I've met Muslims,Jews,Christians,religious groups of all kinds,Atheists,Witches and Wizards amongst all these groups I've met some of the nicest folks you'll meet I've also met some complete tools!.We are all fallible humans.
I agree there is a faction claiming the Muslim faith that are highly dangerous and skew their religion for evil purposes,however they are a tiny minority despite the media scare mongering.I grew up in the 70,s believing every Irish Catholic was either IRA or a sympathizer.As I matured I realised this was nonsense and now one of my closest friends is Irish Catholic.I truly believe there is a not so subtle campaign to divide us through fear,the ultimate goal escapes me at the moment but we must not fall for it.I policed for 20 years in several UK cities so I don't believe the world is all fluffy bunnies and unicorns but persecuting a whole religious group for the actions of a few never has been and never will be the answer.