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Matthew Williams, Circlemaker

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Yea, I'd like to hear more about this too.

So in the interview part II (hint, hint), I'd like to hear about:
1) The politics of land use and ownership, and what part crop-circle making has in that discussion
2) In other words, more about the Why?
3) The paranormal aspects of man-made crop circles, namely the flying orbs etc.

Burnt State raised some good questions in the post you quoted from, and the questions you list are all good too. I haven't read or heard of any ccmakers other than Matt expressing the view that land ownership history or current farming practices are motivations for making crop circles. I also want to comment on Burnt State's take on cc researchers as having sought a role as cc 'priests'. None of the researchers I've read give any indication of desiring such a role or thinking that they fill such a role.
Burnt State raised some good questions in the post you quoted from, and the questions you list are all good too. I haven't read or heard of any ccmakers other than Matt expressing the view that land ownership history or current farming practices are motivations for making crop circles. ..
No, me neither. I'm sensing it's more of a personal sentiment.
How many have you seen?

Who knows? If it is on the Internet, I've probably seen it. I have never stood in one, I'm referring to photographs.

My interest in crop circles lasted on and off for years until I had seen and heard enough to realize what I was looking at. You have to realize that the real source of information about complex crop circles comes from the makers themselves, and in a bizarre reversal of sorts, the "researchers" are the biggest sources of misinformation about them.
yourself and mike have gotten into a 2 step dance, it is not up to you to 'prove' all circles are man made, let mike present the circles he and others believe are not made with planks, by planks, for planks.

Well, I have been trying to get the question re-framed into something that actually can be answered. Does crop circle X bear the signs of human manufacture?

I've been asking people to give me examples of non-man-made circles for a while now. You would think now would be a great time to present these to Matthew.

Rather than get all wrapped around the axle about whether there may or may not be non-human created circles somewhere, let's see some examples of them.
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yourself and mike have gotten into a 2 step dance, it is not up to you to 'prove' all circles are man made, let mike present the circles he and others believe are not made with planks, by planks, for planks.

Of course it is, im not the one making the claim.
The burden of proof is always on those making the claim

TO has presnted a claim of fact, ALL CCC's are man made, Its not impossible hes 100% right.
But to claim as absolute a fact, one must be able to support it with evidence.

Thats how it works in court
Mike, are you still seriously doubting that humans can make crop circles? We put a man on the moon but you don't think that people can create crop circles?

Do you think aliens did this?



Right now you are being deliberately obtuse (at least i hope so)

What part of the following did you not comprehend ?

Are Complex Crop Circles are made by people (yes we can prove this beyond a shadow of a doubt)
Are Some Complex Crop Circles are made by people (as above yes we can prove this)

Ive posted link after link to circlemakers

Do humans make CCC's ?

Of course they do

Is it case closed on the CCC phenomena ?

Not for me

First, its impossible to prove there is no grains of wheat in a pile of chaff.
Even crop circle makers concede this point

As Rod himself said, even if he's telling the truth (and I think he is), this doesn't prove that all crop formations are human made. In fact, Rod mentioned that the two most (in)famous circle makers, Doug Bower and Dave Chorley, are both avid UFO enthusiasts. One of them (Rod couldn't remember which one) had visited Australia years ago and seen a "UFO nest," an apparently authentic UFO landing site in tall reeds that had left a mysterious bowl-shaped impression. Rod Dickinson says this experience was the original inspiration for Doug and Dave's noctural artwork in the fields of England. RD: "Some of the simple circles could be the real thing," Rod said. "I really don't know."

¤ c i r c l e m a k e r s ¤

Secondly there is the reports from human circle makers of paranormal stuff associated with their own work

There was one more thing I wanted to know. "What about reports of strange energies and paranormal events in the crop formations. Have you ever seen lights or felt anything strange while you're out there?" RD: "Yes, I have," Rod said. "And so have most of the other circle makers. On several occasions I've seen sudden flashes of light -- like a flashgun going off in your face. There's no apparent source or direction -- just a brilliant flash. I have no idea what it is."

