It's happened too much before. Whenever an experiencer or researcher leaves their area of expertise and attempts to instruct us about things beyond their ken, they sound silly. Dr. Leir discredits his own possibly valid work by trying to sound authoritative on physics and cosmology. The part about artificially acelerating photons and calculating distances from the presence of specific elements is nonsense. Leir is likable but it's obvious he enjoys the attention.
From my limited reading, a protein coat constructed of human neutral dna that won't trigger an immune response is indeed possible, but such relatively mundane research subjects are lost in Leir's wild speculations.
One heck of a fine gig for a foot doctor right ?
So far I have listened to just over half of the show. I'm dating myself a little bit but his voice reminded me of Burle Ives with a little scratch,so my ears are expecting a Christmas carol when I hear the voice. Dr. Leir also looks similar,the big bearded teddy bear.....enough of my rambling though. If
Burle, I mean Dr. Leir can make the jump from Podiatrist to implant expert, then maybe there's hope for all of us. Rotor Rooter can ghost hunt so why not?
Granted one does need to pretty well versed in biology to be any kind of a doctor so he is qualified to call a spade a spade in the biological realm. In the same way that Sitchin went ape nuts over the meanings of ancient Sumerian clay tablets, how can we be so sure that he isn't adding a little commentary on the side?
I do think something is going on. Objects don't usually randomly show up in a person. Nanotechnology is a fact. I guess I would feel better about the subject if we had more multiple affirmations of these things from multiple sources. I don't intend to discredit someones observations simply because they don't have training in a particular area. FWIW he did expound on the findings of others as well. You don't necessarily need a degree in said field to get a decent overall picture of it and there are some real yutzes out there with degrees. A good example of the lenses we tend to see things through. Looking through my own lense I tend to be very very skeptical of many of his opinions, even going as far as unbelief and pure doubt in some cases.
The question is are we talking from the neck up or from the foot down?
As of halfway through the show one of the most unbelievable things he has said is that the next generation of kids are somehow genetically modified to be different. I do think that some growth horomones from meats have made it into the bodies of some of these kids. I'm not convinced or even half undoubtful that kids are being tweaked by the greys. Leir uses the example of how easily the younger generation uses technology. He also admits to being a bit of a bungle with a smart phone. This is simply because the younger set have grown up with technology. Not all older people are tech challenged.I don't feel that I am lacking in my ability to use technology or adapt to new tech. There are 60 year olds who are more up on whats new than some 20 somethings. So IMO Leirs' opinions on this subject are not applicable across the board.
If true, any evidence of extraterrestrial interference by the methods theorized on so far tell me one sure thing, that "they" are not super beings because they need to use fabricated ships just to get around. They need to use trial and error over time to find whatever answer it is they seem to be looking for. They need us for reasons not completely known, but most likely its genetic.They don't really care about us as individuals.
Lots of questions. What about the people who claim to have been abducted who don't have implants? If there are millions of people abducted we should have tons and tons of implants. Why have we only seen a few examples of what appear to be implants? If we can look at nano tubes we should have the ability to see the structures inside these things.Why aren't there better descriptions of these structures? The very minute that something is seemingly discovered the supposed shroud of secrecy comes up...." We can't tell you that it's a secret".
I have enjoyed listening to the show though. We can all decide for ourselves what to make of it all.