And why does the change involve telepathy - I always believe that this is a precursor for peace and tolerance? How would I cheat, lie, steal, murder, rape, plot, kill if everyone knew my thoughts? More importantly how would I push the red button on nation x?
Jacobs has a great article on his site that proposes what the alien culture might be like based on our observations of them.
He reasons that they might not even be able to make vocal sounds or even hear, based on having lost those abilities to evolution, much as cave dwelling and deep sea creatures often have no eyes. They probably don't eat as we do, so they lost the appreciation for the taste of food. They are emotionally truncated due to the lack of individuality that came from them communicating telepathically. If they all know what the others are thinking, they would have to conform to ridged social expectations and rules.
They also seem to have lost aesthetic appreciation, as no one has seen any colors or artistic objects on the craft. But then you don't see that on our space craft either. But it's an interesting idea, and paints them as being of sort of a hive mentality. All for the good of the group.
This would show why they have a hard time understanding us, as we would them. All of our Sci-Fi has aliens as being humans that look different. It never has an alien mind at work.
I could go on and connect up the Nuclear Weapons (R. Hastings) theory, and how this would undermine the current political adminstration and hence National Security and the heirarchical structure of human states (disclosure theory).
If just the US Government came forward and stated publicly and for the record that UFOs exist and they have no idea what they are, and are also powerless to do anything about them.. let alone anything about aliens, many people would have a hard time handling the news.
If you add that there are truly alien beings that are doing some kind of project that we also don't understand, that would be even worst! Think how quick humans want to kill each other over religious views.
Now you have to tell those people that we are not alone, and your religion is likely nonsense.
Its all very clever stuff what goes on in the R&D department, and I think humanity is due for an upgrade - you could be the product, you could be a salesman but the intellectual property remains confidential.
I don't think they are here to cure our ailments. But I also don't think they are here to harm us. They could have done both a long time ago.
They might be trying to get us more manageable, like domesticating wild animals, so they can move to their next stage of inhabiting the Earth.
Contrary to Hopkins and Jacobs pessimism and given the world situation and the current state of people today this is probably the best news I've heard all week.
But then again, pessimistically I am probably clutching at straws.
I'm not pessimistic, and it's only because as I said, if they wanted to get rid of us, it probably wouldn't be difficult. They seem dispassionate about what they do. They aren't our "space brothers", not on an emotional level anyway. But they probably have some kind of beliefs about how they should treat other life forms, even if we seem like cattle to them.
All we can do is to continue to examine the evidence and wait and see what happens.
I'm fine with taking a walk in the park with one of them. I have no ill feeling towards any living thing. After all, we keep searching the skies listening for some distant radio signal. Maybe we just need to clear our minds and listen.
Personally I had some presence save my life when I was a young boy.. I had no understanding what it was. I just accepted that after that point something would often pull me out of bad situations. Later I had maybe the same presence showing it wanted to be helpful in a very odd way (showing me what notes to play on guitar). That always struck me as such an odd thing... why pick that of all things? Probably because it was something I was very passionate about.
I never thought of those instances as being "aliens" until the last experience. And still, I haven't seen one as far as I can remember. I'd like to, I think.
It is funny though that when I see illustrations on books, or what ever on aliens, I often think "that's not what they look like". And I dont know why I feel that strongly about it when someone draws a nose on them. Weird.
So they either want to be helpful, or want to seem helpful, or at least want us to accept them. That's the feeling I got anyway. They pick certain people and change their way of thinking. So they are making contact one person at a time.