Twitter is different for me I only talk about Manchester United so its like talking about your hobby.
What I am finding as of late, that there are certain individuals who just won't let up.

They come in these flavors: 1. I have to have the last word on a subject. 2. You are wrong/ I am right and that is all there is to it. One other flavor to mention. The poster who likes to pick at an open wound until someone snaps at them and then they get all defensive.

I have cut back on posting because it is tiresome looking at these posts on a day to day basis.
I just think Chris maybe has something else on his mind. There's no falling out. He asked what happened to Alejandro when he ran late. He had a Skype issue.

Right now I have to move to a new place and I have no idea how I'll pay the move in cost.
I just think Chris maybe has something else on his mind. There's no falling out. He asked what happened to Alejandro when he ran late. He had a Skype issue.

Right now I have to move to a new place and I have no idea how I'll pay the move in cost.
Was in the same situation foutenn months ago so you have my sympathy. If you have a way of coming over here your welcome
I just think Chris maybe has something else on his mind. There's no falling out. He asked what happened to Alejandro when he ran late. He had a Skype issue.

Right now I have to move to a new place and I have no idea how I'll pay the move in cost.
Why can we not just get everyone in the forum to throw in 20 and they get free accesss to the paracast plus for a month
I knew only a few minutes before that he could appear.

So I let you know before we started as I said.

Remember when we had Red Pill Junkie on the Roswell Slides conference for the May 10, 2015 episode? I saw Richard Dolan online and told you when he said he could come on, because that's when I knew. Having a surprise guest of this sort from time to time ain't a bad idea. It can make for a great show.

I do try to keep you informed, as you do with me. And I'd never object if you grabbed a surprise guest and we put him on.
Yeah Gene, you TOLD me at the beginning of the show, you didn't say "what do you think about having Alejandro, etc" You unilaterally decided to invite him on the show and then mentioned it, correct?
We're a team, right? So, treat me like a teammate and again, please, don't spring last-minute guests on me without asking, thanks.