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June 14 Jacobs/Hopkins show

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Skilled Investigator
Well where do I start. First of all thanks for clearing up that question I had about hybrids. Let me see if I got that right the hybrids are walking among us but if someone thinks they or someone else is one then that means they are not. It is those people on the corner that look very human are the ones we have to look out for WTF!

I can see a new group of bogymen to fear and hate. You can't catch one because they always have control over you but watch out the next person that asks you a stupid question they might be one. It reminds me of the devil stories I used to hear growing up.

Now I think Budd will always have a certain amount of respect in the field for being a pioneer but really needs to expand beyond the evil aliens taking over the world paradigm.

Dr Jacobs sorry but you are off the deep end. What you don't think the govt knows anything about any of this but it is OK to cover it up?

As an experiencer, at this point in my life ,these two would do more harm than good to my quest. What has helped me personally is to find genuine qualified people that can work with the energy body. This type of therapy was first recommended by Dr Mack. The people I have used had litttle or no expereince in UFOlogy. This show was a sad statement about the sanity of the field.
Oooh, sounds like this one should be a doozy...I just got home from work a while ago so I have yet to listen to it.

Since it was my birthday yesterday (I'm now seventy-twelve) but it's my birthday again* for you good folks over there in Americaland I'm going to pour myself a glass of wine and sit down to a good laugh I mean intellectual stimulation.

*Strange but true...I once flew into LAX for a stopover and this time owing to the time of arrival had to endure much of Sunday twice as a result.
Happy birthday and this show starts out relatively sane. Don't be fooled.

Thank you.

I'm just under half-way through, so sanity has not yet flown out the window.

Hopkins' answer on the sample size is unconvincing.
I don't think there's actually any good answer, because we don't know what the real sample size is, especially with the pollution of the well by amateurish hypnosis.
But if the sample size is large, then I'd argue that it's a control mechanism, not a learning exercise. We're really not that different form one another.
Why do I suddenly have the strange feeling that it's about to veer into "They like strawberry ice-cream and Tibetan music" territory?
I'm having a hard time wrapping my brain around the idea that 6,000,000 Americans have been abducted and, if the phenomenon knows no national boundaries or preference, that extrapolates to 120 Million people worldwide (2% of 6 billion). And they stress this number is 'very conservative.' All this is based on a Roper Poll with half a dozen sneaky questions in the midst of other misleading questions that, if answered in the correct manner, indicate the liklihood of an abduction. We don't know what these are. Hopkins, in particular, tends to want to hold back some abduction secrets for fear of 'polluting' the field.

This sounds like pretty shaky grounds to me. It's shaky in terms of the statistics, which rely on simple extrapolation. It's shaky in terms of the actual questions, which we are not told what they are. It's shaky in terms of the validity of the conclusions. How do you know that answering half a dozen questions the same way people whom you BELIEVE to have been abducted mean they, too, have been abducted when they don't themselves think so. This seems to me to be the same trap Marzulli falls into when he attempts to prove UFOs are demons and such. The whole idea is self-referential. It's a package deal where one unsubstantiated unknown 'proves' another unsubstantiated unkown thing which 'proves' the first one. I think that's why my head is spinning because it's being asked to go around in a circle.

One huge problem here is that the entire thing is subjective by nature. All we have is interviews with individuals with the 'help' of regression hypnosis, which is suspect itself. I understand that both gentlemen defend their use of hypnosis as legitimate and suggest that those who object have never really seen a session, so they are incapable of judging the system. At least with Marzulli we can look at the texts and examine them, but here we have only the thoughts of someone in a somewhat disassociative state.

That part of the issue is disingenuous. I have listened to Hopkins lead a witness. She wasn't under hypnoisis at the time, but his questioning of a person who called into a local TV show was obvious. She 'thought' she 'might' have been abducted. Hopkins asked her, 'Do you have any unusual scoop marks or scars on your thighs?' She answered, 'Why, yes!' in a startled way that led you to believe she was having a revelation. He very quickly asked her to stay on the line so he could interview her after the show. It was all quite dramatic. (Seattle, KOMO-TV, some years ago) Thus this fat girl with emotional issues and cellulite got some moments of fame. Perhaps he dismissed her claims after the show; we were not told, but the initial interview and the way the questions were phrased, as well as her reaction, was painfully obvious. Only the most credulous would give this episode another thought.

