J. Randall Murphy
Same story as always. The problem with the logic is that just because there isn't any conclusive scientific evidence that the virus came from the Wuhan lab, doesn't automatically mean it mutated naturally. We could just as easily say that because there is no conclusive scientific evidence of zoonotic mutation, that the virus must have come from the lab.Another take on the W.H.O. Story about the origins:
Coronavirus Likely Came From Animal, Not Leaked From Laboratory, WHO Says — The Wall Street Journal
The virus that causes Covid-19 most likely jumped from one animal to another before entering the human population and is highly unlikely to have leaked from a laboratory, a leader of the WHO’s investigative team said at the end of a visit to Wuhan, China.apple.news
And make no mistake here, I've checked all the so-called scientific sources that claim the lab wasn't responsible, and they are simply opinions from scientists that aren't based on actual scientific research into that specific question, or if scientific research is cited, then the scientific possibilities that would make the lab theory possible given the evidence at hand are left out.
It's like if you came home and found your iMac gone and called the police to report it stolen, and they sent out a detective who concluded that because they found no signs of a forced entry, that there was no theft. Did they check the windows or question those who might have keys? No. And in the case of the virus, the whole area, including the market and the lab was sanitized and the evidence destroyed. Not even the least bit suspicious?
If they were so sure it didn't come from the lab, why bother sanitizing it and destroying all the samples of the very virus they claim SARS=CoV-2 mutated from? Hmm? If anything, that lab would be the single most valuable resource in stopping a zoonotic spread, and if it was secure, no decontamination would have been necessary.
So why then has there been such a heavy bias on the side of a zoonotic transmission when there is zero actual evidence for it? The following video makes some interesting observations, among them "Trump Derangement Syndrome" ...
Media finally ‘opening eyes’ to the truth about origins of COVID-19
Media finally ‘opening eyes’ to the truth about origins of COVID-19
Feb 8, 2021
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