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December 13, 2015 — Walter Bosley

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You are conflating a country with religion.
Am I? Tunisia jails six students for 'homosexuality': lawyer I can go on, and on. Pick your country Gene. If it is an Islamic Theocracy, there is State sanctioned (religious) violence. Islam is a religion based on a death cult. The "Prophet" was banned from Meca. He went out to the dessert and gathered follows there. He returned to Mecca and destroyed it. Every country sine that has fallen to Islam has done so through violence. This is the way Islam spreads and asserts it's control over populations. Through violence and death.
You are conflating a country with religion.
The mad attraction of Left to Islamofascism is a puzzle. I mean, show me an Islamic State, and I will show you a State that sanctions violence and discrimination of women and homosexuals! WTF ! Why doesn't the Left get this?
I'm wide awake thanks,I didn't realise Isis represented every Muslim on earth just as the IRA represented every Irish Catholic.
My point is, a Muslim doesn't have to be ISIS to be violent. Islam, is a violent religious dogma. Today. Not like Christianity during the dark ages. Today, in every country it is in where it becomes a majority, they persecute women and homosexuals. They stone to death their daughters if they go with a man Father does not approve of. This is what Muslim countries do anywhere they become a majority, that country is a theocracy, and that theocracy maintains control through violent oppression. What about that is attractive to you? Why would any western person defend that? I really, sincerely don't see how anyone that knows better, that was raised in a western, progressive, free, nation could think that that's the kind of people you would want indiscriminately invading your nation en mass.
My point is, a Muslim doesn't have to be ISIS to be violent. Islam, is a violent religious dogma. Today. Not like Christianity during the dark ages. Today, in every country it is in where it becomes a majority, they persecute women and homosexuals. They stone to death their daughters if they go with a man Father does not approve of. This is what Muslim countries do anywhere they become a majority, that country is a theocracy, and that theocracy maintains control through violent oppression. What about that is attractive to you? Why would any western person defend that? I really, sincerely don't see how anyone that knows better, that was raised in a western, progressive, free, nation could think that that's the kind of people you would want indiscriminately invading your nation en mass.
I'm not disagreeing with what you say about the fanatics,state lead or otherwise.The Muslims I've encountered in the UK are as tolerant as anyone else.They drink,don't demand their female counterparts cover up in any way and couldn't care less if your gay or not.I'm an Atheist and they don't have a problem with that.Of course there are fanatics trying to enter the west for terror based reasons but I still believe the majority come here for a better life.
I'm not disagreeing with what you say about the fanatics,state lead or otherwise.The Muslims I've encountered in the UK are as tolerant as anyone else.They drink,don't demand their female counterparts cover up in any way and couldn't care less if your gay or not.I'm an Atheist and they don't have a problem with that.Of course there are fanatics trying to enter the west for terror based reasons but I still believe the majority come here for a better life.
I'm sorry Ron (Away with the faeries) But you must not be getting out and about enough. SUE REID: As Islamic extremists declare Britain's first Sharia law zone, the worrying social and moral implications


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I know this is taking us a wee bit beyond synchronicity and breakaway civilizations, unless the latter has something to do with the crazy nature of our society these days.

I was listening to talk show host Thom Hartmann, who was a guest on The Paracast in our early days. All right, you can dismiss him for his political beliefs, if they are different than yours. But he does his research.

But he came out with some interesting stats on today's show.

First that between 15,000 and 20,000 people die in the U.S. every year due to lack of health insurance. If was up to twice that before the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) was passed.

Far more people in the U.S. die of gun violence every year than have ever been killed as the result of terrorist actions in this country by Muslims. How many Americans have died as the result of mass shootings and other terrorist acts by Christians? Alas, all the organized religions have histories of violence. The Muslims I know are peaceful people. That some governments want to return us to the 12th century with inbuilt bigotry and violence is not an indictment on the religion.

This doesn't mean people shouldn't be allowed to own guns, though I maintain gun owners need to be trained to handle their weapons properly. How many of those gun deaths are the result of people who just didn't know what they were doing and had an unfortunate accident? We require tests to confirm that you are qualified to drive another killing machine, a motor vehicle, so why not a gun? No, I am not arguing for or against gun control, nor am I against being able to protect yourself.

Now back to our regular debate.
Let's keep it civil, OK? I've seen a bunch of "facts" bandied about here. Logic is obviously in the eyes of the beholder if not always anywhere else.
I know this is taking us a wee bit beyond synchronicity and breakaway civilizations, unless the latter has something to do with the crazy nature of our society these days.

I was listening to talk show host Thom Hartmann, who was a guest on The Paracast in our early days. All right, you can dismiss him for his political beliefs, if they are different than yours. But he does his research.

