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March 2nd Show - Dorothy Izatt

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After listening to this show an interesting thing occurred to me. I thought of how the person presenting the information has such a strong impact on how seriously the listener takes the story, even though the speaker may not have that much to do with the story itself.

Both Frank and Peter's personalities were different, and reading the responses here I gather that after listening to the show, the general consensus was slightly negative toward Peter and more positive toward Frank.

I imagine that if only Peter were on the show, we would all be more suspect of the whole Izatt story. And if only Frank were on the show, we would be more positively inclined toward it.

I think this points to the idea that when investigating we should try to get our info from multiple sources before we draw any conclusions.

Thought you guys might find that interesting.
I was impressed by the story primarily because David and Jeff were encouraged by the movies she took. On the other hand, I am concerned about the attitude of her supporters, and certainly, if her claims are genuine, with proper controls to avoid stress on her part, certainly they should allow outsiders to visit her and confirm the claims.
i just thought of another way that "i myself" (not saying Ms Izzat did)
could attempt to do create similar image to the "4"s image.

if i were to mount some xmas tree lights on a black board at a distance in the dark and mount the board on one of those old fashioned bed springs then i could film them as static light sources and then freeze the exposure open on one frame, give the board a nudge, run through the frame with a torch, laser pointer etc then when everything settles unfreeze the motion on the camera.
if you had a camera that allows you to expose single frames at a time you could load this frame with light any number of ways.

again im not saying that this is what has happened in this case, simply that i think i could duplicate the "evidence" easily enough if i had a mind to.

and again having said that ive only seen that small section of footage from the unsolved mysteries clip.

my first thought when i heard the interview and one of them saying shes seen the inside of the ships was, wow this is it, shes got 30,000 feet of footage including interiors of the craft and the occupants....

id be glad to see some daylight footage if any has been digitised
mike said:
i just thought of another way that "i myself" (not saying Ms Izzat did)
could attempt to do create similar image to the "4"s image.

if i were to mount some xmas tree lights on a black board at a distance in the dark and mount the board on one of those old fashioned bed springs then i could film them as static light sources and then freeze the exposure open on one frame, give the board a nudge, run through the frame with a torch, laser pointer etc then when everything settles unfreeze the motion on the camera.
if you had a camera that allows you to expose single frames at a time you could load this frame with light any number of ways.

Drat! You've totally stolen my blackboard Christmas tree BED idea. I was going to make a [size=large]mint[/size] selling those on late night TV.

I'm ruined. :D
Couple of questions:

What happened to Jerry Mackay, the individual in the Unsolved Mysteries video that apparently experienced something in Dorothy's presence, hearing things on his right ear and seeing some object in her back garden?

How many hours does 30,000 feet of Super 8 film make?
I would draw your attention to the UFO Hunters episode list

Alien Contact – airs 4/16

For approximately 25 years a Vancouver area woman named Dorothy Izatt, using a small Super 8 camera, has been filming lights in the sky. In dreams and other instances the beings behind the lights had messages for Dorothy. On the surface, her film looked like the familiar UFO footage of flashing lights in the sky, however under scrutiny and in slow motion her film revealed messages from reportedly extra terrestrial origins. These alien messages included her name spelled in the sky. When confused, Dorothy would speak and the beings would reveal answers to her, including a mushroom cloud, the universal symbol for a nuclear bomb blast. Are the alien beings concerned about the violent course in which modern man is progressing?

These benevolent beings are possibly using Dorothy as a go between. On several occasions the beings appeared in her house and revealed themselves to her. Though now in her late 80’s and reclusive, we will head north to British Columbia and speak with Dorothy herself. We’ll talk with her family and friends and get their thoughts about Dorothy’s amazing story.

Although Dorothy’s story is quite unique in UFOlogical circles, including in-depth analysis from UFO research pioneer Dr. J. Allen Hynek, it has not been properly told on television. Now, for the first time, UFO Hunters will talk with Dorothy Izatt, probe the locations of her sightings using scientific methods and analysis. The team will bring her filmed evidence back to Los Angeles for detailed analysis from industry professionals. .

I'll keep my mouth shut for now and see how this plays out.
I've only heard about 30 minutes of the show, because my MP3 player battery ran out, and is currently on charge. My initial reaction was that Guttila's protective attitude to the case was suspicious. But in fairness to him, he has known Mrs. Izzatt a long time, and I suspect it's her personally that he's protective of, especially given her advancing years.

I also feel that comparisons to the Billy Meier case are unfair, and unhelpful. Mrs. Izzatt has made no attempts to establish a cult, or set up a lucrative industry, based upon the experiences she has reported (one book and one video do not amount to an industry, in my eyes, unlike the FIGU BS). No doubt there are individuals around who would love to home in on this elderly lady, and exploit her in a similar way to the whole Meier fiasco - bringing us back to the issue of protectiveness again. By comparing this case to the Meier case, I worry that some of us may have inadvertently planted suspicions in the minds of Guttila and Longo, that David, Gene and Jeff are out to get them. The big difference here is that imagery submitted by Horn as 'proof' were obviously faked, whereas Mrs. Izzatt's imagery has impressed them so far.

The sense I get, is that David and Jeff, as experiencers of unusual phenomena themselves, have spotted something here that has a ring of authenticity, which has piqued their interest (experiencers of the paranormal often have an inbuilt sense of what rings true and what doesn't). I hope Guttila and Longo will come to see that their interest is genuine, and will facilitate some contact between them and the lady herself.
Another interview with Frank Longo, (and maybe ... not too clear about this one), Dorothy Izatt. This is from 'Paranormal Cafe'... just found it myself ... so I'm listening to it now.

Go here:


... and scroll down a bit ... its the Feb 20th 2008 edition.
i would like to know if Dorothys camera produces the "flash frame" while filming things other than the lights.
It would really be sad if your trip to see Dorothy was nixed because of what's been posted on this forum. Maybe a phone call to Peter and Frank would be helpful. They probably don't know you well enough, at this point, to trust you and Jeff. Explain where you're coming from and maybe even some of your own experiences. Maybe they are under the impression that you guys are out to debunk Dorothy.

I really hope you can work this out.
the paranormalcafe interview was pretty good. i found it interesting that dorothy said she was in another room communicating with the light beings and asked them to show themselves during the interview with her daughter.
...Finally, a small coincidence should be acknowledged. At two of the described sighting locations, (one of which I did not identify) Dorothy Izatt has resided in the past. This media famous lady is notable for the multitude of films that she has recorded showing strange lights in the sky over and around the very same area these boys had their own strange lengthy sighting.

interesting story. http://www.ufobc.ca/Reports/birdies.htm
what does that mean dB?

you have taken back everything about the validity?
or you have taken back your comment about the camera?
It means that I reasons to believe that the folks representing this case are not being straightforward and reasonable, and I'm done with it.

The 78-year-old great-grandmother from Richmond, B.C., claims to have seen just about everything there is out there. Izatt has met numerous aliens -- some are little grey creatures, others are fair-skinned blonds -- since she first saw a spaceship in 1974. She's also made more than 500 home movies capturing strange phenomena, and photography experts who have viewed the films say they haven't been doctored.

David Biedny said:
It means that I reasons to believe that the folks representing this case are not being straightforward and reasonable, and I'm done with it.


That is sufficient for me, and I trust we can get on with our lives. But I'm still curious to see if Jeff finds out anything else about Ms. Izatt.
David does that mean you doubt Dorothy's integrity? or just the people representing her?