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June 14 Jacobs/Hopkins show

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Hey man I just laid out an experience that I haven't shared with hardly anyone and has troubled me for the past 20 years and you just mock me?

Never once did I say the grey guy that I saw was a zeta reticulan ET, it's just what I saw that led me to believe my perception was being screwed with.

Seriously not cool. And counter productive.
Sorry, dude...I wasn't mocking. I was actually outlining a very strange 'memory' from childhood. It was so weird it 'has to be' a dream, but it seems to be burned in my brain like a real memory. I have a few of those. There's another one where some military types take me to a hangar and put me in a room with the wolfman, Dracula, and Frankenstein. Couldn't have really happened, but damn if it doesn't seem like it did. I have wondered if these are examples of the 'screen-memories' Hopkins talks about.
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We don't know that they cracked anything of the kind. I decided many years ago that they are not traveling here from another star light years away. It might be something quite different. Maybe a different dimension?

Also just because they have technology doesn't mean they could synthesize DNA that they knew nothing about. We have a LOT of "junk" DNA in us... probably from viruses. Some of those viruses could have been vectors for genetic reprograming. With with staggering verity of human DNA, it's much easier to obtain it directly from humans, and with a wider diversity than you would get cloning something.

Just the fact that they could do something with it is pretty advanced technology as it is.

This seems logical to me:

1. if they don't use DNA the same way we do they would have little interest in sampling ours for use in hybridization. What would the purpose be? I could see sampling our DNA for scientific interest, but to make hybrids?

2. if they do use DNA the same way we do (with all proteins being folded left-hand, RNA transcription, etc, etc) then they would at least need to be similar physiologically to us to come up with true hybrids. It's one thing to insert the ability to produce a particular enzyme, it's another to become morphologically half-way between species.

3. If there are actually hybrids the odds of this being possible even with "magical" technology I find being vanishingly small. Think about it... you evolve in a completely different ecosystem and still use the same proteins for the same uses, DNA, breathe air, are bipedal and bilaterally symmetrical, have two forward facing eyes located in a "head", etc. That didn't even all happen on earth for crying out loud! So an intelligent species independently evolved in another star system, and just so happens to look, act, and have the internal mechanisms like DNA the same as us to allow hybridization? No way.

4. Even not allowing for all of the above -- using a terrestrial example -- why would we create half chimp/half human hybrids? Think about it. Would you want that? Would it help you understand/assimilate a chimp culture? Makes no sense to me.

This leads me to the inevitable conclusion that if there are hybrids between greys and humans then the greys are genetically related to us somehow. By related, like really f'ing related. Like closer to us than chimps. Kissing cousins-like.

Some possibilities:

  • time travel
  • parallel universes
  • cryptozoological terrestrial civilization
  • offshoot of a long-dead protohuman civilization that colonized some et planet and has come back
  • they made us
  • some kind of directed panspermia
  • what is being witnessed is metaphorical or symbolic hybridization, not biological
  • etc, etc
Agreed. Strieber got ~1/2 a million letters or more describing experiences after writing communion FWIW. If only .1% of those are real experiences that's 500 real events.

Jeeze, a half million? I'm sure many were wishful thinkers or spacebrother people... but I'd wager that the real number is a lot more than 500.

And I suspect < 10% of people with experiences and knew that you could mail Strieber actually did. I certainly didn't.

Exactly. I've had some kind of experiences with something... I have no memories of ever being abducted though, except for a childhood memory of a "skull" face looking at me when I was supposed to be taking a nap. I've had something "talk" to me on several occasions, as has my brother (but we heard actual voices in our head, not just the sensing that you are being told something, but that has happened too, and we aren't mentally ill!).

But I sure never wrote Strieber a letter, even though I read his book.

The first time I wrote anyone was to Gene and David just recently when I discovered this podcast.. and then again, I've been listening to other paranormal podcasts for a few years now.

Why did I write to them? I have no idea except I think we share the same views on all this stuff.

So we're possibly in the thousands from that one piece of evidence alone.

If FIVE people that don't know each other report the exact same thing, I think something must be going on. We can't just dismiss what people see or experience because we don't like the data. We just can't explain it.

Plus many might be saying they saw an angel or something.

Part of the problem with this thing is that it's hard to talk about. More than one family member of mine has had these kind of experiences and I find it almost impossible to talk to them about it... and they should be the easiest ones to talk to about it.