John Lundberg reports

Part-way through the construction of the formation, there was a powerful burst of light; we all stopped, looked around, and after a bit of head scratching continued the formation. This was followed soon afterwards by an identical burst of light. I later described the experience as analogous to having a flash gun let off in my face, with the light momentarily blinding. Unfortunately, Ned's recording equipment was switched off at the time of the flashes, as he was helping us craft the formation.
Later that same week, Rod and I were out making another formation in the same area. During its construction in heavy rain, we both witnessed a series of bright flashes. Unlike the previous all-encompassing bursts of light, these emanated from behind the bushes at the edge of the field, and were accompanied by a loud crackling noise.

We carried on, assuming that it was some kind of electrical equipment, perhaps shorting out due to the heavy rain. I returned to the site in daylight to try and locate the source of the flashes, but found only trees and bushes.

Once more during the same week, I was out circlemaking with a friend in the same locale. After four hours in the field, as the formation was nearing completion, I was suddenly overcome by a strong sense of foreboding... shortly followed by a similar burst of light. Not wanting to chance a meeting with the source of the flashes, we left. I decided to make that my last formation of 1994. Earlier this year, we took another journalist out with us. During our conversations we described the flashes of light to him, but Andy initially seemed unconvinced. This is what he later wrote in his article for The Face magazine:
"About thirty minutes before, John had turned to me as we were a few feet away on the outer ring, 'Did you pick out that flash,' he asked, excitedly. 'No,' I told him, wondering if he was trying to spook me. Ten minutes later John asked again, nothing. Now I'm pacing the other side of the ring on my own and I get one. A bright flash that seemed to emanate from the back of my own retina. From nowhere at all in fact. I ran to where John is standing. 'You saw that one?' 'Yeah,' I say, though saw isn't the right word. Ten minutes later I pick up a second."
The moral seems to be if you want to see something weird while making circles, take a journalist with you!

Our work generates response, often from other circlemakers, and can sometimes act to catalyse a wide range of paranormal events. I still believe there is a genuine phenomenon, but I now also believe that we're a part of it.

Case closed ?, nothing more to investigate here move along ?

Not for me

This photograph is one of a series of four taken on 21 December, 1993 whilst I was out walking just south of Dorchester, Dorset. I was also looking for and photographing any remaining traces of that season's crop circles. Standing on the B3159 road overlooking Maiden Castle hill-fort and the site of a previous, small crop circle, I witnessed at about 11am two flashes of light, seemingly from the sky to the north-east.
This prompted me to take a sequence of photographs panning from the North towards Maiden Castle around to the east along the road. Apart from the flashes of light, nothing anomalous was visible in the sky. I returned to the same site later in the day at 4pm, and thought I witnessed another flash of light - this time from the south. I took another sequence of photographs. This time to the south and east.
Once developed, the film showed a total of four anomalies none of which were seen whilst the photographs were being taken. The photograph was taken on a 35mm SLR camera using standard 100 ASA colour slide film. The exposure was set at 1/125 and 1/250 of a second.



¤ c i r c l e m a k e r s ¤

That year also saw a large increase in the number of luminosities reported around circle sites. Did we witness a naturally occurring phenomenon - or were we really being scanned by the genuine circlemakers?
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Computers don't think, they calculate.

I think this is sci-fi/fantasy. There'll be super-advanced AI, yes, but it will still just run algorithms. And a network is not a live being.

What bugs me about post-humanism, in general, is the depressing (imo) escapism of wanting to become 'post'-human. It appears to me that the lure, what makes post-humanists starry eyed, is to live forever.

About Plato, personally, I want to read Plato and get the experience of reading him. Reading is a process of understanding, a dialectic. It is not simply a matter of storing information, it's not an 'upload', humans are not computers and don't read a philosopher like a computer (or network) does.
You could create a database of The Republic etc. where you could ask questions which could be answered by the machine in a person-like manner, like Google answers a question. But you shan't be conversing with Plato.
Frankly, I find this extreme objectification of the human being a little bit disturbing.

Again with the computers......You may as well say toasters dont think, they toast

Sophisticated Synthetic Intellegence will be to a computer, what Deep Blue is to a desktop calculator.

The substrate on which intellect resides is irrelevant, is Stephen Hawking any less human because he speaks via a technological mechanism rather than a biological set of vocal cords.

Intellect already transcends the containers, the rest is simply a matter of degree.

