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Happy Valentines Day Everyone !


As was spotted by others who have watched this video it looks to be a tank circuit with a regulator which will dissipate over time... meaning it is not free energy but stored potential energy.

Anyway there was one comment that had me thinking this has to be one of the best creative abuse posts I have ever read.

It was in response to this:

You're a dumb little bitch aren't you?
The power lit the light bulb as normal, and then it stayed lit after the power was removed.
A tank circuit does circulate power but it's circulating used power meaning its being powered by itself making it FREE POWER!

Ok so the guy here clearly has not understood what this circuit is doing ... so here is the creative abuse post you have been waiting for.

it means you're a moron that has no education, talks shit and will continue to work as a blue collar laborer that thinks a motor "draws" power or an amplifier "draws" power and when voltage drop, current increases.

None of the above is even remotely true and accurate.
You're a retard.
Your brain is dog shit.
Your mother and father should be ritualistically abused for creating you.
You're not special.
You're not even short bus, wear a helmet to bathe special.

You're useless and need to stop breathing my air.

Now that had me laughing ... I find so many times that the comments section of a video can be a heck of a lot more fun than the video ...
As was spotted by others who have watched this video it looks to be a tank circuit with a regulator which will dissipate over time... meaning it is not free energy but stored potential energy.

(major snippage)

Sigh. There's always a damn fool... someone who will believe in a free lunch. Especially when served up on a flying saucer. :rolleyes:

Personally, I always bet on entropy.
Highway cook off

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which was the part you found the funniest ?, the road accident ? the fuel fire ?, the gas bottles exploding ?, the drivers arm waving out of the window for help as he burned to death?.
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Thats a fair point, ive watched it a few times and it seems to me the driver got out (its in russia and they are left hand drives) so the dude you see get out at the 28 second mark was likely the driver. I cant see anyone else being burned myself.

I guess it can be a fine line sometimes, and humour is relative and often based on the misfortunes of others.

On the assumption no one was killed there are aspects that seem funny to me, including the choice of music and the comments section

Bon Scott's booze delivery truck
It reminds me of a funny story
When i was a lad i collected a huge bag of chestnuts (about 300 of them ), Conkers being a schoolyard favorite back in the days before nintendo.
One day my mother in a regular clean up decided they were going into the incinerator along with other precious junk.
I always hated these cleanups, her decisions were always final and many a cool bit of junk was stolen from me.

So into the old 44 gallon drum incinerator they went, while i sat on the back doorstep a dejected and miserable figure of a lad.

But sometimes the universe smiles on the oppressed.

At one point she got in there with a poker to stir the fire up, and the entire bag, superheated by the air as it rushed in exploded, much like the video they kept exploding for a while.

The expression shat herself doesnt do the moment justice

Ahh watching her scream as she ran crouched over as red hot chestnut shells rained down apon her...... It was like a scene from a war movie. The air thick with smoke.
It smelled like Justice
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Which in turn reminds me of another story involving my mother
She had an autonomic response to bees/wasps.
If one came within a few inches of her face, she would lose all self control, and be reduced to a shrieking handwaving, gibbering wreck.
It was a form on temporary insanity, and she had no control over it at all.

So i would make mock ups of bumble bees and either toss them at her head when she wasnt suspecting, or dangle one via cotton, carrot on a stick style.

Wasnt a prank i trotted out often, since the consequences involved were always extreem.

But i still get a warm glow remembering inducing these seizures to this very day.

Also had an uncle who would faint at the sight of even a drop of blood, He'd just drop on the spot, out cold.

I had a lot of fun with a needle and uncle arnold....
A trick gone wrong.
True story

One morning i decided a day in bed with a pile of comic books sounded much better than a day in school.
So i grabbed some wheatbix in one hand, and some frozen peas and carrots in the other and mixed them up in the toilet bowl.
Loud retching sounds soon brought my mother who seeing the messy contents, agreed school was out for the day.

But the comics were not to be my reward, a visit to the doctor was.........
I was given a thorough exam, and he decided i had an undescended testicle
And i was booked in for surgey.
His description of how they used to do this operation, which was to put a hole in the scrotum, tie off a length of fish gut to the recalcitrant nut and anchor this assemby to the appropriate knee did nothing to sooth my fears.

Worse still this was a small country town, news spread and by the time this mad doctors spree was over 4 other boys from my class were diagnosed with the same, and duly booked in for surgey.
I was very very unpopular, and i learned later in life the Doctor must have been a bit mad, and that if he had just waited a year or so, in all likely hood we would have dropped our goods in due course.

I was to learn the true meaning of the expression it only hurts when i laugh from this particular stunt
Thats a fair point, ive watched it a few times and it seems to me the driver got out (its in russia and they are left hand drives) so the dude you see get out at the 28 second mark was likely the driver. I cant see anyone else being burned myself.

I guess it can be a fine line sometimes, and humour is relative and often based on the misfortunes of others.

On the assumption no one was killed there are aspects that seem funny to me, including the choice of music and the comments section

i had no intention of watching it twice, but your point about left hand drive is noted, and on a second viewing it is probably a sticky out mirror, not an arm, so my faith in human nature is somewhat restored, i did think it odd, being in the funnies, however my first though was the footage had been mistaken for an unlucky terrorist, with his incendaries going off early, causing the loss of control, i can see how some would find the irony of that funny, and an appropriate sound track...
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A trick gone wrong.
One morning i decided a day in bed with a pile of comic books sounded much better than a day in school.
So i grabbed some wheatbix in one hand, and some frozen peas and carrots in the other and mixed them up in the toilet bowl.
Loud retching sounds soon brought my mother who seeing the messy contents, agreed school was out for the day.

But the comics were not to be my reward, a visit to the doctor was.........

Did something similar when I was 5 or so - discovered friction, and what it would do to a thermometer bulb. I got it all the way up to 102 (Fahrenheit) one day, and not only did I not have to go to school (I was a precocious child) I too got a trip to the family doc, with BOTH my parents along. Ouch.

Which in turn reminds me of another story involving my mother.

You know, if I wanted to be a dick... naw, I can't. I just can't. Too much like shooting fish in a barrel, or debating Seth Shostak, or something. ;)
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