And even people who have not had the experience don't want entertain that it might be a real situation. My wife is very open minded and accepts that something is probably going on, but still is not comfortable talking about what she considers "heavy" subjects. It frightens her.

Just go around and say to people "hey, guess what? we are probably being slowly invaded by a totally alien culture who has complete control over us... and they can't dance!" Yeah, that will get a party going! Oh and they don't like strawberry ice cream... do they even open their mouths? :p

When I was very young I decided I wanted to be alive long enough to find the truth about flying saucers. I used to tell people I wanted to be frozen and revived when the time came.

Now I see that (probably) wont be necessary.

Another thought is that all the abductions and even just sightings are to get people mentally prepared. In polls a majority of people seem to believe in UFOs and aliens. You see tee shirts and even guitar picks with the gray faces on them. My friend Imani Coppola has a large tattoo of one sitting under a tree on her back. If we grow to accept them as real, and not a threat, we wont try and kill them (too much).

I personally don't have a problem with them, if they don't want to mess with us.
A few years ago I would have lambasted this abduction phen. as completely absurd.

The reasoning of biological/technological sophistication would not warrant a huge continuation of specimen selection for study or even self bio-promotion.

One of the particular terms that I did not like the use of is "hybrid" - there is just as much evidence that there is upgrading our existing genetic within human specimens than some heterogenetic manipulation between homo sapiens and "them".

History still struggles to find artefacts for the missing link in our evolution and Watson and Crick et al remained perplexed by the way evolution ascribed our current DNA structure.

Now, after listening to the Jacobs/Hopkins and omitting all reservations I had on this topic before I did feel some raison d'etre behind this murky subject.

Why would such a large specimen (2%) be abducted and over a relatively short period of time? This only rational justification if it was true would be the potential of a real threat of extinction and that it is soon.

Why does there seem to be a barrier between "them" the "changed" and "us", with some motherly overlap - this makes me think of the scenario of the rescued creatured procedure - not to get too close to develop a relationship and allow for interdependence, allowing some form of parenting to occur without the rejection of offspring and preparing for release back into the wild.

And why does the change involve telepathy - I always believe that this is a precursor for peace and tolerance? How would I cheat, lie, steal, murder, rape, plot, kill if everyone knew my thoughts? More importantly how would I push the red button on nation x?

I could go on and connect up the Nuclear Weapons (R. Hastings) theory, and how this would undermine the current political adminstration and hence National Security and the heirarchical structure of human states (disclosure theory).

Its all very clever stuff what goes on in the R&D department, and I think humanity is due for an upgrade - you could be the product, you could be a salesman but the intellectual property remains confidential.

Contrary to Hopkins and Jacobs pessimism and given the world situation and the current state of people today this is probably the best news I've heard all week.

But then again, pessimistically I am probably clutching at straws.
Assuming the hybrid-thing is true -- and not a collective unconscious myth icon -- then you have to consider:

(1.) As already stated, are they genetically related to us in the first place?

(2.) Or is this just performance art designed to acclimate us to their future, full-time presence (demonstrating in graphic terms a "union" between our peoples)? [This possibility would make me, all the more, think of the collective unconscious scenario.]

(3.) Or they are not true hybrids, but a simulated mix of our two species, again just to give us something easier to live with (but that, in fact, share no common genetic relationship); android liasons perhaps; a more humanized interface? [But then, why all the sexual aspects in the abduction scenario?]

(4.) Or the X-Files scenario: This is how they intend to invade, like Body Snatchers, by gradually altering our species to become them. [But why bother? If they intend to conduct their arrival surreptitiously -- like illegal aliens -- how do they expect all these new immigrants without ss numbers or work histories to go unnoticed?]

(5.) Other possibilities?
Sorry, dude...I wasn't mocking. I was actually outlining a very strange 'memory' from childhood. It was so weird it 'has to be' a dream, but it seems to be burned in my brain like a real memory. I have a few of those. There's another one where some military types take me to a hangar and put me in a room with the wolfman, Dracula, and Frankenstein. Couldn't have really happened, but damn if it doesn't seem like it did. I have wondered if these are examples of the 'screen-memories' Hopkins talks about.
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My bad. I'm a little sensitive about this I guess.
My sense about all this is maybe this is how evolution has always played out. What is different is that the cultural belief's, at least some of them, have turned whatever this is into aliens for whatever reason.

If new DNA and genes need to be added or studies for the sake of survival of a species, maybe it would take too long for this to happen without some kind of other worldly/dimensional intervention.

