I've yet to hear any compelling evidence for the reality of widespread abductions.
There is a lot of it. Have you read Dr. John Mack's book? He felt the same as the two guest on the show. He figured if he studied 200 people who were abducted, that's only him, and he had been in contact withy colleagues who studied more, there has to be many many more who have not come to him (and he was only one person) or have not come to anyone.
Then there is the fact that people all over the world report the same facts, regardless of the lack of UFOs and aliens in their popular culture.
Then you have the fact that some people had an odd occurrence or missing time, but have no memory of the abduction, or even seeing a UFO.
Dr. Jacobs mentions having had "thousands" of letters to him over the years, as has Mr. Hopkins. If you use that as a percentage of the populous, you can see where they get those numbers. It might easily be every person on the planet! How would we prove otherwise?
And for the doubt about hypnosis, people like the late Dr. Mack, a respected Harvard educated psychiatrist surely knew the right way to perform the procedure, and Mack had no interest in UFOs, and wasn't necessarily a believer. He didn't know what was happening to these people, but he did know they weren't crazy or making up stories. He felt we need to look at their experiences at face value, since no other explanation held up (sleep paralyses, etc.).
The "screen memory" thing goes
way back in UFO lore. People seeing owls, or deer, or seeing things like a "metal building" in an empty lot where they hadn't seen one a half hour earlier! They knew something wasn't right, but have no control over what they are seeing. The "aliens" don't seem to be very good at picking something believable to use as a cover. Maybe as long as they don't see a flying disk. Neighbors saw firemen... something that certainly would cause alarm, but still wasn't a flying disk. Other times witnesses see the abduction happening as it really is. We can only speculate why.
I thought this was an excellent show, and I was not familiar with Dr. Jacobs. I have of course read of the hybrid experiences that abductees have had, but not to the extent that he has found.
I think we have a real issue at hand that we have no control over. I wonder why the aliens want to appear more human? It doesn't seem like they want to take over and eliminate us, since they could have done that easily. I also don't think most humans would be able to handle having an alien race living here. We have a hard enough time dealing with our own races and cultures.
But I also can't see that they plan on waiting until they are all hybrids either. Maybe the hybrids will be a palatable go-between? Maybe we can't understand the whole thing at all. Some abductees have reported that they were told that the aliens are interested in our emotions, because they lost theirs. There are reports of abductees being on a strange world, with other abductees, and off in the distance a ground of humans are alternately laughing and crying. That seemed to me that the aliens were "toying" with the humans to watch their emotions.
Then there are the stories of abductees being shown horrifying images of our "future" or other staged dramas, probably set up to observe our reactions. I don't think it's scientific curiosity though, I think it's more about figuring out how to control a hostile and dangerous group of highly emotional beings!
If they are planing on living here in the open, without asking us how we feel about it, they have to devise some way of us all getting along, which is probably more complicated than one could imagine.