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August 14, 2016 — Walter Bosley with Alejandro Rojas

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Here is the breakaway society. Those who have. And those who have not. No master plan, no group/ (except for the I am rich group) and the rest of us who are excluded because of lack of knowledge or money to join in
There you go Walter now with punctuation.I know you thought by making me look small it would make you look big.Which really says more about you and your evidence than about me.

I think Walter asked for punctuation so he could make sure he could respond to your actual point and not guess as to what you meant (I had trouble understanding it as well). That's why he said he wasn't trying to be a dick.
Richard, you have managed to make yourself look small. YOU posted without punctuation. I asked for clarification and added a smiley face and said I wasn't doing it to be a dick. My intention was to see your point and say you may be right that it's not a conspiratorial plan and, though I disagree, I hope you're right that it's not so planned. But there you go getting all sensitive and menopausal. I still hope you're right, in spite of your misread on my intention. :)
It's always interesting around here when Walter's been on the show. Notice how no one acknowledges how gracious you are to follow up your appearances w/ a forum presence. Instead, some take the opportunity to go into attack mode. If you ain't in the crosshairs, I am or Gene is... what's up with that?
It's always interesting around here when Walter's been on the show. Notice how no one acknowledges how gracious you are to follow up your appearances w/ a forum presence. Instead, some take the opportunity to go into attack mode. If you ain't in the crosshairs, I am or Gene is... what's up with that?

For my part it's because I write and suggest and advocate things that certain people simply don't like. I also think it's a generational thing going on, too. I try to be accessible in order to clarify that I'm being more reasonable than my sometimes harsh critics might initially think. Or to clarify where I've stumbled in something I said on the show. But there are some guys who are contrary by nature. I have my ideas on that but would rather not open that can of stinky cheese. :)
It's always interesting around here when Walter's been on the show. Notice how no one acknowledges how gracious you are to follow up your appearances w/ a forum presence. Instead, some take the opportunity to go into attack mode. If you ain't in the crosshairs, I am or Gene is... what's up with that?
Chris I Honestly was not inattack mode I was simply giving my oppinion.However,when you are on twitter as often as I am you tend not to punctuate as it wastes a character you may need.
Ok guys,

Withoutlimits09: Thanks for the support! In fairness to the show, it has been rare that I've had to 'debate' on the show. In fact, I don't recall another instance. So I've had it fairly simple on The Paracast. :)

As regards other comments that suggest the breakaway theory is oh so ridiculous and thin on evidence made by people who are A OK with the ET theory, think about that. I'm not going to get into a bicker with ET people over their difficulty with breakaway theory. That's because we are both proponents of an extraordinary proposal. It would be like those people who say they believe in angels but not demons, or a ghost hunter rejecting the concept of tulpas. Yes I have expressed an opinion about how much the ET camp credits their theory with the UFO phenomenon, but I never dismiss it nor say there is absolutely no evidence. I can respect a total skeptic who doesn't advocate either theory telling me he thinks I'm full of crap, but anyone who credits the ET theory to any degree being dismissive of breakaway theory is kinda being dumb. :)

You're welcome, as you know I am a fan of your work, I find it fascinating even though I might not agree with everything. However, my tirade about this show, is only partly in support of you. I have been listening to this show for many many years now, and I have noticed a growing negative slant towards the whole field by these hosts. Far too many topics and guests are directly ridiculed by Gene and Chris. Although they like to suggest I should move on from this podcast if I don't like their style, I suggest they should move on from this field if they can't treat all of it (not just their pet topics) seriously or fairly. Unless you fall under a handful of guests Gene and Chris think are acceptable, look out, you might just be ambushed. Thus far, unless you are Paul Kimbell, Rojas, "Red Pill," or a handful of others, you might be walking into oncoming fire with little regard for your reputation or research. I thought the way they treated Stanton recently was disrespectful, I thought their interview with Jacobs was negative, even though I disagree with his work entirely. I think they ridiculed and beat to death Richard Dolan over the slides. Poor Margie Kay was raked over the coals, as was David Stinnett a little while ago. The list goes on and on.

This topic is inherently very bizarre and even seems to prey upon people who are less than credible, or who have some major character flaw. With that said, you can't take a generic, "we want to find the whole truth and nothing else" approach to these interviews.

