Lance, you haven't even attempted to answer even one of the more reasonable and rational question's, i have asked. I recommend you least try ok, if not for my benefit, do try, and answer for the benefit of other readers of this thread.
Lance. I don't believe you need to be an expert, to recognize, there is two serious if not significant flaws with the Warren report claim of Oswald having killed Kennedy alone.
The back of the head of President Kennedy, has no impact damage whatsoever, this is not made up theory, by me Lance! The Zapruder Film, clearly show's all damage having happened, on the right side of President Kennedy's head. Please review the Zapuder film, again Lance, for your analysis.
What I find funny also, is Penn and Teller (skeptics) used a melon, as a test to show, how Kennedy was shot from behind the second time. But what does the demonstration, actually show? Well it show's Teller shooting the Melon from the front, same rifle, that allegedly, had been used by Oswald, the day of the shooting. A hole in the front end, is then observed, when the bullet does strike the melon (nothing like this is seen on the Zapuder film) a bigger hole appears, as the fired bullet exits the back of the Melon (Kennedy the exit wound was right not in the front) the melon, then falls off to the right off the table (Kennedy went left) Completely inconsistent with what is shown on the Zapruder film.
Lance, nobody on here is confessing to be an expert, but are you honestly not curious, as to how a bullet shot, from behind Kennedy motorcade, would strike Kennedy, at the back of the head, and then leave the right side of his head, instead of the front end?, if you need an expert to tell you stuff, like this doesn't make any sense, why does that say about your skills of investigation?
Finally. I have posted two obvious flaws for your consideration, but ok another one, you've got a believe Oswald Missed the first shot? Well if the first shot, according to the most experts, is always the best one, why did Oswald Miss it?
You do realize it alleged he hit a curb with the missed bullet, this resulted in a piece of concrete allegedly, then breaking off, and hitting a bystander in the face some 150 to 200 yards away from were Oswald was allegedly positioned at.That probably did happen, as the bystander, only sustained a minor cut to the cheek, but Oswald having missed the first shot, one can only doubt the official version of events, after that surely?
Of course Lance , the killing of Oswald by Jack Ruby, two days after the killing is not suspicious at all. Here is a something new/ a study in 2007 which cast doubt on there been only one gunman.
Bullet Evidence Challenges Findings In JFK Assassination