I also have a problem with this idea of 'screen memories.' How does a six car non pile-up turn into a UFO encounter? Well, we're told there really wasn't a pile up, and since all parties reported a pile up, this must be a screen memory. That conclusion is unacceptable. The whole idea of screen memories is a large hole we're being asked to accept as real because it provides a bridge to escape from a situation where we otherwise could not. Unless you provide enough references and footnotes to nail this thing into reality, you're left with more anecdotal evidence. We can't verify even one element of a story like this.

The point is that I don't think these guys get such an easy pass on their investigative methods. The whole Roper thing is highly suspect, and it is demonstrably not true that they are completely legit in their hypnosis and interviewing techniques. We've got some of the screw-ups on tape. This screen memory thing is an extremely convenient idea that explains-away an otherwise pretty difficult impasse.

That being said and let aside for the moment, the second half of the show really demonstrates how these guys have gone native. They are no longer in a position of investigating the phenomenon to find out what it is; they have come to a sweeping conclusion that the human race is being subjected to hybridization with something else on a massive scale. They are completely convinced.

You can see this especially with Jacobs as he tells the story of how hybrids are socilaized much differently than we are and lead different lives. He says they are raised on a UFO and have much knowledge they need to gain by 'asking' abductees simple questions. Jacobs knows this because he regressed an abductee who reported that the hybrid asked strange questions. He is now acting as an anthropologist in abstentia through the third party of the abductee under hypnosis. That brings an entirely new aspect to the term 'armchair anthropologist.'

Now the good news is that these guys are completely sincrere and, unlike Marzulli, do not insist they are correct. They didn't threaten to hang up if they got a hard question and they didn't try to conrol the interview. Jacobs, in particular, is always quick to say 'I think' rather than 'This is the way it is, period.' But they have both obviously become convinced they have stumbled upon a great truth and have interpreted it more or less correctly.

I have to return to the initial objection of this thing being on such a massive scale as to make it unbelievable. There would have to be a huge infrastructure to support such massive ongoing 'abductions.' I believe that every conclusion they have come to should be subject to intense scrutiny.

I remember when Rhine was doing his experiments at UNC on ESP he had amassed statistical evidence. He had it vetted by, I believe, a national association of mathematics which concluded that Rhine might very well be wrong in his conclusions, but that his statistical evaluation was completely correct in its methods and could not be questioned as inaccurate. If Hopkins & Jacobs would subject their statistical evaluation of the Roper Poll to a similar disinterested, but statistically competent third party, I would be much more prone to accept their conclusions on this part of their investigations. Unless they are willing to subject their science to scrutiny, I can't see their conclusions as valid and see them as unlikely. I think they have wrapped themselves up into this phenomenon to the point that they are no longer objective.

Nice guys, though. Thanks for the show.
When I started this episode I immediately had questions about these guys. I also felt like I'd be the lone voice of dissent, but I see that's not true at all. I've got 30 minutes to go, but I think I've finished giving these people a part of my day.

I also have a problem with this idea of 'screen memories.' How does a six car non pile-up turn into a UFO encounter? Well, we're told there really wasn't a pile up, and since all parties reported a pile up, this must be a screen memory. That conclusion is unacceptable.

I bet if Brad Steiger heard the same story he'd probably conclude they DID see a pile-up, but it was a phantom replay of one from 30 years ago.:D

I'm skeptical of "alien abductions" to begin with, but I admit I'm pretty intolerant of the "hybrid" idea altogether. At no point, that I heard, did Jacobs prove the existence of alien/human hybrids but yet his work is focusing on this? He hasn't even proved the existence of aliens let alone that they're hear and mixing with us. I'm sort of embarrassed for these people.
Okay, here goes. The normal abduction phenonemon is pretty well known. We all know about the paralysed state, beings in the room, floating to a space craft, being subjected to examination, etc. There could now be said to be a standard abduction scenario. And it's pretty well known about - the history channel does shows on it to name but one. And it is not just people who are interested in the paranormal (I'll come back to that in a second) who know about this phenonemon. It has past into modern folklore and mythology as being a frame work for extreme human experiences, far out on the fringes of normal experience. Not the only frame work, but a pretty prevalent one.