I have criticized these guys as well and used some of the same points. However, the thing you need to realize is that when it comes to the phenomenon of abductions, even as just an idea with no basis in reality, these guys have become part of it. You can't really even discuss abductions without bringing these two guys into play. Insofar as the Paracast serves to educate those new to this field on its many components, this was an excellent show.

If you are going to consider yourself conversant on this issue, you really need to read what these guys have to say, along with John Mack and, though I say it unwillingly, Raymond Fowler. (Sorry: :rolleyes:) There are several other investigators who have also contributed, including John Fuller and even Stanton Friedman. Consider it mytholgy if you will, but it's all part of the folklore.
And why does the change involve telepathy - I always believe that this is a precursor for peace and tolerance? How would I cheat, lie, steal, murder, rape, plot, kill if everyone knew my thoughts? More importantly how would I push the red button on nation x?

Jacobs has a great article on his site that proposes what the alien culture might be like based on our observations of them.

He reasons that they might not even be able to make vocal sounds or even hear, based on having lost those abilities to evolution, much as cave dwelling and deep sea creatures often have no eyes. They probably don't eat as we do, so they lost the appreciation for the taste of food. They are emotionally truncated due to the lack of individuality that came from them communicating telepathically. If they all know what the others are thinking, they would have to conform to ridged social expectations and rules.

They also seem to have lost aesthetic appreciation, as no one has seen any colors or artistic objects on the craft. But then you don't see that on our space craft either. But it's an interesting idea, and paints them as being of sort of a hive mentality. All for the good of the group.

This would show why they have a hard time understanding us, as we would them. All of our Sci-Fi has aliens as being humans that look different. It never has an alien mind at work.

I could go on and connect up the Nuclear Weapons (R. Hastings) theory, and how this would undermine the current political adminstration and hence National Security and the heirarchical structure of human states (disclosure theory).

If just the US Government came forward and stated publicly and for the record that UFOs exist and they have no idea what they are, and are also powerless to do anything about them.. let alone anything about aliens, many people would have a hard time handling the news.

If you add that there are truly alien beings that are doing some kind of project that we also don't understand, that would be even worst! Think how quick humans want to kill each other over religious views.

Now you have to tell those people that we are not alone, and your religion is likely nonsense.

Its all very clever stuff what goes on in the R&D department, and I think humanity is due for an upgrade - you could be the product, you could be a salesman but the intellectual property remains confidential.

I don't think they are here to cure our ailments. But I also don't think they are here to harm us. They could have done both a long time ago.

They might be trying to get us more manageable, like domesticating wild animals, so they can move to their next stage of inhabiting the Earth.

Contrary to Hopkins and Jacobs pessimism and given the world situation and the current state of people today this is probably the best news I've heard all week.

But then again, pessimistically I am probably clutching at straws.

I'm not pessimistic, and it's only because as I said, if they wanted to get rid of us, it probably wouldn't be difficult. They seem dispassionate about what they do. They aren't our "space brothers", not on an emotional level anyway. But they probably have some kind of beliefs about how they should treat other life forms, even if we seem like cattle to them.

All we can do is to continue to examine the evidence and wait and see what happens.

I'm fine with taking a walk in the park with one of them. I have no ill feeling towards any living thing. After all, we keep searching the skies listening for some distant radio signal. Maybe we just need to clear our minds and listen.

Personally I had some presence save my life when I was a young boy.. I had no understanding what it was. I just accepted that after that point something would often pull me out of bad situations. Later I had maybe the same presence showing it wanted to be helpful in a very odd way (showing me what notes to play on guitar). That always struck me as such an odd thing... why pick that of all things? Probably because it was something I was very passionate about.

I never thought of those instances as being "aliens" until the last experience. And still, I haven't seen one as far as I can remember. I'd like to, I think. :eek: It is funny though that when I see illustrations on books, or what ever on aliens, I often think "that's not what they look like". And I dont know why I feel that strongly about it when someone draws a nose on them. Weird.

So they either want to be helpful, or want to seem helpful, or at least want us to accept them. That's the feeling I got anyway. They pick certain people and change their way of thinking. So they are making contact one person at a time.
Jacobs/Hopkins on hybrids

We don't know that they cracked anything of the kind.

Didja miss the part where I said we have nothing but assumptions to work with?

I decided many years ago that they are not traveling here from another star light years away. It might be something quite different. Maybe a different dimension?

