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Religion and Dinosaurs

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RonCollins said:
nikki630 said:
So is not believing in fairies a religion as well ?

OK, fair point. But I say this because most atheists have a strong anti-belief system. There are tenets, books, and all the accoutrement's of a religious movement save overly symbolic rituals and ordained preists. Its like fairy haters on steroids.

What you call a strong anti-belief system is a push back against the religious right's attempt to change America into a theocracy. Up till the last few years you rarely heard from atheists at all.

I agree there are books, just as there are books on fairies. But could you please tell me what the accouterments and tenets of atheism are beyond not believing in a god/gods/goddess/goddesses ?
Athiesm is the rejection of religion, not God. If you believe in a spirit, you believe in God, just not the limited interpretation thereof presented by organized religion.

God is everything; the way things work together, the way what seems to be "things going wrong" actually works out in the end, and the corporeal exsistance we call the universe as well.

Religion is just another form of governement. You can experience and come to an understanding of God through it (albeit a limited one), but it does not exsist to help you do so. It exsists to further control people.

Prayer, rituals, "worshiping God", these are all useful tools on the road to understanding God and the aspect of God that is your own spirit, but the misunderstanding and misuse thereof are also the most crucials tool to controlling man. They are really just another form of meditation; done right, the consious mind steps back enough for the subconsious to see more of the big picture/GOD.

And the ultimate tool of religion for controlling man? Ignorance. Ignorance of the meaning of words, ignorance of others beliefs, ignorance of God. Hell, I've met more "pagans" that were better Christians than the church-goers who claimed Christianity as their own.

I hope this helps someone.

-Mike <8]
Athiesm is the rejection of religion, not God. If you believe in a spirit, you believe in God, just not the limited interpretation thereof presented by organized religion.

Atheism IS the rejection of the existence of god.

According to the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary this is the definition of atheism : 2 a: a disbelief in the existence of deity b: the doctrine that there is no deity

It also mentions that atheism comes from the Greek atheos which means godless

Believing in 'spirit' does not require a belief in god. One can believe that spirit is part of the natural order and has evolved as part of human intelligence with no need for a deity at all.
Just sayin

atheism is just a new belief system. No-god is their god.

Odd how people don't want to know what Christianity actually teaches because they would rather stay ignorant of it, and make fun of false statements about it.

But, hey, ignorance springs eternal.
atheism is just a new belief system. No-god is their god.

Odd how people don't want to know what Christianity actually teaches because they would rather stay ignorant of it, and make fun of false statements about it.

But, hey, ignorance springs eternal.

Yes and vegetarianism is just a new meat eating system -- their meat is no-meat.

I grew up catholic, as an adult I read the bible cover to cover a number of times. I would have say that I am not ignorant of the tents of Christianity.
nikki630 said:
Athiesm is the rejection of religion, not God. If you believe in a spirit, you believe in God, just not the limited interpretation thereof presented by organized religion.

Atheism IS the rejection of the existence of god.

..You're arguing symantics, and in the process, proving my point. Did you listen to this weeks podcast? Spirit is God. God is misdefined by religion and atheism. So my statement stands, if you believe in Spirit, you believe in God.
..You're arguing symantics, and in the process, proving my point. Did you listen to this weeks podcast? Spirit is God. God is misdefined by religion and atheism. So my statement stands, if you believe in Spirit, you believe in God.

No - I haven't had the chance to listen to this week's paracast.

Semantics are all we have to communicate with.

There is an established definition of god, that of an all powerful conscience entity. If you are going to change that definition, then YOU will not be able to communicate. I seem to remember a Monty Python skit where they used words for something totally different form the what the word meant. While it was funny, no one was able to get any ideas across

But to avoid going round in semantical circles then I will say that I do not believe in the established idea of god that most people accept and I reject the idea that the universe was 'created' by any entity or entities. I will reserve judgment on this spirit idea till I listen to the paracast.
..Alright, I'll wait for you to listen to the podcast before discussing this further with you.
This, however, I will address...

nikki630 said:
Semantics are all we have to communicate with.

..That's absurd. I'm sorry that organized religion did it's job on you so well. It took me many years to move away from all that garbage and find my spirit. I wish you well on your own journey; you just have to choose to walk down that path with an open heart, not a knowing mind.
..Alright, I'll wait for you to listen to the podcast before discussing this further with you.
This, however, I will address...

nikki630 said:
Semantics are all we have to communicate with.

..That's absurd. I'm sorry that organized religion did it's job on you so well. It took me many years to move away from all that garbage and find my spirit. I wish you well on your own journey; you just have to choose to walk down that path with an open heart, not a knowing mind.