I also find it concerning, the host of a show, doesn't know who the "surprise" caller will be, or what that guest will even talk about. This is radio 101....you figure out what any caller wants to talk about so there isn't these types of occurrences. However, lately this show has suffered, so this did liven it up a bit, however, it was really at Walter's expense, who really rolled with the punches well.
For my part it's because I write and suggest and advocate things that certain people simply don't like. I also think it's a generational thing going on, too. I try to be accessible in order to clarify that I'm being more reasonable than my sometimes harsh critics might initially think. Or to clarify where I've stumbled in something I said on the show. But there are some guys who are contrary by nature. I have my ideas on that but would rather not open that can of stinky cheese. :)
Well if its Generational Walter I am 58
Chris I Honestly was not inattack mode I was simply giving my oppinion.However,when you are on twitter as often as I am you tend not to punctuate as it wastes a character you may need.
I wasn't particularly talking about you. As for twitter, whatever—if you say so—me? I haven't a clue about innocuous bird sounds and how they are presented. I've been asked so many times to tweet, and to be perfectly honest, I don't have enough time in the day as it is and the last thing I want to do is pontificate sound bites to my potential fan base/cult-of-personality. Or tell people about the sandwich I'm having w/ grilled red peppers or (again) whatever...
You're welcome, as you know I am a fan of your work, I find it fascinating even though I might not agree with everything. However, my tirade about this show, is only partly in support of you. I have been listening to this show for many many years now, and I have noticed a growing negative slant towards the whole field by this show. Far too many topics and guests are directly ridiculed by Gene and Chris. Although they like to suggest I should move on from this podcast if I don't like their style, I suggest they should move on from this field if they can't treat all of it (not your pet topics) seriously or fairly. Unless you fall under a handful of guests Gene and Chris think are acceptable, look out, you might just be ambushed. Thus far, unless you are Paul Kimbell, Rojas, "Red Pill," or a handful of others, you might be walking into oncoming fire with little regard for your reputation or research. I thought the way they treated Stanton recently was disrespectful, I thought their interview with Jacobs was negative, even though I disagree with his work entirely. I think they ridiculed and beat to death Richard Dolan over the slides. Poor Margie Kay was raked over the coals, as was David Stinnett a little while ago. The list goes on and on.

This topic is inherently very bizarre and even seems to prey upon people who are less than credible, or who have some major character flaw. With that said, you can't take a generic, "we want to find the whole truth and nothing else" approach to these interviews.

I also find it concerning, the host of a show, doesn't know who the "surprise" caller will be, or what that guest will even talk about. This is radio 101....you figure out what any caller wants to talk about so there isn't these types of occurrences. However, lately this show has suffered, so this did liven it up a bit, however, it was really at Walter's expense, who really rolled with the punches well.
I think in all fairness Gene did Say in an earlier thread he did know Alejandro was going to call but not when.
"Well if its Generational Walter I am 58"

lol, There you have it. At 58, you are just older enough than me to be more affected by the prior generation who are greatly the producers of the generations I allude to. My point still stands. ;)

(I'm just having fun, Richard. :) Don't take it too personally.)
I wasn't particularly talking about you. As for twitter, whatever—if you say so—me? I haven't a clue about innocuous bird sounds and how they are presented. I've been asked so many times to tweet, and to be perfectly honest, I don't have enough time in the day as it is and the last thing I want to do is pontificate sound bites to my potential fan base/cult-of-personality. Or tell people about the sandwich I'm having w/ grilled red peppers or (again) whatever...
Well neither do I have time to talk about those subjects if I did then that would be sad.
"Well if its Generational Walter I am 58"

lol, There you have it. At 58, you are just older enough than me to be more affected by the prior generation who are greatly the producers of the generations I allude to. My point still stands. ;)