Well that's fine for you but it is once again an assumption. I would tend to disagree though because (at least to my mind) the idea of compatible DNA between lifeforms seems more likely if both originate from a single universe rather than seperate universes where different physical laws may apply.

Also just because they have technology doesn't mean they could synthesize DNA that they knew nothing about.

Again, I would assume that at that level of technology they would literally be able to read DNA like book and understand it's exact purpose, gene by gene, base-pair by base-pair. We're not talking about entities slightly smarter than us, we're talking about beings VASTLY smarter than us.
This leads me to the inevitable conclusion that if there are hybrids between greys and humans then the greys are genetically related to us somehow. By related, like really f'ing related. Like closer to us than chimps. Kissing cousins-like.

Some possibilities:

  • time travel
  • parallel universes
  • cryptozoological terrestrial civilization
  • offshoot of a long-dead protohuman civilization that colonized some et planet and has come back
  • they made us
  • some kind of directed panspermia
  • what is being witnessed is metaphorical or symbolic hybridization, not biological
  • etc, etc

That's a good point. The witnesses say they "grow" fetuses in tubes. They don't seem to have any genitalia. I've read some things that describe the smaller grays as "biological" machines. They are alive, but not natural.

Jacobs said they don't have a mother, or a birthday.

So if could be that they are so far removed from us, even if we share a common ancestor, that they can't just clone from one sample?

Now of course why do they need to make hybrids? It might be that the hybrids are easier for us to accept, since they look more like us.

Or maybe they cant survive here for long periods of time? I've read a few things that suggest that the grays are workers for a presence that can't exist in this dimension.

Or maybe they just want to be more like us? That's silly... but you never know. They have stated that they are fascinated with our emotions and have lost theirs, so maybe they want them back?

Maybe they are us from the future?

Part of the thing, I think, is we don't even understand why we are here. What is this all about? Where is all this Universe stuff anyway?

Some suggest we are all energy beings, and this is just one of our forms, in this dimension. None of this abduction stuff makes sense to use based on our present understanding of reality, and we don't understand much.

I don't think we will understand it unless they explain it to us... and even then it's a crap shoot! I wake from dreams with really abstract stuff in it that makes perfect sense.. until I think about it. Then I don't understand anything about what I was dreaming about. I don't even have words for it. It's always been that way with me. :confused:
I don't think I've ever been abducted but I've certainly had some "experiences" in dreams and knowing things. The screen memory thing got me to thinking. Way back when I was around (I'm guessing here) 5 or maybe 6 years old (could have been younger.) I was playing in the yard of my dads family home in rural North Alabama. It was an old house dating all the way back to the civil war era or so. It has been torn down since and that is a shame but also another story. Anyway, I "remember" a black butterfly with teeth. I can still see it and still see the teeth. Now I don't really think I saw such a thing but it is there and has been there for as long as I can remember. A screen memory? I really don't think so and I don't even count it as real anymore. But I've never forgotten it either.

I think part of the problem with these episodes is that people tend to take them as all inclusive, where a lot of time the people being interviewed assume the audience already is familiar with their previous works. In other words, sometimes the audience and the guests are not always in sync. I am not saying this was the case with you mobius, but I've read it here a lot on the forums. I think if you go back and read Hopkins' book, "Sight Unseen", you'll get a better appreciation of where he's coming from. Some of the things that were said in the episode were based on points and positions he laid out in the book. Even though the Paracast is a two-hour program, it can't possibly cram all the information into an episode that an issue like abductions deserves (which is why -- I would gather -- he's been on more than once). He remains one of the few people that have done substantial work in this area.
I just accepted that after that point something would often pull me out of bad situations. Later I had maybe the same presence showing it wanted to be helpful in a very odd way (showing me what notes to play on guitar). That always struck me as such an odd thing... why pick that of all things?
I can relate to both of those statements. I have done some pretty stupid shit, that could have easily gotten me killed, with full knowledge that I wasn't allowed to die yet.
On the musical note, I'll spare you details...I'll just say F# Lydian-Dominant.

