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March 2nd Show - Dorothy Izatt

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ok. ok. seems a rather abrupt end to a very compelling event.
one last question about it. do Gene and Jeff share your feelings?
i know, i'll get butters to dig a hole in the snow and bury me, putting me into a state of suspended animation. he can dig me up in a week and i wont have to wait.........

the suspense is killing me
pixelsmith said:
jeff. gene. what may i ask are your thoughts on the Izatt events?

My concerns are that our two guests this past weekend have chosen to act as sort of gatekeepers for Ms. Izatt. That is extremely troubling. While her claims may be authentic, we are seeing them through the eyes of two people who may have axes to grind of their own, and that's unfortunate.

I would hope that David and Jeff would be given free access to Ms. Izatt for further investigation, with the family's approval and presence, if need be. I realize she is elderly and needs to be treated with care, but i have no doubt that my friends are perfectly able to handle this investigation with appropriate respect.

But the train may have already left the station.
I'd still like to know the "truth" behind her experiences. There appears to be something unusual going on around her. Too bad Peter and Frank aren't acting in good faith.

This whole episode is so typical of the UFO field. Maybe Jeff can bypass Frank and Peter, and get through to Dorothy on his own.
that is unfortunate. i can't think of any other people with the ability, desire and integrity that could do this event justice. i still think a phone call to Dorothy might be all that is needed. she seems very open to others investigating her work.

this negative experience from the guests will do nothing more than hurt them and their sales of books and DVDs. it casts a bad shadow on what could be a world changing series of events.
I think David should try calling her as well. Several of us on this forum want to find out more about her films and story.
Where is the part two of this?? Was this all a big tease??
bypass them, if Ms Izatt is genuine, then she should be glad to have them interview her.
these two are doing the rounds promoting a book and dvd , with a second dvd in the works (and a third and fourth ?- how long is 30 000 feet of footage again ?) so they may just be protecting their franchise.
she seems to have welcomed many different reporters in the past by the looks.
her own family including husband are cited as being skeptics so i doubt any interview done with an open mind would challenge her in any way.

if on the other hand Ms Izatt herself refuses then thats another kettle of fish
David Biedny said:
I think that the folks representing her are not being straightforward with me.



This happened sooner than I was expecting, David! I have to say I was hopeful when you started talking about going to see her...but I expected a last minute "Oh, sorry, the family doesn't want to do this" or "oops, sorry you can't come because she's got pneumonia, she's elderly ya know". I don't know what happened but whatever it was I doubt we'd be too surprised. This particular paranormal case seemed to have some good visual evidence (not that I saw the video), but it also had the obligatory aging white male investigator with a superiority complex, so I wasn't too wishful.

Still, when it comes down to it though, I really want her story to be true.
there is no part two. there were two trailers.
couldnt be too hard to find a Dorothy Izatt in Canada. or maybe we should just ask her to call.

Dorothy please get in touch with David, Gene or Jeff. we are all interested in your story. we all need to know more.
your videos deeply affected me. thank you for sharing!

there. i hope she calls or messages someone here.
listening to the link in post 51 of this thread i got the definate impression there was another capturing the light dvd in the works
capturing the light part two i believe is what was mentioned.
we have also heard that they are digitising and getting Dorothys contextual descriptions of older footage as an ongoing project.

its a pity because in this case i think the hosts have shown a genuine interest and willingness to explore the event on our behalf, and i for one am grateful for their efforts to date

if the event is genuine and there is a genuine message for us in it then the people behind it should welcome this shows interest, commonsense approach and possible endorsment of it as a genuine event.

schticknz said:
Another interview with Frank Longo, (and maybe ... not too clear about this one), Dorothy Izatt. This is from 'Paranormal Cafe'... just found it myself ... so I'm listening to it now.

Go here:


... and scroll down a bit ... its the Feb 20th 2008 edition.

Thanks for the link. Will take a listen later tonight.

OT: Listened to the James Fox pt. 2 interview. He mentions viewing some amazing Area 51 UFO footage. He gives a good description and it's the best he has ever seen, he says.


Starts at 21:50 min. into the interview.
pixelsmith said:
ok. ok. seems a rather abrupt end to a very compelling event.
one last question about it. do Gene and Jeff share your feelings?

No, I do not.

I think a misunderstanding culminating in some bad blood essentially got started here today, and I've stayed out of it. I don't pretend to know or understand all the feelings behind it, but I still stand ready to interact with Ms. Dorothy if I can. I really need to talk with her, and on the phone would be more then enough.

From what I have seen of it, I find the case highly compelling, and I've expressed to Frank Longo that I'll do whatever it takes to make communication comfortable for Ms. Dorothy if she'd speak with me. Thats where it stands for me, and it's about all I can do.

I'm a little upset that David is letting "personalities" stand in the way of negotiations to work further with Dorothy. I don't think it's wise to try to dramatize the situation by reading specs of a camera and basically a low level calling out of an 86 year old lady. I can completely understand them cooling towards yall. My hope is you can get past your pride and investigate this very compelling case for authenticity with kid gloves instead of a bull in a china shop mentality. My thought is a little backing down is probably in order for this process to continue, otherwise it'll probably be up to noory to do something with this and you know that can't go well.
I'm sure the boys came on to this little 'ole show and expected to express there views as if they were on C2C... WRONG. We actually want to know the truth.

My favorite part is how the "Experts" always say, if you don't beleive me then go to the source... but we all know that is never going to happen.

Nice try fellas. These people are on a PR campaign to sell sh*t, not to be proven right or wrong.

I am still interested in this case... I live in canada and go to vancouver all the time.. I find it funny how the sightings are located around only dorthy, her residence and her family. I am assumning she doesn't live in vancouver but more in the mountains and an isolated location.
o ya....

This is just nonsensical... lol. I drink a beer ever time I here that word said on the show.
I'm intrigued by the info in this show and want to watch the DVD/read the book myself. I hope that those who do watch it, POST YOUR REVIEWS of it here, ok?

I HAVE noticed that per Amazon and elsewhere on the net that those who've ordered the Capturing The Light DVD then also order Eckhart Tolle's 'A New Earth' book (of which I've read and LOVE!)...and similar genres...so apparently it's quite spiritual/metapysical in nature these 'Light Beings' etc..

Need more input!

WAS also interesting how Gene and David both seemed to say positive things about Dorothy's case and the book/DVD...usually those two are somewhat cynical about nearly everything/everyone...so not sure if they're just trying to help sell DVD's or were they genuinely impressed..I think the latter so far....