I get it freaks some people out, thats perfectly normal

We are facing very strong cultural opposition. When we are pursuing general artificial intelligence as a subject, we find ourselves in a similar position to somebody who does genetics, and tries to build a genome to create a cell or organism, and the funding agency is populated by creationists. Even though Europe is not into creationism, the AI scepticism is even worse in Europe than it is in the US.

Seven Principles of Synthetic Intelligence | Future Current

But its happening, it may even be an inevitable part of the evolutionary process

Synthetic biology is on the brink of two noteworthy accomplishments: to be able to “streamline” and redesign the genetic material of living organisms to make them operate more efficiently; and to design and assemble entirely new, artificial life forms from scratch. But a lengthy list of potential risks, as well as broad scientific and social concerns, are largely unaddressed
Synthetic Biology

Synthetic biology is an emerging area of research that can broadly be described as the design and construction of novel artificial biological pathways, organisms or devices, or the redesign of existing natural biological systems.”
What is Synthetic Biology?

And if it is an unavoidable indeed natural step in the evolutionary chain, then we need to consider it in regards to the ET question, If ET's are in advance of us by a significant time frame, what are the chances they are Post Biological in nature ?

I think not only are the chances high, but that it might explain a lot about their motivations and behavior

Personally, and based on observations of the existing terrestrial model and trending, I think once a species starts making tools, they are on an unavoidale trip to a point where the tools are making them

As always my usual caveat, i dont present answers, just ideas to consider
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It seems kind of odd that the UFO phenomena seems connected to crop circles in the UK in manner similar to the way they're connected to the cattle mutilations in North America. Is there some sort of inference there? Nice designs in the vegetarian grain fields versus grizzly mutilations in the animal food supply? So we seem to have an interest in our reservoirs ( water supply ), farming ( food supply ), and cattle ( food supply ), military installations ( defensive capacity ), and if the abductions are actually happening, then we have them focusing on us as well. What ( if anything ), might be inferred by this behavior?
It seems kind of odd that the UFO phenomena seems connected to crop circles in the UK in manner similar to the way they're connected to the cattle mutilations in North America. Is there some sort of inference there? Nice designs in the vegetarian grain fields versus grizzly mutilations in the animal food supply? So we seem to have an interest in our reservoirs ( water supply ), farming ( food supply ), and cattle ( food supply ), military installations ( defensive capacity ), and if the abductions are actually happening, then we have them focusing on us as well. What ( if anything ), might be inferred by this behavior?

This for me is why CC's are not case closed for me.

The human circle makers report paranormal activity, im very interested in that aspect

What about reports of strange energies and paranormal events in the crop formations. Have you ever seen lights or felt anything strange while you're out there?" RD: "Yes, I have," Rod said. "And so have most of the other circle makers. On several occasions I've seen sudden flashes of light -- like a flashgun going off in your face. There's no apparent source or direction -- just a brilliant flash. I have no idea what it is."

Many of the very people the mundane explanation proponents cite as proof of their stance, say there is a genuine phenomena, that not all CCC's may be man made, that "weird shit" aka paranormal stuff happens in association with their circles.

Mystery solved ?

Not for me
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This for me is why CC's are not case closed for me.

The human circle makers report paranormal activity, im very interested in that aspect

Many of the very people the mundane explanation proponents cite as proof of their stance, say there is a genuine phenomena, that not all CCC's may be man made, that "weird shit" aka paranormal stuff happens in association with their circles.

Mystery solved ?

Not for me

I tried to ask a question of one of the recent guests about the old fashioned burn circles that used to show up once in while back in the 1960s. If it was answered, I never heard it. I'm still of the opinion that the real ones aren't these fancy designs of flattened grass. Because UFOs are real material objects, it's normal to think that they would leave landing traces, and in the early days, landing traces consisted of plain ordinary flattened or burnt landing zones, sometimes with marks on the ground from what may have been landing gear. I used to hear the plain flattened circles called "saucer nests". On the other hand, I think these other bombastic works were designed by disinformation agents to take our attention off the real thing, and then came a league of copy-cat artists. Now we even have professional crop circle artists. So the real landing sites are now obscured under layers of misdirection and cultural noise. I think they're also the simplest ones that we never see anymore because everyone wants photos of the big fancy one over in so-and-so's field, not the comparatively boring real thing. That's my position in a nutshell.
Which segue's into another example
4 murders are committed down town, all victims were stabbed
CCTV footage shows the murderer on 3 of the crime scenes doing the deed, he pleads guilty to 3 but not the 4th murder.
His fingerprints are on 3 of the knives, but not the fourth.
Much as we might conclude he did all 4 crimes, based on the evidence the court can only convict on 3.

