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Question for Dave or Anyone Who Feels The Same....

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Fun ideas mike. Would be make great sci-fi fodder, but I dont think theres any reason to believe thats the way shit really is.

Your time ideas maybe, but the all the rest seems like (perfectly valid) speculation.
I rather doubt we could be reincarnated during a time when we already are alive, though.

Also, from the few experiences I have had, I tend to go along with the linear line. When you think of it, becoming more evolved works on a linear line in most things in nature, so why not for reincarnation?
Let's say we do reincarnate. How can you set limits on what is possible, if reincarnation is possible. It seems kind of limited to set limitations on a belief of this nature. Besides there is evidence of some people coming back and still having siblings alive (of course not conclusive evidence). Google scottish boy reincarnated. Unless you know for sure there is a process to it or a method of madness you can't say when the soul would reincarnate or where.
I dont think theres any reason to believe thats the way shit really is.

Well there goes mikes unifying theory of everything......:p

im just building castles in sand, and happy to be doing so in this sandbox, i dont have "the" answers, im just happy when some of the ideas i convey resonate in some way with the reader

that people even taste my food for thought, is good enough for me..

those ideas that i post that "resonate" with the reader might get used later in another personal view of the data, by the reader, which in turn might lead to yet another viewpoint and so on...

plus, if my unifying theory of everything is true, then publishing it would result in a visit from the paratime police no doubt.....

im sure our futures are safe from my extemporizing......;)
Time though does seem to be the key, of the three technologys proposed Time travel is the key Technology.

for example a scenario where the "Atlanteans" develop time travel, they in turn scoot uptime and gather the clone, and conciousness transfer technology.

if time travel is the simplest of the technologys.... then the rest could follow easily.

we could invent time travel in 1964 and the clone and conciousness transfer technology could be manifesting in what we call the "now" just like that, once you step outside linear time and can access each part of it like you could any given square inch of the floor your on, then any other technology you need is there for the plucking, but again as someone with the technology to take you out-time, its in your interests to leave the natural linear time dimension to do its thing

but of the three technologys time travel strikes me as the key, the rest hang off that one.
Let's say we do reincarnate. How can you set limits on what is possible, if reincarnation is possible. It seems kind of limited to set limitations on a belief of this nature. Besides there is evidence of some people coming back and still having siblings alive (of course not conclusive evidence). Google scottish boy reincarnated. Unless you know for sure there is a process to it or a method of madness you can't say when the soul would reincarnate or where.

no, you couldn't argue for linear or otherwise, as the subject itself is, at this point, conjecture.
however, I am basing my own opinion on personal experience/memories, which - though scant - do nudge me towards linear reincarnation. working TOWARDS something, some goal, and not jumping back and forth in time.
I think, if I am remembering some bits and pieces, why would I only remember those from the past? why not from all eras, ages? To me, it is simple; I haven't lived those future lives yet.

I agree putting limits on something so hypothetical is pointless, but for me, my opinion on linear reincarnation is completely subjective.
To me, it is simple; I haven't lived those future lives yet.

There could be a block on them though. Most people have a complete block on other-life memories, sometimes called the 'veil of forgetfulness,' an intentional block that serves (or so the stories go) to ensure your lessons are really learned this time around and to lessen the difficulties of dealing with too many memories at once.

I'm trying to reconcile the idea that 'time' is just a convenience to separate activities (such as promulgated by the Seth Material, and others like it) with the idea that time travel is even possible. If the former, then 'time travel' is an oxymoron because you don't have to travel anywhere (or anywhen?) It;s just a matter of learning to change your point of view.

I'm really not convinced either way, I'm just saying that lack of memory in itself does not prove much.
Annette Marie
I understand what you're saying and at some level I agree but what if the "soul's" memory is similar to the pysical memory in which it only remembers strong points as we do. Points that only matter some how in the bigger picture. Those things may only happen In a few of our lives. (cant believe I just said that) but you get the jist.
If the former, then 'time travel' is an oxymoron because you don't have to travel anywhere (or anywhen?) It;s just a matter of learning to change your point of view.


i once heard it put this way, you dont travel back in time so much as step back.

the mental aspect is fascinating, because with the technology to seperate yourself from linear time, not only is your body taken to a new place, but indeed your POV changes from there.

for us for example the big bang and eventual heat death of the universe are linear concerns, but if you are able to step out to the next dimension outside time as we experience it then, dinner at the restaurant at the end of the universe is a nice evening out.

you would have access to real infinity.....

for example our 100 billion humans, the 6 billion alive and the 96 billion dead..... out of linear time i would have what feels like "real time" access to each and every one of them, and of course the 100 billion and more humans to come in the future....

from my pov they would all be as accessable as each other, from the place i live in. there would be no split in the population figures as we have now, it would be a whole number from my perspective
on the learning of how to change your pov.

lets imagine an evolving reality, based on a series of If/Then program lines.

