God as in "cosmic Santa?" No. But, do I believe in a "ground of all being" "I am" Yes. Many moons ago as a young person who was raised in the "Bible Belt" I started questioning and even praying for the "truth." Now, don't worry I'm not here to tell ya the secrets of the universe. I mean I would, only I don't know what they are. But, I digress. Anyway, the more I "prayed" and "read" and "meditated" the more I drifted "away" from the fundi dogma of my youth. However, I came to feel that everything we do is divine. Once you ask "Is there a God/god?" That's God! A baby dies and a baby is born. That's God! We come here with a plan for our soul and we are as the leaves of grass on the earth. That's God! I am!
I hope that doesn't sound like to much "new age clap trap" but a lifes journey and questioning is impossible to put in a few lines on a message board. I've had dreams that have proven to be prophetic and dreams that have proven to be based on a zombie movie I wathched the night before. Still, it's those times when ya just know that keep me going. I don't know if I really "believe" since to believe is to not know. But, I do "know" which means I doubt it alot of the time.

I tend to lean toward "reincarnation" but I don't have a dogma about it. It just (for me since I believe in the soul)makes more sense to me at this point in my journey than religious dogma does.