Mr. Fibuli
Paranormal Adept
I agree with wwkirk all the way except that I don't have a problem with the secret Mars stuff, I have no way to know (knowing what I know) so to me it's 50/50.
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This on-going war of "the [Hopi] gourd of ashes." IMO is 'desert storm' validation that we are in that fabled time-period where chaos reigns koyaanisqatsi and the ants dance. Whatever. But, this IS a closed Newtonian system, every action has an equal reaction and if every action has its opposite. Today, novelty bouncing events careen around the supermeme like a pool game in quantum hyperdrive and the election year trumps all our conservation options.The Taliban still intends to kill...and they have proudly told us so...They’re not some moral error these people are struggling to correct. They reflect a sustained and conscious effort to put their best foot forward to the rest of the Muslim community. This behavior, which would otherwise be impossible to understand, makes perfect sense given their interpretation of Islam. And that’s the problem."
Is that the same Sam Harris who was very silent during the Israeli killings in Gaza ?Sam Harris understands the problem:
"The abysmal treatment of women, the hostility to free speech, the daily bloodletting between Sunni and Shia—these things have absolutely nothing to do with U.S. foreign policy or the founding of Israel ...The fact that we invaded Iraq is merely a background condition for a local explosion of jihadist triumphalism and horror—one that is fully explained by a commitment to a specific interpretation of Islamic scripture"
"There are (or were) Christians living in all these beleaguered countries. How many Christian suicide bombers have there been? Where are the Pakistani, Iraqi, Syrian, Egyptian, and Palestinian Christians who are blowing themselves up in crowds of noncombatants? Have there been any? I’m guessing there must have been a few, but the Muslim supply of such people is apparently inexhaustible. In every case, we’re talking about the same people, speaking same language, living in the same places, enduring the same material deprivation. In fact, the Christians of the Middle East have it worse. They’ve not only suffered the legacy of colonialism, they’ve been hounded out of their countries and often killed outright by their Muslim neighbors—and they still haven’t organized themselves into a death cult. What’s the difference that makes the difference? Religion."
"We can also look outside the Muslim world to see that mere injustice and inequality rarely produce such destructive behavior. Many countries in Latin America have legitimate grievances against the U.S. Where are the Guatemalan suicide bombers? Where are the Cherokee suicide bombers, for that matter? If oppression were enough, the Tibetans should have been practicing suicidal terrorism against the Chinese for decades. Instead, they practice self-immolation, for reasons that are totally understandable within the context of their own religious beliefs. Again, specific beliefs matter, and we deny this at our peril."
"Not every oppressed group readily becomes a death cult. Not every religious ideology can spawn ISIS. There is no reason for us to pretend that all belief systems are the same."
"Simply recall who we’re fighting—groups like al-Qaeda, the Taliban, and ISIS. These people kill doctors, aid workers, and journalists on purpose. They are telling us with every breath how they want the world to be. They are not saying, “Sorry guys, we just don’t have the weapons you have, and so we’re obliged to use asymmetric, seemingly barbaric tactics like burning people alive in cages, taking sex slaves, and crucifying children. However, all this savagery doesn’t reflect how we want to live at all. Sorry for shooting Malala in the head. We won’t behave like that once we build the Caliphate.”
On the contrary, the Taliban still intends to kill Malala, and they have proudly told us so. And the ghoulish videos we see streaming out of ISIS are not their My Lai massacre. They’re not some moral error these people are struggling to correct. They reflect a sustained and conscious effort to put their best foot forward to the rest of the Muslim community. This behavior, which would otherwise be impossible to understand, makes perfect sense given their interpretation of Islam. And that’s the problem."
Is that the same Sam Harris who was very silent during the Israeli killings in Gaza ?
Or the one who thinks torture is allowed ?
He was indeed a good guest. But personally, I don't buy all the "dates match another date, # of victims matches another #, magical lines, blah blah".Haven't gotten that far in podcast yet but was it this one?
He was indeed a good guest. But personally, I don't buy all the "dates match another date, # of victims matches another #, magical lines, blah blah".
I don't doubt that you are correct with your research. I just believe they are coincidences. You made for a great guest on the show - hope you come back sometime.Let me clarify what I'm saying because I think sometimes people assume I'm insisting I'm right about all my conclusions. The attacks did happen on the 100th anniversary of the girl's death. The number of victims did match her age: 14. The location of the attack is situated at the intersection of lines linked to my research. The terrorist wife did dedicate their attack to ISIS and the Egyptian identity of Hekate, the goddess associated with my research and the girl's death 100 years ago, is 'Isis'. These things are. What you make of them, of course, is up to you. This could indeed all be mere coincidence. It could all be nothing. I just state what I think.