We are each of us sitting in a moment we can label "right now".

assuming of course there is a relation between gravity and time, and that you can create a field that blocks and thus seperates you from them. or any other means of doing same.

It only has to happen once, anytime anywhen, 500 years from now by human scientists, or 50 billion years ago by alien scientists, it only has to happen once, and the operators of the device have the ability to connect with the "right now" you are currently sitting in, and all the other right nows either side of you in linear time.

but in making this connection, your "right now" is connected also to the other right nows in reverse. you may not have the equipment to allow you to actually go to those locations, but you are connected by the 4th dimension directly with all of them

if even one such device is ever built, it doesnt matter where or when, the moment it does the reality of your "right now" reflects that.

if the 4th dimension is a reality, then even though your body is stuck thru lack of the equipment, in linear time, the reality none the less remains allowing you to "think" in the 4th dimension so to speak.

you are technically as close to any of the other "right nows" as the one you sit in.

in linear time the past is gone, and the future is not there, but via the 4th dimension they both exist right now, as real and solid as the moment you occupy "right now"

now, if thats true if time travel only has to be invented once , then time travel is a reality in your right now
There could be a block on them though. Most people have a complete block on other-life memories, sometimes called the 'veil of forgetfulness,'

I'm really not convinced either way, I'm just saying that lack of memory in itself does not prove much.

I can see that, and I have heard some folks have been 'progressed' through hypnosis to a future life, as opposed to regressed to a past one.

I still wonder, though, why the folks whose memories 'leak' a different incarnation, never seem to leak the future life? All the incarnation memories I have read about that were occurring without hypnosis, were from past incarnations.

If something is going to break one way, ie the veil of forgetfulness, it stands to reason it would break the other way, as well. since it doesn't seem to be doing that, I wonder if those memories are there to be exposed in the first place.
I think I got that! :D

thats wonderful, another way to visualise it is to imagine a being in possesion of this technology, dailing in to our third dimensional real time and then stepping out of the craft, and walking across the lawn.

even though its body exists in linear time, the reality of the 4th dimensional place means its still "thinks" in terms of that reality.

a bit like visiting 3 different shopping malls in one morning but knowing the whole time you shop you will return "home" when your done.

once your aware of the 4th dimension as a reality, your mind inhabits it

its funny because my theory on a technical life after (what we call )death does mirror the death cults and their historical claims.....

that there IS life after death, that a 3rd party non earth dwelling being is responsible for the process, and that in the "end of days" everybody is recalled to "life"

"i am the Alpha AND the Omega.........."

thats a simple description of the 4th dimension.

what is a pacemaker ?, at the end of the day its a technical means of prolonging conciousness, its something we already do, and the same applys to cloned replacements for the original feral bodies, if you want to prolong conciousness, you can apply a technical fix if you have it.

as they say god helps those who help themselves.

lets just say for the sake of fun, its all true .
how do you think that would be taken if it were disclosed
There could be a block on them though. Most people have a complete block on other-life memories, sometimes called the 'veil of forgetfulness,' an intentional block that serves (or so the stories go) to ensure your lessons are really learned this time around and to lessen the difficulties of dealing with too many memories at once.

I'm really not convinced either way, I'm just saying that lack of memory in itself does not prove much.

Here's a weird possibility that occurred to me, associated with my earlier theory. I haven't heard this idea expressed anywhere, as far as I know.

If the human machine is not born with a soul, but can potentially create a soul through its own life experiences and struggles, then what is a human before the soul resides within it?

Possibly just an external response machine like an empty horse-drawn carriage.