Just as no court could convict Matthew for every single crop damaged by circle makers over the years

He can only be convicted for circles that the prosecution can prove he laid down

We can prove some circles are man made
We cannot prove some were made by ET

But neither can we prove beyond a shadow of a doubt, that all CC's are man made, any more then we can prove Matthew did them all

Each circle must be dealt with on a case by case basis, where no evidence exists for the creator of a particular circle, a finding of "unknown perpetrator" must be handed down.

I like your logic but actually I think the court would have taken my word on which ones I created - as these were sort of victimless crimes they could be all taken "into account".
I tried to ask a question of one of the recent guests about the old fashioned burn circles that used to show up once in while back in the 1960s. If it was answered, I never heard it. I'm still of the opinion that the real ones aren't these fancy designs of flattened grass. Because UFOs are real material objects, it's normal to think that they would leave landing traces, and in the early days, landing traces consisted of plain ordinary flattened or burnt landing zones, sometimes with marks on the ground from what may have been landing gear. I used to hear the plain flattened circles called "saucer nests". On the other hand, I think these other bombastic works were designed by disinformation agents to take our attention off the real thing, and then came a league of copy-cat artists. Now we even have professional crop circle artists. So the real landing sites are now obscured under layers of misdirection and cultural noise. I think they're also the simplest ones that we never see anymore because everyone wants photos of the big fancy one over in so-and-so's field, not the comparatively boring real thing. That's my position in a nutshell.

The Saucer nest in Tully Queensland was the thing that sparked the imagination of Doug of the Doug and Dave fame (the guys who admitted making the UK crop circles back in the day.) The funny thing is Doug had an interest in UFOs and the paranormal and that's how he spotted the story about Tully when he was living in Australia at the time. He brought the idea of making a saucer nest in the crop back to the UK. If you listen to his story of why he did it (its in the Circlemakers documentary on my youtube channel) he explains this. However just because he was creating crop circles does not mean he offered any explanation for the Tully circle - so to say it was to draw attention away is perhaps not correct. Saucer nests still carried on unaffected by crop circles. It is just that saucer nests stayed uncomplicated and circles gained in complexity year by year.
when you are hearing the counter information directly from the horses mouth... me.

some would say it just looks like a horse, when really it's an ass.

just avin a laugh matty lad, you never answered before about that vid posted a couple of pages back.

Remind me, I did watch some vids... but didnt feel like offering comment. There was an owl one and aball of light from Steve Alexander. I was considering cleaning it up and stabilising it. Would that interest ye?
You raise some interesting issues here, Matt. At the outset you do a good job of evoking the visceral and (for lack of a better word) spiritual ways in which crop circles have affected people over these last 45 years in Wiltshire. I think it might have something to do with the place itself, the ancient megaliths, the ley lines that connect them, and so forth, but I'm convinced that it's been the crop circles themselves that have worked this 'magic' that keeps so many people returning to them. And I have to point out that that 'magic', for lack of a better word, deeply affected the despised 'researchers' as well, for 45 years now. You paint them as mendaciously having exploited the circles purely for profit in their books exploring the circles, and their possible significance, over these many years, but I think that those of us who have read those books can't take that judgment seriously. Again, the proof is in the pudding: one has to read some of those books to see what I'm talking about. I realize that your personal experience there (the last 20 years or so?), given your sometimes public interventions as a circlemaker, has been emotionally frustrating and even painful for you. But whether it can ever be proved that all crop circles, in Wiltshire and elsewhere in the world, have been manmade -- and indeed since that cannot be proved -- I think it would be be beneficial if you would try to open yourself up to the way all this has affected the researchers too. They are individual people who have been deeply affected by the crop circles, so much so that many of them have devoted decades of their lives to attempting to account for how and why crop circles affect people as they do. The hostility that developed in Wiltshire between human circlemakers and researchers over the last 35 years has been as painful for them as it has been for you.