Now, this has nothing to do with the truth of the phenonemon. I'm just trying to look at it's place in culture.

Hypnosis is a very tricky thing. It can unlock memories and such, sure. But it has a strong connection to our imaginative instincts. For intance, I saw a woman in an experiment being "led" (very weakly - it was a science experiment) into a UFO experience in the woods. It wasn't a full blown abduction, but she described an encounter with lights in the woods. After the hypnosis she remembered it as if it were a memory. (I saw it on a documentary, can't remember the name. I'm probably gonna get shit over that!)

I am not in any way saying that Bud or David in any way consciously lead their subjects (subconsciously is a whole other matter) into an abduction experience. But think about this - it is most likely that these people sought out Bud or David in the first place, who are known as investigators of the abduction experience. Is that not an indicator that these peoples objectivity is tainted towards the abduction experience from the get go? Hypnosis may bring alive such notions, and them going to Bud or David is an indication that those notions were already present before the hypnosis. They are not being led into a normal abduction scenario, they are leading themselves.

Now, I do not wish to upset anyone who has experienced or believes in the typical abduction scenario. I think there is something actually happening. But it seems to me that there is a cultural framework around abduction which allows people to come to terms with such experiences. That's comforting in some ways, but think about the high strangeness involved in some cases without hypnosis. But under hypnosis your mind may make fictional leaps to explain the cause and effect, or the logic, behind something extremely strange which happened them which may not have such a pattern to begin with. But hypnosis could fill in the blanks, using a cultural framework floating around in the ether of human experience that is already associated with the phenonemon they experienced, ie. UFO's are linked to abduction.

Now, my mother's partner told me of something he saw as a child with his brother. I come from Ireland, and I'm sure you've all heard of leprechauns. Well, he says he saw one one evening with his brother. They lived on a farm, and they were bringing their father's cows back into the sheds for the night, when they came over a hill and saw this little person that looked like a leprechaun! They stared at it until it vanished. Ehen I asked him about what it looked like, he had a furrowed brow as if he was trying to recall what he had seen, and could, but something wasn't quite right about it (that was my reading of the situation anyway), and he replyed "you know, a leprechaun." I found that a bit strange to be honest, seen as how most people have never seen one.

Anyway they were mesmerised by this for a while (but it didn't seem that long) and when it vanished they went home to find an angry father asking why they had been so late. Hours had past. I'm not sure what to make of that story, but before we start making similarities between his experience and an abduction experience (which I'm sure you're all itching to do) let me ask this question - if he was hypnotised about this event, would he say the the leprechaun brought them to his lair under a rainbow and showed them his pot o' gold, or tricked them out of said gold in some elaborate bet made by the scheming little creature? After all, that is what Leprechauns do. And abduction is what aliens do. These are part of the cultural story of aliens and leprechauns do.

Another little thing to think about - Bud and David mention at the start that there is no other area of the ufo field where research is moving forward other than in the abduction area.

I don't know about all of you, but that makes me highly suspicious. I never suspected such neat answers to come from such a complex phenonemon.
This episode is timely in that lately I've been questioning the validity of the whole abduction phenomenon being a reality and not mere delusion. Unfortunately this episode did little to convince me one way or the other and now I find myself back in an uncertain limbo.

A couple points. First, Dave and Bud seem pretty convinced of their own work but I distinctly recall a hoax perpetrated by a woman a few years back who faked her way through the entire process of regression and managed to pull the wool over the collective eyes of abduction research, something they (well one... Bud I think) claimed did NOT happen. I'd be curious to know what if any rethinking has been done to screen out and eliminate hoaxers since then.

