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if say 2% of the population has had their dna fiddled with or been impregnated with alien sperm, then how long before that's spread throughout the whole of the human race? how long have we got before we find out if it's real?
brings a whole new dimension to the 6 degrees of separation...
The house I grew up in has one of those "shadow cat" things living in it. I know at least 6 people who have seen it. Did the one you see have funny looking "Batman" oddly symmetrical and pointy?
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I call that the "Jam God." I don't have to look at the neck when we're connected, but sometimes I do. It's like looking at the face of one's beloved during orgasm. It really is like a form of possession when one get's really attuned with their instrument and the band is "ON." Happiest times of my life on this material plane.
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They also seem to have lost aesthetic appreciation, as no one has seen any colors or artistic objects on the craft. But then you don't see that on our space craft either. But it's an interesting idea, and paints them as being of sort of a hive mentality. All for the good of the group.- Too contradictory, and not relevant - painting objects i.e. transport is primarily a function to resist corrosion and protect the metalwork not artistic license - this is not the purpose of the object concerned and requires excess resources.
If just the US Government came forward and stated publicly and for the record that UFOs exist and they have no idea what they are, and are also powerless to do anything about them.. let alone anything about aliens, many people would have a hard time handling the news.But my understanding, that when you are silent in politics - you are hesitant to decide which way to pitch the public announcement -They need to decide if they want the subjects to be hostile or amenable to the scenario - and theres a lot at stake if they got it wrong, governments hold a big ace in there hand - mainly influence over the masses - they need to know as much as they can before entering any form of disclosure. Would revealing some truths promote them or does it politically relegate there authority? (in which case, how can those truths be manipulated to a governments benefit)?
I don't think they are here to cure our ailments. But I also don't think they are here to harm us. They could have done both a long time ago.
They might be trying to get us more manageable, like domesticating wild animals, so they can move to their next stage of inhabiting the Earth.Here we confuse things - and we are going down that path of treating "them" as equals - wrong move!!
Firstly who's to say they don't already own the earth? Have you seen the deeds, the contract - what is that contract and what it is based on? - Do the whole pond of fish know that there little patch is owned by gardener D?
Whats the point of invasion and inhabitation when as far as your concerned the pond is yours - you don't have to live in it!
But this is where the point I am trying to get at lies. Whatever this world/pond is and regardless of the contract - be it some cosmic laboratory, plethora of diversity and biological life, or just aesthetically pleasing to have in your back garden - there would always require some form of management.
If one day, you realise that the pondlife now have some technological ability to poison this world/pond - then, would it not seem unreasonable to take a closer look at whats going on?
Maybe, it becomes pretty high priority - so much so, that in your eagerness that you make mistakes and drop unintentional materials into it.
And start fishing things out for closer examination?
They aren't our "space brothers", not on an emotional level anyway. But they probably have some kind of beliefs about how they should treat other life forms, even if we seem like cattle to them..I agree with this - apart from the beliefs system - they don't believe they know.
So they either want to be helpful, or want to seem helpful, or at least want us to accept them. That's the feeling I got anyway. They pick certain people and change their way of thinking. So they are making contact one person at a time.
Again, don't like this - too focussed on some relationship that doesn't exist.
You take a placid cat into the vet for the jab - stroke it - it probably comes out thinking that it was a pleasant experience.
You take a ferocious cat into the vet for the jab - you put in more forceful and agressive technique - it probably thinks that it was a terrifying experience.
You take a playful cat into the vet for the jab - dangle some string in front of it - it probably thinks it was a bizarre experience.
I think it is better to detach from the distraction - and look more closely at the jab.
OK, Amidst this whirling speculation which I base my instinct on this phen. There remains the $64,000 Q -
So assuming that somewhere out there is the "cure" - a quarantined section of our next generation, how will and when will this be rolled out into our global society?
I get the feeling some of us are going to have to move over. You need to be cruel to be kind.
QUESTION: If there was some unknown psychological flaw in the human psyche that could create such bizarre stories with such exacting similarities between so many people? .... If they are tinkering with the data (and they may be doing it on a subconscious human level) and it impacts their conclusion, I understand that. I personally think the “real” truth is even WEIRDER than what they conclude. Whatever that might mean.
If there is a flaw in this messy business of abduction research, it might be that these two are somehow focusing on their own data in a way that doesn’t include some other conclusions. For instance, someone like Dr. Leo Sprinkle (who I LOVE!) makes claims that are wildly divergent from theirs (he’s very expansive in his thinking, and he factors in all kinds of “fringe” concepts). Both Dave & Budd are at odds with Leo’s conclusions. Personally, I think both sides are incomplete, but they bring some very real (and very important) puzzle pieces to the table.
Connor wrote:
"Carl Jung's idea of the collective unconsciousness is kind of what I am going for..."
Mike replies:
YES! - This is an IMPORTANT avenue to examine. It fit's so cleanly in some ways. This is an elusive mystery, sure enough...
Even if that were true, it doesn't negate the amazing nature of the phenomenon. It does nothing to belittle the experiencers' perceptions. And it opens the door to this whole concept of a story being told across numerous consciousnesses. That's pretty bizarre all by itself!
Like I said in the other thread, I try to tune out certain aspects of what they say as noise and try to focus on key points, like, "is this really happening?" This phenomenon, if real, is the most shocking and terrifying discovery in the history or human beings. It really is.
If these beings do have telepathic capabilities (or "technical" capabilities that to us imply telepathy), it follows that the real time sharing of thoughts between individuals would lead to a shared stream of consciousness, warts and all.