I like to improvise in this scale on a slack-key tuned acoustic with a slide. It feels like being on the beach on another planet. Aloha-ha-ha.
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I don't think I've ever been abducted but I've certainly had some "experiences" in dreams and knowing things. The screen memory thing got me to thinking. Way back when I was around (I'm guessing here) 5 or maybe 6 years old (could have been younger.) I was playing in the yard of my dads family home in rural North Alabama. It was an old house dating all the way back to the civil war era or so. It has been torn down since and that is a shame but also another story. Anyway, I "remember" a black butterfly with teeth. I can still see it and still see the teeth. Now I don't really think I saw such a thing but it is there and has been there for as long as I can remember. A screen memory? I really don't think so and I don't even count it as real anymore. But I've never forgotten it either.

That's wild!

I know a woman that said when she was a kid, she was chased down the street by a bunch of sticks! She said they weren't stick insects, which we don't have here anyway, but were like sticks, but animated. They were standing up and running! She knows this happened, and was quite frightened by it, even though her mother said she must have imagined it.

Then another friend of mine remembers seeing a large nose coming out of the wall and it talked to her. It would wiggle up and down. And she doesn't even believe in UFOs! She didn't tell me what it said. She knew an elderly couple who told her they have been seeing a disk land in their back yard, and seeing small being coming out and walking around! She thought they were making up a story. I said to her, they are making up a story, but the nose was real, right? I guess the UFO thing made her uncomfortable. Maybe the nose was a screen memory?

In my house growing up, which was about 100+ years old, we would see a black cat. People would come over and comment on the cat. Or you would be walking and then make a quick movement because you didn't want to step on it, but then you look... and there was no cat. I figured it was a ghost or something. I'd catch it staring at me out of the corner of my eye, and I'd look and nothing was there. But I did see it very clearly at least once.

Then years later I mentioned it to my older brother, who moved out when I was about 8. He said he used to see it also.

My son, who is now 17, saw it three times. Once outside the house laying across the front walk. But it was there and then wasn't there. He said he never saw the face, it was always from the back.

One of my earliest memories was laying in bed for a nap when I was about 4 or 5, but I wasn't tired. It was mid afternoon, but the room was darkened with shades. I was laying there staring at the ceiling, looking at all the little specs your optic nerves make in the dark. Then I realized they were swirling around and coming together into a shape.. then I saw a white skull (or "skeleton face" as I told my mom)... I remember it was white with large black eye sockets... and it came down real fast over my face, and was really large. I jumped out of bed and ran to the living room hysterical and told my mom what happened. Of course she said I had a bad dream. I tried to convince her I wasn't sleeping.. but that's how it goes. Kids see odd things. I wasn't able to take naps until I was a teenager! And even then laying down during the day made me anxious.

So people see odd things all the time. I believe they really see these things. I know I saw the cat. But these things are not what they seem. The less mundane critters, like butterflies with teeth, don't even fit into anything we know!

This might all be the same phenomenon, or an aspect of reality we don't understand.
In my house growing up, which was about 100+ years old, we would see a black cat. People would come over and comment on the cat. Or you would be walking and then make a quick movement because you didn't want to step on it, but then you look... and there was no cat. I figured it was a ghost or something. I'd catch it staring at me out of the corner of my eye, and I'd look and nothing was there. But I did see it very clearly at least once.
The house I grew up in has one of those "shadow cat" things living in it. I know at least 6 people who have seen it. Did the one you see have funny looking "Batman" ears...like oddly symmetrical and pointy?
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I can relate to both of those statements. I have done some pretty stupid shit, that could have easily gotten me killed, with full knowledge that I wasn't allowed to die yet.

I was about seven I think, and was walking home from a friend's house up the street. A thunder storm was coming, and it was getting very dark. It might have been about 4 or 5 pm in the summer. It was getting very windy, and I was getting scared, so I was walking slowly up the street. I could see my house at the end of the block. Suddenly something grabbed me by the shoulders and stopped me from walking. Just then a very large branch broke off from the tree over head and landed an inch or two in front of my feet! I then ran home as fast as I could!

I could actually feel hands holding me. it was very odd, but at the same time didn't seem like something that shouldn't have happened.

On the musical note, I'll spare you details...I'll just say F# Lydian-Dominant.

I like to improvise in this scale on a slack-key tuned acoustic with a slide. It feels like being on the beach on another planet. Aloha-ha-ha.
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I was playing in a band as one of two guitarists and vocalist. I'm normally a bass player. This was a song I wrote, and I had composed the guitar solo. So I normally played it exactly the same way every time.

