OK MIKE OK. You are SOOOOOO right. I have not seen every crop circle in the world. Wow, you really got me there pal. How embarrassing is that? You are correct. I do not have evidence to support a claim about every crop circle in the world.
But Mike, it is my opinion (there you like that better?) that every complex crop circle I have seen has been man-made. Why? Because every single one I have looked at has all the markings of a man-made circle. When I see one that doesn't scream "boards and ropes" I'll have a different opinion. I'm not required nor would any reasonable person expect me to have another opinion if every single last one of the things has comb lines, foot lines, etc., etc., etc.
I challenge you to find a complex crop circle that doesn't.
If you want to entertain fantasies about something other than human beings making them have at it. The pseudo-scientific explanations just don't cut it for me personally.
As im sure youve noticed already, our debate isnt about crop circles per se.
Its about absolute claims of fact and standards of evidence.
I have the luxury of being of an "i dont know" frame of reference, so i dont need to prove anything. im not making any claims.
You are trying to invoke Borels law, which is flawed when you dig down
Borel's Law - RationalWiki
It was created for specific physical examples, not as a universal law. It certainly does not mean that any probability below 10−50 is automatically zero, which is contradictory.
many of the things we observe around us have a probability of occurring of nearly zero. They love that "nearly zero" thing. They seem to believe that if the odds are low enough, then what we see couldn't have happened randomly. However, since we do observe the "whatever improbable thing", then it must have made it despite the odds.
Again, they always mention the "nearly zero" thing. Actually, they mean zero. They pretend to give the observation the however low probability that it might have, but they truly believe that it had zero probability.
There is a difference between an event that "will never occur" and one that "has a zero probability of occurring."
In short: "improbability" does
not imply "impossibility".
You can show me case after case after case of man made CCC's, but statistically unless you can show
every single one is man made, we cannot as an absolute fact make the leap from improbability to impossibility
You are comfortable making that leap and thats fine, as you say
I do not have evidence to support a claim about every crop circle in the world.
And if in spite of that you want to form the conclusion they are....... thats fine
But it just doesnt cut it for me personally, in the absence of evidence to the contray (evidence you admit you dont have), reasonable doubt remains for me.