I agree researchers are people too. Which is why the nice ones who have been friendly and had the guts to speak to me even if we disagree have fared much better in the way I have portrayed them to others. Those who upon meeting me have relayed our encounter with a set of lies about how I tried to do something nasty to them, lied to them, tried to steal from them or physically hurt them... etc etc... those are the researchers I have slayed in the way I have portrayed them. Yes your are correct there is a lot of frustration and pain involved because some of the interactions with these researchers has involved me getting in further trouble with the police and spending extended time in a holding cell and having my house turned over by police officers and then later on my house taken away from me and my ending up having to move into a much smaller place which is unsuitable for my dog. I think frustration is a mild word to use... but hey ho, things could be worse.

You see myself and the researchers operate differently. I keep my arguments with researchers based on factual stuff. They quite often turn their lack of arguments into thinking up ways to get me arrested or evicted or possibly things that are even worse!

On another note...

I think it is quaint that these researchers are out there apparently "researching". However I see it often as just them wandering out to some crop circles and then making up a bunch of theories which forever remain unproven and just get layered with new theories on top of, ad infinitum. What you will mostly notice with researchers is they all have to have a unique theory, differing from someone elses theory so as to make it exclusive and they argue like squabbling seagulls and cant agree on things. A point I have made quite a few times over the years is that surely if the answer to crop circles was that powerfully obvious then all these researchers would be in agreement and backing each other up. However you just study them and see how disparate and inverted their arguments are and you will see what the research community is often about... its about being more right than someone else and wanting to take the place of someone else and never being able to agree on things. Petty jealousies between researchers leads to squabbling, stealing each others photos and not paying or crediting people correctly, plagiarism etc etc. Circles on the inside does not seem to have the honourable sheen it seems to give off to outsiders with little first hand experience.
I like your logic but actually I think the court would have taken my word on which ones I created - as these were sort of victimless crimes they could be all taken "into account".

Oh absolutely, if the matter before the court were the circles you created, Frank admissions on your part would, unless direct evidence to the contrary were presented be enough for the beak to hang his hat on as they say.

I was refering to hypothetically calling on you as an expert witness in the matter of someone elses crop circles.

Depending on who called you as expert witness, either the defense or prosecution could call into question your independance in the matter.
The clandestined nature of the creations would allow me to create reasonable doubt in regards to this factor. IE have you worked with this person in the past

Your conviction for a similar offence would also be problematic

For example a court might call on a medical doctor (as expert witness) to testify in a case of alleged malpractise.
It wouldnt call on someone who themself had been convicted for malpractise in the past

Again depending on who was calling the EW, the defense or prosecution could make a case in regards to impartiality.
Does the EW think their conviction was fair and reasonable, would any resentment stemming from the conviction cause them to try and testify in a way that stymied the court as payback etc etc
Question for Matthew

Given Rod Dickenson has said

this doesn't prove that all crop formations are human made

And John Lundberg has said

I still believe there is a genuine phenomenon,

Whats your position, do you think they are all man made (saucers nest and obvious wind crop damage aside)
As Matt has stated, he has distanced himself from the practice of the earlier generation of Wiltshire circlemakers (centered at CCmakers.org) who did indeed long maintain their anonymity and, to coin their oft-repeated dictum, "Keep Shtum" concerning their authorship of their circles.* As I reported earlier in this thread, one of their associates who had been a crop circle designer stated in the Connector forum several years ago that the goal had been to duplicate elements of sacred geometry appearing in nonmanmade circles in order to lead people to think that the human-made formations were 'genuine' ones.

*I think that this rule became increasingly difficult to maintain as more ccmakers were recruited by CCmakers.org or followed their prescripts (this is clear even in your documentary about circlemakers some years ago, Matt). As I recall one or two of the younger ccmakers in the documentary expressed frustration at not being able to take credit for circles he worked on. And it was there I first heard the now more common ccmakers' complaint that they are not paid to make their formations, whereas researchers and conference organizers make money 'off of' their accomplishments.