But I like to improvise, so during rehearsals I would try new things all the time. While we were playing I thought of an interview I had read with Steve Howe where he said he liked to plan out the first and last notes of a solo, and then clear his mind and just play the rest. Cool! I'm going to do that. So when the solo was approaching (Diane the bass player sang that song), I decided I would pick the first and last notes and clear my mind... clearing my mind is NOT an easy thing. There is stuff going on all the time!

So I took a breath, and stopped thinking.. and then I heard a clear voice in my head. It was not my thinking. It was like a speaker stuck in my head. It wasn't coming in through my ears. It was a calm and smooth voice, free of emotion. It said "Play these notes, they will work for you". I remember thinking how oddly phrased that was! I was then compelled to look at the fingerboard on my guitar, and I never look at the neck when I play. I saw a series of circles with numbers, and lines connecting them all. It reminded me of those learn to dance charts I would see in cartoons that people put on the floor with foot prints.

So I followed the notes (something I have no conscious memory of doing, it was more like my hand was leading, I didn't have to think about it), and I played the most amazing thing I had ever heard.

Immediately after the song ended, I forgot what I had played, or even what it sounded like. I was a bit confused, and then looked up at my band mates, who had shocked looks on their faces! They said something like "what WAS that you played? It was amazing"

I didn't know what to say. I'm quite sure I sheepishly explained what happened... but that was 20 years ago. I'm still friends with one of them, so I'm going to have to ask him if he remembers the incident.

it was VERY weird.

well, to be fair to the guests, they never said that anything is fact. They stated their beleifs, which are the conclusions they came to as researchers, and their findings.

Not once did they say that anything was absolute or fact. They simply presented information about past cases and studies that were done.

I think you need to relisten to the episode. If you do, you'll discover that they never once try to force their beleifs upon us, they just want to share their opinions so that we may learn what different people are theorizing about in this field. Which is all we can really do is theorize and form our own opinions.

To call an episode awful because you don't agree or only half listen is pretty brutal. I mean, where were you on the LA Marzulli threads? Or did that all seem to make perfect sense to you?

BTW: In the future you should type your posts in small paragraph form. It's much easier to read and people will be more inclined to read your full posts. Anyways, welcome to the forum.

To Sgt. Rock, Schuyler, Methshin, and Gareth: fair points all ... but, Methshin, while they might have never presented anything as fact they didn't seem (to me, at least) to be neutral observers/investigators.

They definitely seemed to be presenting their evidence which led them to various conclusions (e.g. 6 million abductees in the U.S. alone, or these hybrid beings).

In my humble, layman's opinion, they were advocates for their position ... which is fine ... but to be an advocate means (or can mean) that one has examined the "evidence" and reached a conclusion.

Thus, while their conclusion might be factually incorrect, it is strong enough for them to argue it publicly and allow it to shape their future research. My point did not/does not in any way suggest that they tried to force their view on me

Also: I am not familiar with the LA Marzulli thread; thus, I can't say whether it makes sense to me or not.

Additionally,: In calling the program "awful" I don't think I was being brutal. These gentlemen are making extraordinary claims ... and while I don't expect them to have reams of hard data re: each of their points, I just found so much of what they said to be conclusory.

Now, perhaps as some have suggested, their books and/or prior work provides greater detail about the data (empirical or otherwise) that supports their beliefs ... but, as has been mentioned before, the use of hypnosis, particularly in this context, is fatal to any objective assessment of what really happened.

My personal standard is that I listen to what people have to say; I don't have to immediately reach a firm position re: the veracity of what is said. But, to use currently popular phrase, the gents came with some "weak sauce".
if say 2% of the population has had their dna fiddled with or been impregnated with alien sperm, then how long before that's spread throughout the whole of the human race? how long have we got before we find out if it's real?

brings a whole new dimension to the 6 degrees of separation...
So I took a breath, and stopped thinking.. and then I heard a clear voice in my head. It was not my thinking. It was like a speaker stuck in my head. It wasn't coming in through my ears. It was a calm and smooth voice, free of emotion. It said "Play these notes, they will work for you". I remember thinking how oddly phrased that was! I was then compelled to look at the fingerboard on my guitar, and I never look at the neck when I play. I saw a series of circles with numbers, and lines connecting them all. It reminded me of those learn to dance charts I would see in cartoons that people put on the floor with foot prints.
I call that the "Jam God." I don't have to look at the neck when we're connected, but sometimes I do. It's like looking at the face of one's beloved during orgasm. It really is like a form of possession when one get's really attuned with their instrument and the band is "ON." Happiest times of my life on this material plane.
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