Oh my fucking God. Gene, Walter, Chris, am I the only person who listened to this show and thought immediately of Ayn Rand and "Atlas Shrugged"????? This whole idea of " break a way groups" has been part of the zeitgeist for ever. How could the three of you especially Gene, not make the Ayn Rand connection? Walter, really??Walter was a good guest. But I still have difficulty accepting the breakaway civilization hypothesis, especially the idea that they have gone to Mars.
You know, having been a consumer of all of these ideas,Greg's, Chris's, Nick's, Vallees', ad infinitum ect., ect.,I have to agree with what I perceived a recent rant of Chris's said: we are going to hell in a hand basket, be it from a flaw in us, demons, the trickster, a penchant inherent in human beings towards Nazi leanings, greed, ignorance, whatever. Everything we call "paranormal" seems to be pointing to an apocalyptic end to humans. Whether we are caught up in some good versus evil battle or perhaps humans are fatally flawed,there seems to be no hope. Simply look at the environment problems, or even the Republican partyWalter?
Oh my fucking God. Gene, Walter, Chris, am I the only person who listened to this show and thought immediately of Ayn Rand and "Atlas Shrugged"????? This whole idea of " break a way groups" has been part of the zeitgeist for ever. How could the three of you especially Gene, not make the Ayn Rand connection? Walter, really??
You know, having been a consumer of all of these ideas,Greg's, Chris's, Nick's, Vallees', ad infinitum ect., ect.,I have to agree with what I perceived a recent rant of Chris's said: we are going to hell in a hand basket, be it from a flaw in us, demons, the trickster, a penchant inherent in human beings towards Nazi leanings, greed, ignorance, whatever. Everything we call "paranormal" seems to be pointing to an apocalyptic end to humans. Whether we are caught up in some good versus evil battle or perhaps humans are fatally flawed,there seems to be no hope. Simply look at the environment problems, or even the Republican party
There is no hope.
Yeah, I must apologize for my rant. Christmas has never been my best time! But in a recognition of Walter's synchronicity, after I posted my "Ayn Rand" rant, I decided to go to the laundromat. Right next door is a thrift store and laying on top of a donated box of books was "Atlas Shrugged". Had to, Take another deep breath. There will be no apocalyptic finale brought on by any human' flaws', that is a fantasy of materialistic deconstructionists who have watched too much Mad Max etc. Things may suck from time to time, but don't kill yourself yet.
Wow, Walter, I feel like a reactionary idiot.....o.k., I had also had a few beers. Please know I have followed you for years and totally get and respect your ideas. Have a great holiday. My bucket list includes some day meeting you and Gene, Chris, Greg, Paul, Tim B. and others. Robert. And yeah, the courtspark1960 is a Joni Mitchell homage.Excuse me? I have alluded to the whole John Galt scenario on various shows. In my view, Rand likely got the idea from rumors about the breakaways going around back then. Relax, take a deep breath. We in the breakaway field discuss and acknowledge Atlas Shrugged.
This on-going war of "the [Hopi] gourd of ashes." IMO is 'desert storm' validation that we are in that fabled time-period where chaos reigns koyaanisqatsi and the ants dance. Whatever. But, this IS a closed Newtonian system, every action has an equal reaction and if every action has its opposite. Today, novelty bouncing events careen around the supermeme like a pool game in quantum hyperdrive and the election year trumps all our conservation options.
Oh my.
What do we TRULY want? Is it heads or tails? Are we sure? Who said which it stands, indivisible with justice and freedom to all. And why does it matter?
heh-heh, did I say that?
Yeah, I must apologize for my rant. Christmas has never been my best time! But in a recognition of Walter's synchronicity, after I posted my "Ayn Rand" rant, I decided to go to the laundromat. Right next door is a thrift store and laying on top of a donated box of books was "Atlas Shrugged". Had to laugh.
Wow, Walter, I feel like a reactionary idiot.....o.k., I had also had a few beers. Please know I have followed you for years and totally get and respect your ideas. Have a great holiday. My bucket list includes some day meeting you and Gene, Chris, Greg, Paul, Tim B. and others. Robert. And yeah, the courtspark1960 is a Joni Mitchell homage.
I'd still like to know if any of the usual suspects (e.g. David Rockefeller, George Soros, Rothchilds, Henry Kissinger, Zbiegnew Brezhinski, etc.) are likely members of one of the Breakaway Civilizations.