Ok I am going to be very specific here and choose my words carefully. Please feel free to ask if you think there may be ambiguity here as I dont intend any.

When "CCmakers org" want people to keep Schtum about which circles they have made they seem to think this rule should apply to other teams as if other teams had unknowingly automatically signed up to a set of rules in order to be a circlemaker in the first place. I agreed to no such rules however I do respect keeping the works of other teams secret unless given permission to discuss something.

One has to be very careful in what you listen to from "CCmakers org" because there is always an element of not telling it how it actually is. Say for example you imply you are copying sacred geometry from the "real" circles implies there must be some real circles, so you are giving rise then to excitement about which circles are which (real of manmade) and this statement contains false modesty - because it would allow for people to deride human circle makers work as a knock off of the "real thing", hence the hoaxer terminology. What if there are no real circles and the person who made the previous statement knew this... then what this person could be saying could be decoded like this... "We are creating great circles which we want you to think are so good they are alien in origin... then we will say we are trying very hard to copy these real alien masterpieces which makes us appear to have false modesty when in fact we are wanting you to decry low quality circles as our work, or work of lesser teams than us whilst all the while we will know that the "highest" complex work may be ours so we can revel in the fact that you think our work is of such a calibre as to be unattainable by human hands". This is an ego factor which does exist and is present in the way many circles teams view their work (and want you to view their work too) - because if people make the statement that it cannot be created by humans, this is the highest compliment. However to imply that you cant reach that standard with your works - is vain and facetious. This is something you would only appreciet goes on if you were a circlemaker observing other circlemakers talking about their works but keeping open that narrow window of "but there are real circles, honest guvnor, wink wink". Some see this as an integral part of "the art"... I do not.

There also exists the belief system that if circles are known to be man made people will become uninterested in them and the circles "lose their power". There may be truth in this. I have always said it is ok to talk about making circles because many people will not believe me anyway so therefore the circles have as much power as people wish to give them over and above wanting to know the truth - which many people do not want to know. Most people are much happier thinking circles are made by aliens and really do want to avoid the truth.
My impression is that he wants to represent you as the last word on all things crop circle, and that he wants to think you have the last word on it all because what you argue corresponds with what he prefers, as an apparently thorough-going skeptic, to think about crop circles.

To be honest - I don't think we have gone into the paranormal stuff enough here for me to have introduced this concept but I will skim over it now. Seeing as I truly believe that there is a guiding hand behind the circles and we have had mind boggling experiences out in the fields whilst making them I do not think I could ever have the final word on crop circles because we are simply the brush for a cosmic higher hand. It is the cosmic higher hand that will have the final say or laugh. I think this also applied to other circle making teams, even those ones who play games with the way the represent themselves to the public. I think even they are reminded from time to time that they are not in control... this higher hand revealing itself in strange ways. These teams are loathed to admit to their experiences it would seem and appears like they and bloody well hate it because they like to think they are the biggest and best team and totally in control - yet in the end they know they are just pawns in this game/adventure - however you wish to see it.

It is because of this I think circlemakers and researchers should come together to try and understand what it happening on a much grander scale than just designs in the fields. Things that can alter reality are much more interesting to me than bits of flattened crop - but bits of flattened crop get us closer to things that can alter reality.
I get all that, all valid points imo, but none of them directly support the claim all CCC's are man made
I'm not trying to prove who did or didnt make them, simply that the absolute claim men made them all has no basis in factual evidence.

Indeed some of the human CCC makers make the same point

I think this may be referring to the Crop Circle Challenge 2013 thing, which no circlemakers wanted to take part in because they distrusted the motives of the organisers from the outset... and good thing too because when I bothered to try and pin some of the organisers down on some points they went a little big off the deep end - perhaps the polite term is "ballistic" because we were daring to ask them questions. In the end we managed to deduce that one of the organisers refused to speak to any of us over a phone or via skype which was highly suspicious. We also found out that the funder had never shown that they had the prize money to anyone and at the time they were saying they were offering £100k the funder was also in the newspapers saying that they were so poor they couldn't afford to fix the tiles on their roof. How can they be wanting to fun 100K crop circle projects then. A lot of it didnt add up. I think a lot of people showed their true colours through this.