"If you don't believe that anyone of Muslim heritage can be a decent person or not agree with what their country's leaders or religious leaders, you are as simple as thing." This is not even a sentence, and you call me "simple"?
Also, I never said anyone with Muslim heritage could not be a decent person. So, you are completely warping my statements. But since you can't write, I suppose you have difficultly comprehending what your read too.
You really can't get the gist of what I'm saying in that line of text your lordship? You really have to attack my crappy grammar?
Someone 86 this troll comma period.
Sometimes I'm glib with my use of language
I was just saying my peace, but you really undercut any notion that you actually care about what's going on in the world by attacking my sentence fragment.
I wasn't even trying to set you up you just stepped right in that one.
What I meant in that message that your perfect mind found so confusing is:
If you don't believe that anyone of Muslim heritage can be a decent person or not agree with what their country's leaders or religious leaders, you are as simple as thing.
THEY. HAVE. A. REFORMED. RATHER. THAN. ORTHODOX. VIEW. OF. RELIGION. AND. ARENT. FANATICAL. MURDERERS. AS. YOU. SUGGEST. ("...you must be simple as thing." was a backhanded insult meaning you're simple as fourletterword if you cant give any credence that a person who calls themselves Muslim can be anything but a dogmatic zealot, get it?). I was just trying to pull my punch and not make the message as provcative.
PS- I don't want a fight, but you are being rude, dismissive, willfully obtuse, and insulting.
PPS-There are no apostrophes in the contractions that are featured in that all-caps section
PPPS-Why am I writing this LOL
PPPPS- Banshee:
"But since you can't write, I suppose you have difficultly comprehending what
your read too."