Paranormal Adept
@ Kieran
I am not an expert either. I posted expert results above. You called them nonsense.
Note here that Kieran's apparent complaint about the test I cite above is that it was not video taped.
One thing for certain is that if I found a test eliminating those complaints, he would find different ones (It wasn't a full moon!).
One thing I do know (from my vast experience watching true crime shows) is that the path of a bullet is a wildly varied and unpredictable thing.
Conspiracy buffs are shocked when things don't work exactly like they do in their perfect fantasies.
This link (see page 405) shows (from yet ANOTHER test!) the small entry/huge exit requested by Kieran.
Will this change his mind? Let's see...
Lance. There is lot of written text, in that PDF, so don't except miracles, but here is my personal take on what I have read, so far.
Basically what is happening is. Mr Larry Sturdivan, a ballistics field expert with 14 years of experience, is giving his testimony to the Warren Commission, on what he thinks may have happened, that day.
Notice Lance. page 384. I will just put an S beside sentences meaning he said this!
S. We performed tests on request from the Warren Commission ( not an independent witness ) Mr Matthews the counsel, i will put M after his name
M. What tests did you perform?
S. He then goes on to describe all the tests he performed. He includes the testing of dried human skulls, i agree Lance, skulls have been used in testing, but without video's, who can tell how good the testing was, pictures are difficult to see very dark.
But observe Exhibit F-306, small bullet wound shown Picture A, but remember this a dead skull no blood and tissue, but Picture B is showing, a frontal exit wound, not a right exit wound, and I will explain shortly why that is important Lance!
M Would you say that the Mannlicher-Carcano 6.5 millimeter bullet, is a stable bullet
S It's a very stable bullet, and he explains why that is the case, all important Lance.
The bullet that hit Kennedy, at the back of the head, allegedly, moved and changed its direction, and exited out the right side of Kennedy's head, meaning the bullet became very unstable. But according to this expert it was a stable bullet. I think they went looking for what could have caused the bullet to become unstable, rather than looking at the obvious alternative, that is there was a second shooter firing, from the right side hence the Grassy Knoll. My opinion from I have read.
Exhibit F310 clearly outlines my point Lance. Picture A= Stable bullet no effect no damage. Picture B= unStable bullet with visible and much corner damage.
So why would a stable bullet, normally, have become so unstable hitting soft tissue at the back of Kennedy's head?
The Exhibits shown are Gelatin Blocks with tissue stimulant, if you look at Exhibit F-116, you'll see the effects of bullets, fired from different guns, has on the blocks. Remember the dimensions of these blocks, to the human skull, are going to be monumentally different, but this is what has been put up as evidence. Exhibit F-116..Picture C is showing most damage to the Gelatin block, having been caused, by a bullet fired from Cal.257 Winchester Roberts rifle. Skipping Picture B To Picture A. Picture A, is showing us the outcome of a bullet fired at the block, by the same weapon used by Oswald. Notice the lack of visible damage in that Photograph!
Lance, so far the theory, is shaky, the bullet had to become unstable inside soft human tissue for the theory to work. But the expert in question still claimed at the start of his testimony, this bullet was one of most stable, ever studied.
S. Mentioned there was the testing of M16 caliber 22 M193 bullet, it was fired at one of the blocks.
S.(paraphrase) it goes straight for a while the bullet, the bullet fragments, and pieces break off, we couldn't see what happened after that, it continues to exit however, from the corner. Problem M16 is a Machine Gun-High velocity, one can't compare this weapon, to the weapon Oswald used!
Plus Sturdivan claims one of the test firings was performed from the left side, a bullet hit the gelatin block, and exited. But Penn and Teller too got mixed up with their demonstration, as Kennedy was shot from a front position, the bullet, then did something inside the skull of Kennedy, when it hit, and the bullet fragments turned right, instead of going forward. Teller just shoot at the melon, and the bullet did what it should do, penetrate, and leave out the opposite side, not go right or leave at a left angle.
Anyway there is lot more I could dispute, but there is ain't enough hours in the day to do that, that is my lot for the day, tomo might post some more about JFK?