And second, I got the impression that once they feel they have a genuine abductee, then that's good enough for them and they pursue it as such. A "if it walks like a duck, it's a duck" scenario. I wonder though if more subtle gradations (Biedny keeps bringing up ghosts for instance) might be slipping by however, not because of Jacobs or Hopkins but because the subject themselves is unaware of a difference. In such a case, the duck may be a goose but the witness has no experience with geese, so they say "duck" and Bud and Dave nod to one another in knowing ignorance.

I'm not entirely sure that last point made sense. Still, interesting show a good listen, not fabulous, a solid "B" episode.
I was really impressed with this entire interview.

I feel strongly that both Hopkins and Jacobs are VERY serious researchers. They make some claims that seem outlandish, but they were very articulate about how they feel they can back them up. This mystery is so weird,and they are at the outside edge.

Do I agree with everything they say? No.

I think that (as Richard Dolan says) Dave Jacobs is pathologicaly anti-conspiracy. I disagree with him on some of these points.

I'll add that I think Budd is a very sensative and compassionate person, he has helped a lot of people. And his work is so far out that it is - by it's very nature - hard to believe.

I encourage EVERYBODY to read SIGHT UNSEEN. It's really impressive.

Anyway - I found the show really and truly fascinating.

To the disdain of some, I completely agree with Hopkins/Jacobs on the somewhat saddening state of the future of this research. Once relegated to obscurity, this information that these gentlemen have amassed may be lost.
That would be inequitable to the experiencers of this phenomenon.
What I found most interesting is that the style of these two hasn't changed in some 25 years. I'm not sure if anyone will recall the Canadian program they did back in 1987, the "Man Alive" episode entitled "The E.T. Hypothesis". It was an eye opener, especially the two women who worked with Budd and who volunteered to be a part of that program. Real coutage to do so way back when and I still recall it vivdly.

Erudite, careful with their claims and truly, in my mind, compassionate to the situations brought to them, valid or not. I also appreciate their explanations of who they chose to work with and how, if they felt the subject could better be helped by others, they would refer them if possible to more appropriate help. Hopefully, this episode unbunched a certain film producers underwears.....

I also am quite impressed by Gene and David, the intelligence behind the questions they asked and the fact they actually gave Budd and David the time to answer long form. What an outstanding program (first time listener here), regardless of how you view the subject.


Thanks to all...
I'm having a hard time wrapping my brain around the idea that 6,000,000 Americans have been abducted and, if the phenomenon knows no national boundaries or preference, that extrapolates to 120 Million people worldwide (2% of 6 billion).

I have a problem with the math here as well, but at least they gave it a shot... what we need is some solid replicative studies to go along with this. They mention that it has been replicated but I haven't looked into this.

I can say, by my own self-selected (and very small) group of close friends/family that I've spoken to about this hints that they've all had strange experiences in the spectrum of high strangeness events that include the abduction/visitation experience. So I'm kind of thinking that we've tapped into one of the core shared experiences in the human experience. Not that everyone has had one, but it may be more common than one thinks. What may be uncommon is that you either made a big deal about it or remembered it at all.
I also have a problem with this idea of 'screen memories.' How does a six car non pile-up turn into a UFO encounter? Well, we're told there really wasn't a pile up, and since all parties reported a pile up, this must be a screen memory. That conclusion is unacceptable. The whole idea of screen memories is a large hole we're being asked to accept as real because it provides a bridge to escape from a situation where we otherwise could not. Unless you provide enough references and footnotes to nail this thing into reality, you're left with more anecdotal evidence. We can't verify even one element of a story like this.
I don't have a problem with screen memories. I've experienced them. As an example, as a late teen I woke up with a start when three tiny deer walked into my bedroom. This seemed curious, but for some reason didn't strike me as an odd thing to have happened. But the deer were very, very strange. Their eyes were very large, never blinked, and never stopped staring at me wherever direction they walked in my room. One hopped up on my bed, and I grabbed it's foot (being concerned about having hooves on my bed) and it wasn't a hoof at all... it had pads and felt soft, like a cat's foot. This didn't make sense; deer have hooves -- and suddenly it wasn't a deer. I was looking at a classic little 3' tall grey sitting on my bed and I was holding it's hand as it stared at me. Fade to black.

