Well, yes that's the whole point. If there is no way for you to demonstrate it to me aside from asking me to believe it, then that is no different than any other assertion that is unfalsifable. There is no way to verify it outside of individual experience. And if no one else can verify it, then it's untestable and unproveable like I said in my initial response.
If I had a religious experience, then perhaps I might see it differently, or I might chalk it up to my brain chemistry (NDE) Same thing with seeing a ghost or a UFO.
So perhaps AGNOSTIC is a better term than outright atheist. I'm not going to actively believe in anything per se regarding a god until there is some evidence that speaks to me personally, beyond "intuition"
I see so many parallels between religious experiences and traditional paranormal ones. The whole thing reminds me of the end of the movie Contact, where Jodie Foster is trying to convince everyone of what happened.