If that's the case, then this might explain cases of past lives. A disembodied soul from a previous incarnation has swooped into the carriage to occupy a body which has itself not yet created its own soul.
we know for sure conciousness manifests in the human animal, we are all examples of that.

but what is it ? really ?

its a sense of self, nothing more. no doubt evolved as an aid to survival........

that sense of self wants to survive, thats its purpose .

kidney transplants, and pacemakers are no more than mechanisms to prolong conciousness for as long as possible, technological workarounds of death.

it seems natural that an animal species that has evolved with a sense of self as part of its survival mechanism, would use all and any means to do so, as indeed we do as per the transplant references.

i think deep down we all want to survive for as long as possible, and our collective conciousness, sharing that survival instinct, will if its possible find ways to survive.

i honestly think if it can happen it will be via a technologocal means, not a "spiritual" one

the models are there in the kidney transplant/pacemaker scenario. those conciousness, whose bodies required this unnatural intervention, only survive because the technology was available to them
lets take a flight of fancy, and run with the idea.

you die, and are "born again" on the otherside.

you find yourself in a clone body, and part of a population that inhabits the 4th dimension outside 3rd dimensional space and time.

this new "perspective" allows you to see all of our history as one whole, and you realise that the creatures in the dimension below, the hatchery are all shitting bricks each and everyone of them over the death question.(the answer to which you now understand)

would you be tempted to at certain points in the history insert religion, an idea/promise of life after "death", without giving away the "technical" details.
would that be a kindness ?

alternatively it could be used as a means of deception, if as i postulated earlier we are not in fact a 3rd dimensional reality, but rather a 5th dimension "branch" of a 3rd dimensional reality (via a 4th dimensional conduit).

that is a branch of the original natural timeline, specifically tailored for a future where access to the 4th dimension is never invented, this would ensure an endless supply of new conciousness sources, thus creating population growth in the 4th dimensional population.

if thats the reality we are sitting in, then that might explain the deception, and apparent quarantined status.
Interesting idea, although I struggle to conceive of thinking or acting (or any sequential process) as being "outside of time", without reference to yet another time dimension.
if Time is a variable and not a constant.......


then it may not be an on/off , in/out time equation

for example say i create a bubble of space/time where time runs marginally slower than what we call real time,(or marginally faster) i would then go out of synch with this reality, even though i experience "time" inside the bubble, im now seperated from from what you call "now", even though i would still have a "now" in the bubble.

the 4th dimension may not be accessed by turning time "off", but rather creating a differential that seperates you from (the local) "real" time........

turns out the WMAP probe has returned data that suggests the big bang was un-even.


Whittle said that most people think the theoretical Big Bang starts out with a huge explosion, then it gets quieter with time.
"In fact, the Big Bang starts out completely silent," Whittle said. "The expansion … is purely radial — there’s no sideways motion. There are no pressure waves. What they are, are density variations on all scales, everywhere."

so if Time is related to mass and density and gravity.... then it too is variable.
and if time is a variable then the 4th dimesion exists by default, its the space between any two (or in fact all) time diferentials, that naturally occur in the universe.
if the density variables create time differentials, then all you have to do is work out why time in the red zones, runs at a differnt "speed" than in the blue or yellow. identify that factor and you can duplicate/manipulate it

In addition, a huge cause for concern for scientists worldwide is the hassle they will have to go through when they start synchronizing the new clocks. The devices need to be set at the same relative height, because various altitudes trigger various speeds in the flow of time.

if thats true, whats the bet a galaxy with twice the mass of ours will cause a different speed of time , than we experience in our own galaxy

large scale space travel may not simply be a matter of crossing the space, like we do when we go to the moon.

you may also need to be able to syncronise, or dial into the speed of time that area is experiencing.

funnily enough we hear storys of ppl inside crashed craft thinking only a short period of time has passed, while those outside start to worry as the hours go past.

perhaps the interior is set to the native time speed that the occupants come from, or perhaps the differential is for security/quarantine purposes.

if time is a variable, then the 4th dimension exists its the space you occupy as you travel between any two, or in fact all native time differentials, and if it exists then its connected to your "right now" and by reverse connection to all the other "nows" not just in the native time created where we are, but in any differential that might occur in the universe

no one needs to have invented a "time machine" for want of better description.
if time is a variable, not a constant then the 4th dimension exists by default and quite naturally