What seems to have happened is that a logical discontinuity in the illusion appeared and this caused the illusion to disappear. Maybe. Could this have been a hallucination or hypnogogic state? Sure... but damn it felt real. As real as me typing this now.
I'm having a hard time wrapping my brain around the idea that 6,000,000 Americans have been abducted and, if the phenomenon knows no national boundaries or preference, that extrapolates to 120 Million people worldwide (2% of 6 billion). And they stress this number is 'very conservative'.


This is the foundation to their end speculations and worries. A good analogy would be fire ants building up critical mass until they are ready to sting in unison.

Perhaps they have determined that our evolutionary path and selfish attitudes are incompatible with their values and a future war is unavoidable. How do you get rid of a nasty competing sentient race too close to home ?
The gradual insertion of hybrids indistinguishable from normal looking humans is the way to go ;)

With this you accomplish many things at the same time:

  • Colonize a foreign planet with hybrids compatible with earths environment
  • Eliminate/integrate a potential enemy (us :D)
  • Avoid a messy and costly war.
Makes perfect sense and the formula can be used on any menacing carbon based sentient life-form in the galactic sector.

Its one heck of a very long term migration strategy... and I wouldn't write it off just yet. Its possible (IMHO very likely) that extremely old civilizations have realized that individuality is incompatible with very long term survival and that uniformization and integration is the key if you're going to propagate sentient life throughout the universe... there can only be one (The Borg lol).

Open any history book and you can read about incessant, irrational, unresolvable insanities caused by cultural and religious differences on earth.

How many generations will it take hybrid genes to spread throughout the entire human population ? According to Jacobs and Hopkins this planet is being customized to alien needs as we blog about it. I for one will not discount the idea.

It would also make a superb hollywood script :D .... absolutely great show !!! (my brain is about to fall out lol)
Only an hour in but so far great show with excellent questions. Will read some of the mega responses in the thread when Im done.

I find Budds whole thing of amassing a collection of consistent symbols from different people pretty interesting. I wonder how many (if any) who have seen these symbols remember them without the use of hypnosis.

That seems to be a key point in assessing the validity of these symbols.
I've yet to hear any compelling evidence for the reality of widespread abductions.
But let's just say it's for real: Consider the occasional references to taller beings to whom the smaller ones seem to be in a subservient position. Why would it not occur to anyone that perhaps the reason the "Greys" are small is that they're children.
They don't need to study millions of humans...just as we don't need to study millions of frogs, earthworms or mice...except for pedagogical purposes.
(The beauty of that one is that it works just as well for time travellers as for aliens. Take your pick).

As for the hybrids: "Now kids, who can take what we've learned and construct a simulation good enough to fool them? You lose points if it tries to have sex with someone's ear"
This was the kind of episode that makes me love the paracast.You can listen to a two hour show and come away suspecting your neighbor,boss,or best friend may be an alien hybrid.That kind of shit can mess with your mind if you're not mentally stable.

I would suggest doing more shows on this subject.You could possibly have an abductee or two on to tell their story.Someone like Nadine Lalich has always seemed like a good spokesperson for abductions.

Great show.
Schuyler I think you make a good point about the claims of 2% of the US pop. possibly involved in this phenomenon. But for some reason this didn't bother me as much. I agree that it's hard to swallow, and indeed I don't swallow it, but I believe the bigger issue is IF this thing is happening at all.

I saw that whole roper poll thing as noise. The real meat is on the "is this happening at all" bone and while this episode did take a few bites into that question, it's still up in the air big time for me.
To the disdain of some, I completely agree with Hopkins/Jacobs on the somewhat saddening state of the future of this research. Once relegated to obscurity, this information that these gentlemen have amassed may be lost.
That would be inequitable to the experiencers of this phenomenon.

Get them a publisher, stat!