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Question for Dave or Anyone Who Feels The Same....

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Skilled Investigator
You can imagine a virtuous scenario where the government/military would not disclose the "alien" presence to the masses. Does the same apply to the presence itself or is their secrecy always nefarious no matter how you slice it because they are the ones doing something to or with us sans explanation & consent?
It's really quite simple:

Whatever this presence is, it's the dominant force. We are the submissive part of the equation. The problem is that our submissive stance is not something we chose, it's the result of the fact that we're talking monkeys, technologically inferior to the "other". We have no power in the situation. If you wish to assign malevolence to the "other", well, it's certainly more logically feasible than any other explanation I can think of - I don't buy the "space brothers here to help" mentality at all, it makes no sense to me.

I am not wishing this to happen.

But I think that when our time comes to pass on (you could be in a freak accident) and your spirit leaves your body then we find out what the whole pictures is about, and life in universe would be more clear
I am not wishing this to happen.

But I think that when our time comes to pass on (you could be in a freak accident) and your spirit leaves your body then we find out what the whole pictures is about, and life in universe would be more clear

And if that isn't the case I will be one pissed off ghost!
Well If I have any choice in the matter I do not want to come back to earth at least not in the near future. If i have to come back at least please please let me be stupid and happy!
Well If I have any choice in the matter I do not want to come back to earth at least not in the near future. If i have to come back at least please please let me be stupid and happy!

I'm of the mind that time does not exist, and if we do reincarnate, it could be ANYWHERE, at any time.
Maybe our notions of "control" and "dominance" don't even apply here. Throw them on the heap of cultural artifacts that break when you try to use them to examine or take apart this thing.
Maybe our notions of "control" and "dominance" don't even apply here. Throw them on the heap of cultural artifacts that break when you try to use them to examine or take apart this thing.

My intuition is that these concepts are universal in nature, in the same way that hierarchies are present in pretty much everything. On this planet, we see dominance and submission in every relationship, interspecies and intraspecies. My guess is that these concepts are as universal as the idea of energy.

I'm of the mind that time does not exist, and if we do reincarnate, it could be ANYWHERE, at any time.

I rather doubt we could be reincarnated during a time when we already are alive, though.

Also, from the few experiences I have had, I tend to go along with the linear line. When you think of it, becoming more evolved works on a linear line in most things in nature, so why not for reincarnation?
I rather doubt we could be reincarnated during a time when we already are alive, though.

Also, from the few experiences I have had, I tend to go along with the linear line. When you think of it, becoming more evolved works on a linear line in most things in nature, so why not for reincarnation?

Linear time does not exist.

In my brain, Linear Thought doesn't exist half the time. Ask David, he'll tell you.

I'm still not entirely convinced that you, and pretty much everyone else isn't a construct of my subconscious. Considering what passes for reality these days...

You have to bear with me. I'm taking 3 Over the counter meds that all seem to have really done a number on my brain. I'm the only guy I know who can get an 8 hours worth of sleep, in a 45 minute cat nap.
Isn't the "nefarious" nature of the secrecy entirely based on our perspective? A fish in a bowl may find the bowl confining and restrictive but it's also holding the water that keeps it alive, a fact the fish may be taking entirely for granted.
Why does that scene from Animal House where that professor and the kids are smoking a joint and talking about universes in thumbnails keep coming to my mind while reading this thread? :rolleyes:
I'm of the mind that time does not exist, and if we do reincarnate, it could be ANYWHERE, at any time.

So we could all be manifestations of the same consciousness under different parameters coexisting at a point in time with another iteration of ourselves? That is kinda God like.... and creepy all at the same time.
So we could all be manifestations of the same consciousness under different parameters coexisting at a point in time with another iteration of ourselves? That is kinda God like.... and creepy all at the same time.

that fits in with Hirsch's God Theory. I could see that. :cool:
My intuition is that these concepts are universal in nature, in the same way that hierarchies are present in pretty much everything. On this planet, we see dominance and submission in every relationship, interspecies and intraspecies. My guess is that these concepts are as universal as the idea of energy.


I agree. I think don Juan in the Castaneda books said it best: "The universe is predatorial in nature".
But I think that when our time comes to pass on (you could be in a freak accident) and your spirit leaves your body then we find out what the whole pictures is about, and life in universe would be more clear

Would that it were so, but I'm not expecting for things to suddenly become clear in the next realm. I suspect what we experience will be governed by our beliefs now. Christians will see Jesus and hang out with other Christians. Muslim martyrs will see their 72 virgins, finally realize they can't do anything with them without a corporeal body, and contemplate Allah. The point is that I doubt we are any more in control 'up there' than we are 'down here.' In fact, we may ultimately discover that our personalities, to which we hold dear, may be relatively unimportant in the greater scheme of things and are simply aspects of our greater selves which actually exert control.

In terms of reincarnation, my suspicion is that being in a physical body is addictive and that once out of one, we crave to get back into one. While in one we can hear, see, feel, smell, and taste. While outside one we can only think about the same. Does it feel better to think about getting laid or to get laid? That's the lure to get you back here. But once here you are forced to trudge through life learning lessons you didn't know you wanted to learn. One interpretation of the message of Jesus is that he said you could stop this merry-go-round of birth/re-birth if you joined with him and accepted his teachings. That idea has been surpressed, of course, but can be found in some of the non-Canonical gospels.

I also suspect that the ET guys have figured a lot of this out and are taking advantage of the situation by treating us like farm animals for their own uses. I don't think they are the least bit benevolent. That would explain their presence in both realms and also explain the stories of genetic manipulation down here. I don't know whether it is possible for an individual to manipulate the situation much, but I have to tell you I'd rather be a house slave than work in the fields and you can expect me to try to get there. I will go down fighting.

All in all it's a piss-poor totalitarian environment that makes the Gulag look like Hedonism III. I, of course, have no idea if I'm close to the truth and do not present it as such. It's just that my suspicions after forty years of reading about this crap now lean in that direction.

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