@ufology - your stance seems to me what
@Pharoah calls a
skeptical stance, a hard mysterianism:
The only place we have left to go is to figure out how the fundamental forces of nature are imparted onto our universe, and then consciousness becomes incidental. It's also a question science doesn't know how to answer with any certainty. It's the mystery of existence itself, and the only sense to be had of that is that our universe is some sort of simulation and the forces that we see imparted on it are therefore arbitrary variables of the construct. If that's true, then there are even more practical applications to be had if we can figure out how to interface with the system. But in the end, even that doesn't explain what's beyond whatever realm constructed this one, and so on in an infinite recursion.
There's just no answer other than to look at it all as some sort of amazing adventure for whatever species can advance far enough to explore it.
@Pharaoh is that correct? I hope my approach can be differentiated from this at least on the level of being helpful to your efforts. In other words, I want to adopt a stance of helpful criticism within the scope of your paper.