(I'm just having fun, Richard. :) Don't take it too personally.)
lol Good one Walter/Americans never cease to amaze me but I guess thats why I married a Texan.
...I also find it concerning, the host of a show, doesn't know who the "surprise" caller will be, or what that guest will even talk about. This is radio 101....
Tell it to Gene. Evidently, he has little regard for my feeling or opinions in this regard as this is not the first time he's pulled this on me. I guess since I don't get paid, I should be taken for granted, so why tell me in advance there's a surprise guest coming on? As for your comments about our demeanor and approach with our guests, isn't it ironic... a couple of years ago we were getting chastised for being too easy on our guests, that we had laid over and were getting our tummies scratched. So, we tightened up our approach, asked tougher questions as requested, and now we are again getting chastised, but for the opposite reason! It's our show (well, Gene's) and we'll do whatever we want, however we want to and to whomever has the courage and honesty to be a guest on the show. OK, I was a bit grumpy last year having lost my closest best friend & brother, two ex-girlfriends who died, I fucking died and was lucky to be brought back. I was sick as a dog for over four months and my book of a lifetime was almost completely ignored by the field. You woulda been fucking grumpy too. I've turned the corner, but perhaps lost a small chunk of my charm. Get used to it already and please stop sounding like you are whining, ok buddy?
This episode certainly caused a stir. I've only heard a little bit but am eagerly awaiting to hear the confrontation of the ages: Alejandro "Cut the Bull" Rojas vs. Walter "I'm Here To Make You Think" Bosley.
Tell it to Gene. Evidently, he has little regard for my feeling or opinions in this regard as this is not the first time he's pulled this on me. I guess since I don't get paid, I should be taken for granted, so why tell me in advance there's a surprise guest coming on? As for your comments about our demeanor and approach with our guests, isn't it ironic... a couple of years ago we were getting chastised for being too easy on our guests, that we had laid over and were getting our tummies scratched. So, we tightened up our approach, asked tougher questions as requested, and now we are again getting chastised, but for the opposite reason! It's our show (well, Gene's) and we'll do whatever we want, however we want to and to whomever has the courage and honesty to be a guest on the show. OK, I was a bit grumpy last year having lost my closest best friend & brother, two ex-girlfriends who died, I fucking died and was lucky to be brought back. I was sick as a dog for over four months and my book of a lifetime was almost completely ignored by the field. You woulda been fucking grumpy too. I've turned the corner, but perhaps lost a small chunk of my charm. Get used to it already and please stop sounding like you are whining, ok buddy?

You all just don't take criticism well at all. In response, you immediately start cursing and attacking those who speak out. It is rather unprofessional. You can ask tough questions without the sarcasm and arrogant laughing. With far too many recent guests you both sound like immature bullies picking on their crazy uncle at the dinner table. Rather than curse at your listeners while using profanity and degenerate language, try listening from time to time.
Tell it to Gene. Evidently, he has little regard for my feeling or opinions in this regard as this is not the first time he's pulled this on me. I guess since I don't get paid, I should be taken for granted, so why tell me in advance there's a surprise guest coming on? As for your comments about our demeanor and approach with our guests, isn't it ironic... a couple of years ago we were getting chastised for being too easy on our guests, that we had laid over and were getting our tummies scratched. So, we tightened up our approach, asked tougher questions as requested, and now we are again getting chastised, but for the opposite reason! It's our show (well, Gene's) and we'll do whatever we want, however we want to and to whomever has the courage and honesty to be a guest on the show. OK, I was a bit grumpy last year having lost my closest best friend & brother, two ex-girlfriends who died, I fucking died and was lucky to be brought back. I was sick as a dog for over four months and my book of a lifetime was almost completely ignored by the field. You woulda been fucking grumpy too. I've turned the corner, but perhaps lost a small chunk of my charm. Get used to it already and please stop sounding like you are whining, ok buddy?
Chris listen I know you and Gene have had a bad year but dont you and Gene start fighting over a forum post .
I lost my fifteen year old stepson in a car crash when he was 15 my first wife died seven years later with cancer.I live in Northern Ireland and by a pure chance meeting I have for the past ten years been married to a wonderful woman from Texas.
The point im making is things do not get easier but they do get better because you learn how to deal with it.My very best wishes Chris.Who would of thought Sundays programe would of endedd here.
I don't recall Gene and Chris being particularly mean to anyone while they're interviewing them. True, they can be harsh in their commentary on some people when they discuss their appearance, but I don't recall them saying anything inappropriate. I recall that they asked David Jacobs a few tough questions and I don't recall them being disrespectful with Stanton Friedman; they just asked him a few questions that he didn't have the best answers for. Regarding Richard Dolan, they gave him some hard time over the Roswell Slides, but they were fair and allowed him to come on and respond to criticism. David Stinnet couldn't answer questions clearly, so they kept repeating their questions because his answers were so vague (e.g. Just look in the Bible). I think Chris was getting a little frustrated that he wasn't getting a clear answer of any kind.

In my opinion, your points are somewhat exaggerated.