But he came out with some interesting stats on today's show.

First that between 15,000 and 20,000 people die in the U.S. every year due to lack of health insurance. If was up to twice that before the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) was passed.

Far more people in the U.S. die of gun violence every year than have ever been killed as the result of terrorist actions in this country by Muslims. How many Americans have died as the result of mass shootings and other terrorist acts by Christians? Alas, all the organized religions have histories of violence. The Muslims I know are peaceful people. That some governments want to return us to the 12th century with inbuilt bigotry and violence is not an indictment on the religion.Th

This doesn't mean people shouldn't be allowed to own guns, though I maintain gun owners need to be trained to handle their weapons properly. How many of those gun deaths are the result of people who just didn't know what they were doing and had an unfortunate accident? We require tests to confirm that you are qualified to drive another killing machine, a motor vehicle, so why not a gun? No, I am not arguing for or against gun control, nor am I against being able to protect yourself.

Now back to our regular debate.
But for Muslims, it isn't just a violent history, it's a violent here and now. What about the deaths of 9/11, they don't seem to tally in those figures? And those "some governments that wish to return us to the 12 century, well guess what Gene, they happen to be Muslim countries.
a bit overthetop!
I don't debate with people that are incapable of applying logic.
You are WAY out of bounds. You accuse everyone of arguing for things we don't believe in. You assume those who disagree with your dogma is 'Left' (whatever the hell that means.)
You insult good worldly people like Ron.
You ignore others' points and arguments.
Go back to troll village. If you don't believe that anyone of Muslim heritage can be a decent person or not agree with what their country's leaders or religious leaders, you are as simple as thing.
Seriously you need help.
I suggest that no one dignify this blowhard with any more response as he's not listening to a word said.
I don't usually get incensed like this but discounting Ron Away's post like he doesn't have any life experience...
...Banshee, you are a real weapon-grade jerk.
Sorry guys-I promise I won't say anymore about it.
You are WAY out of bounds. You accuse everyone of arguing for things we don't believe in. You assume those who disagree with your dogma is 'Left' (whatever the hell that means.)
You insult good worldly people like Ron.
You ignore others' points and arguments.
Go back to troll village. If you don't believe that anyone of Muslim heritage can be a decent person or not agree with what their country's leaders or religious leaders, you are as simple as thing.
Seriously you need help.
I suggest that no one dignify this blowhard with any more response as he's not listening to a word said.
I don't usually get incensed like this but discounting Ron Away's post like he doesn't have any life experience...
...Banshee, you are a real weapon-grade jerk.
Sorry guys-I promise I won't say anymore about it.

"If you don't believe that anyone of Muslim heritage can be a decent person or not agree with what their country's leaders or religious leaders, you are as simple as thing." This is not even a sentence, and you call me "simple"?
Also, I never said anyone with Muslim heritage could not be a decent person. So, you are completely warping my statements. But since you can't write, I suppose you have difficultly comprehending what your read too.
"If you don't believe that anyone of Muslim heritage can be a decent person or not agree with what their country's leaders or religious leaders, you are as simple as thing." This is not even a sentence, and you call me "simple"?
Also, I never said anyone with Muslim heritage could not be a decent person. So, you are completely warping my statements. But since you can't write, I suppose you have difficultly comprehending what your read too.
You really can't get the gist of what I'm saying in that line of text your lordship? You really have to attack my crappy grammar?
Someone 86 this troll comma period.
Sometimes I'm glib with my use of language;)
I was just saying my peace, but you really undercut any notion that you actually care about what's going on in the world by attacking my sentence fragment.
I wasn't even trying to set you up you just stepped right in that one.

What I meant in that message that your perfect mind found so confusing is:

If you don't believe that anyone of Muslim heritage can be a decent person or not agree with what their country's leaders or religious leaders, you are as simple as thing.


THEY. HAVE. A. REFORMED. RATHER. THAN. ORTHODOX. VIEW. OF. RELIGION. AND. ARENT. FANATICAL. MURDERERS. AS. YOU. SUGGEST. ("...you must be simple as thing." was a backhanded insult meaning you're simple as fourletterword if you cant give any credence that a person who calls themselves Muslim can be anything but a dogmatic zealot, get it?). I was just trying to pull my punch and not make the message as provcative.

PS- I don't want a fight, but you are being rude, dismissive, willfully obtuse, and insulting.

PPS-There are no apostrophes in the contractions that are featured in that all-caps section :eek:

PPPS-Why am I writing this LOL

PPPPS- Banshee:

"But since you can't write, I suppose you have difficultly comprehending what your read too."

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