I am sorry, what makes you think that I am A) not open minded and B) have not found my spirit ? The fact is that I have not seen nor heard any evidence of god . If and when someone presents me with evidence of god then I will happily admit to it's existence.

BTW -- simply saying 'if you believe in spirit you believe in god' does not make it so. You have not presented any evidence that this is the ONLY conclusion you can come to if you believe in spirit. This sounds far more 'knowing mind' than anything I have said.

Briefly back to semantics -- it is not absurd. The fact is the that we use words to communicate. In the general parlance god has one meaning and spirit another. When you use those words people assume you are using them to mean what we pretty much all agree they mean. If you use them in a different way without explaining yourself no one will understand you.
atheism is just a new belief system. No-god is their god.

Odd how people don't want to know what Christianity actually teaches because they would rather stay ignorant of it, and make fun of false statements about it.

But, hey, ignorance springs eternal.

What makes you so sure you know what it's about and what's false statements and not others who claim they know? That's one of the problems with Christianity. Not even Christians can agree.
Paranormal Packrat said:
Not even Christians can agree.

Is that ever true. According to the Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary There are approximately 38,000 Christian denominations in the world.
CSGC - Resources

Keeping in mind that some Christians don't consider all those other denominations REAL Christians
nikki630 said:
Paranormal Packrat said:
Not even Christians can agree.

Keeping in mind that some Christians don't consider all those other denominations REAL Christians

Religious arguments are so much fun to watch. You are doing a great job holding your own, Nikki. Keep it up. ;-)

As for the idea of spirit, Spirit, and the definition of God:
The idea of God (or gods) is the basic concept of Creation. The development of the monotheistic God is one where someone did some thinking and thought: "Well, if the various gods created various things, then what created the gods themselves?" The answer they came up with was the One True God that is omnipotent. Much like a Star Trek script, where bad paradoxes can be 'repaired' by writing in a time-travel episode, humanity created the self-creating God to explain this question. If you WANT to believe in the self-creating universe and excuse the disagreement with the law of cause and effect, then you are pretty much bound to either God or Time Travel.
Scientifically, however, if you truly use objective means to evaluate paranormal occurances, then you simply investigate with the tools available, and the data that doesn't fit your tools is left until you have better tools. Just because 'spirit' cannot be explained by current science doesn't mean it is supernatural. I submit that there is nothing that can be 'super' natural because Nature includes everything in the universe. Even the vaguely useful hypothesis of other universes and dimensions is still part of one universe, and saying something is 'outside' our universe is simply a way of putting a box around what we WANT to be our universe and saying anything outside that box is 'extra'-ordinary.
Maybe there are energy beings in multiple dimensions, but that doesn't make them omnipotent. It only makes them appear that way in our box.
Just as any true environmentalist would commit suicide, so should any true believer in the Afterlife. The fact of the matter is, however, that you AREN'T so sure as you pretend to be, and you wonder, somewhere in your mind, whether the rules that govern getting into 'heaven' aren't just made up to control people and keep them producing for the benefit of the controllers.
All life has one motive force and right: the impetus to Try to live. It is the basic energy that drives every living thing to 'more': more grass on the other side of the fence, more life after today, more Life after this one. Of the choices humans make, 90% are not consciously done, but driven by emotional inputs and then rationalized later to explain them. We are at the mercy of our connections to the environment, whether we acknowledge this or not. Religion is just one more way we try to separate humans from nature so that we can justify the havoc we spread as we entrench ourselves in our protected little comfort zone of 'modern life' and 'normalcy'.
We should never have stopped eating the missionaries or the salesmen that followed them.
..That was all over the place, auntigrav; you acknowledge my point of God being Creation, but then you go off on a bizzare anti-religion tangent as if the two are related somehow....

..nikki630, if you want to continue arguing symantics, try reading my post correctly before addressing it. I never said you haven't got an open mind...

-Mike <8]
...nikki630, if you want to continue arguing symantics, try reading my post correctly before addressing it. I never said you haven't got an open mind...

-Mike <8]

Mike -- When someones says that I have a 'knowing mind' I assume that to mean that I have a closed mind. If that is not what you meant or if you were not referring to me -- my apologies.
auntiegrav said:
Of the choices humans make, 90% are not consciously done, but driven by emotional inputs and then rationalized later to explain them.

I think you're being generous there, I would say 100%.
BrandonD said:
auntiegrav said:
Of the choices humans make, 90% are not consciously done, but driven by emotional inputs and then rationalized later to explain them.

I think you're being generous there, I would say 100%.

I was being generous. Thanks for noticing.
Actually, I would say 99.9%. The only real conscious choice is when we choose inaction, since is is an 'anti-want' in many cases, but not even that 100% of the time.