If Ufology were more sophisticated and educated in the ways our psychology works, better evaluations of sightings and abduction reports would be possible.
We live in a society that pays BILLIONs, even TRILLIONs, to be entertained about Alien memes. The 1980 Roswell rebirth is "proof enough" how the military can fabricate this Mythology on an ongoing basis for "need to know" reasons we still don't know. Doty and Moore are the Open Face to this 1980 genesis, BUT we still don't know what the hell is going on! Did they know??? I do NOT think they were ever told the truth. There are a very few humans in the know that used these people to attempt to accomplish something. I just do NOT think it has anything to do with ET on our planet near Roswell as a crash or elsewhere during 1947 as sightings and crashes, nor does ET in 1980 Roswell as presented in sensational books starting with Berliz and Moore. Air Force OSI controlled many of these players in the decade of the 80's. IF anyone is associated with Kirkland Air Force base, and other military related research, such as, Los Alamos or Sandia Labs, THEN you had better put your thinking caps on about what these people are really up to. Believe me, YOU do NOT have a need to know, and they will Mind Frack and Phuck you every time that I'm aware of.
Since we now live in an Entertainment driven society where Science Fiction is the new Alien-God, and few people really know much about serious science other than a lot of theoretical science that is spoon fed as Entertainment on the Science channel [and that ilk] that is still not even realistic and is far far from proven about much of the Entertainment speculation being done about AI, nanotech, faster than light related star transit, transhumanism, the nature of reality, etc.
How do we get out of this Fantasy Entertainment ditch or rut? HUGE BRAIN TRUSTS now exist that make TRILLIONS of dollars off ET. Let's face it. Humans are EXTREMELY religious creatures, and we can and do manifest religious visions. ET-UFO's are being manifested as such in our current era just as Vallee has identified how this meme morphs throughout history much to the consternation of someone that has seen an ET-UFO such as Constance believes she has seen.
My great concern is I see The Storytellers to be the Ultimate Power in our modern era. The TRUTH is total bullshit and not wanted at all. These are the Kings and Queens of days gone by. They control what we think and believe through Mass Media, and the new battleground is going to be the World Mind of the Internet for the foreseeable future for at least several generations or more to come barring a natural or man made disaster from an EMP [or other destructive power] that can take-out the power grid and/or our smart phones/computers.
A new Master Race is already in control, and they are The Storytellers.