Uh Oh...I guess I derailed my own post. I guess I can blame Randall for that. He posted the vid which reminded me of those wonderful times in the woods
Muadib, I would love to hear some of your camping stories. I have a few more but I'll spare you all in the interest of keeping on the subject.It mostly involved hound dogs, stealing returnable coke bottles, burning sleeping bags and giving the state trooper a hot dog.....yeah Muadib we kind of did the same thing because everything within a 50 ft. radius was covered in ushirol oil( I may have misspelled that), basically the stuff in poison ivy and poison oak that is really bad if you happen to be allergic to it.
Chris, I almost hesitate to admit this..... ok I'll tell.... on my list of one time dumbest things ever to do this one was on it. In my case I happened to swing the fire hose around onto a white insulator at my cousins dairy farm. I was actually aiming for it. We were out in the pasture and it's much easier for us guys right? I have pulled the trigger on a shorted metal cased drill with no ground . I have accidentally been lit up on a few occasions with household 115volt current...and let me tell you none of that came even close to the way this felt. Holy Shazaaaaaam Batman!!!!!!!!!!! They should have warning signs or something.
OK, for those who are still with me on the disappearances, please disregard the above two paragraphs.
Someone asked if I had read the book. No, I really had every intention to buy both books until I seen the price. Someone else commented on the price as well. Why is it so high? I thought maybe it would be less expensive in paperback or electronically downloaded... no and no.....no matter what you do this book is a lot of clams. I would gladly pay 20 or 30 dollars for it but I'm not going to shuck out double that amount. I listened to a you tube interview with Paul and a podcast and I read deeply into the numerous comments about his book. I have also looked at more in depth commentary on his book and on this subject. In doing all of this I was able to ascertain that there were several cases which are bizarre. Paul brings out a lot of information in his books during his interviews.
Unlike many UFO related cases, there is real evidence. How do you get any more real than numerous missing persons? How do you get any more real than seeing how this is being handled by the Parks Dept?
Say you have a few people go missing, say you have been keeping poor records in the past, as is the case here with the Parks Dept. Don't you think it's about time they would consider the importance of such things? The Parks are their own law enforcement and law enforcement always has kept good records. This is how you apprehend criminals. This stinks to high heaven of something not being right in more ways than one.
It is really sad to see a person go missing,especially a child. I remember a few cases around here where I live. These people have either been robbed of their lives or have had the opportunity to live life stolen from them. Imagine the anguish these families must go through.Serial killers, Sexual predators, wild animals, runaways, mentally unstable people, evil cults seeking fresh meat, paranormal events with an evil twist maybe. Possible govt. sanction of the activity. Doing nothing or very little is a kind of sanction in my view.