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Religion and Dinosaurs

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it's odd how a religions system that is thousands of years old is discounted out of hand, yet some wacko with any new-age, crazy theory is listened to with open ears.


My My -- go out for an evening the the thread explodes --lol

Someone has already mentioned that there are religions FAR older than Christianity that are dismissed, so I will not comment on that any further.

I will comment on the statement that Christianity has been dismissed out of hand. As I have said before -- I was raised Catholic, and have read the bible cover to cover. While there are some things in that book that makes sense, I personally found the preponderance of it to be illogical and self contradictory. I have not rejected Christianity out of hand, but after careful consideration, and all atheists I have ever met have carefully considered the 'reality' of the Christian belief system with equal care.

As far as listening with to 'wacko new-age theories' goes, yes I do listen to them with open ears, give them consideration and for the most part, discard them. I am open to possibilities beyond what I know and what I have been taught. So if someone presents me with an idea that at least on the surface seems plausible, I do listen.

UBERDOINK, I think people use avatars to present some inner part of themselves that is not normally visible to people. Your avatar is well done, creepy and disturbing, if that is the image of yourself that you wanted to present, then you have succeeded. Nuff said.
When do ideas become invalid? 10 years, 20? or couldn't the past some how help us understand the future?

Ideas become invalid when we learn they are not true. We learned that Thor does not make thunder and lightning with his hammer and discarded that belief. The same goes for all ideas religious and scientific.
auntiegrav said:
I didn't know, congratulations. I envy your self-discipline and have much respect for vegetarianism. Sadly, though, I am burdened with keeping down the population of excess animals myself (since predators have been destroyed by humans, some of us take that responsibility). I also just don't have the teeth and time to chew enough vegetables to keep my calorie intake high enough for my farm work. It's the cross I bear. What about vegetarian missionaries? My niece says, "I don't eat anything with a face." I responded, "I face the things I eat."

LOL -- Someone once told me they don't eat anything with eyes, I asked about potatoes. But not to worry, I think vegetarianism is a personal decision for everyone to make on their own. It just makes me such a better person .... KIDDING .... REALLY JUST KIDDING

auntiegrav said:
nikki630 said:
In the end, our experience HAS shown us that there is no 'supernatural' only the natural that we don't understand
That's a good quote. I might borrow it sometime.

certainly (again I blush)
..Apologies if I seem hostile with my posts, I'm not at my best this week; Coping with a broken dream coming true by crushing the living one.. and losing all my important digestive bacteria to this absurd anti-biotic regiment the doctor has me on for my tonsillitis, so my already low seratonin levels have bottomed out.

Mike -- I am sorry that you are having a rough time of it. I hope things get better for you real soon. Please excuse me flipping the order of your note around, I thought responding to the second part first more important. Oh and try gagging down some yogurt -- make sure it has live cultures in it -- it will help your digestive problems.

God IS the Universe, the Universe is God. You claim atheism, because you disagree with the church's definition of God; instead of resorting to the spiritual equivalent of going "Nuh-uh!", why not try to find the answers, or perhaps even listen to people when they try to help you do so?

Actually I disagree with the idea of any supernatural intelligence or entity that most people call god, while that includes church dogma it is not limited to church dogma. As I think I have said, if not on this thread then others, I did not wake up one morning and think - "it's a good day to be an atheist" and then went on my merry way. The short story is I explored many differing belief systems, and in the end came to the conclusion that there is no god. That being said I AM open to anyones ideas and thoughts. I just haven't come across any that have convinced me that I am wrong.

That being said, the idea that 'god is the universe' is not a new one to me. Still you have made an absolute statement in your reply to me, so I am listening. What proof do you have that the universe is god ?
...that there are religions FAR older than Christianity that are dismissed, so I will not comment on that any further.

please do, we can trace the Jewish roots of Christianity to very early parts of pre-history, as it's has the most intact manuscript evidence of any historical document period, which also proves how it has changed very little over the eons.

What other belief system has that kind of paper trail again?

I was raised Catholic, and have read the bible cover to cover.

did you read it, or did you study it? I'm sure you can tell me the contradictions in the orignial Vulgate or Septuagint? Can you show me how it is illogical from a ancient semetic or Greek context?

Or maybe it doesn't make since to someone that just watches Oprah all day and goes to the Quickie mart?

I think people use avatars to present some inner part of themselves that is not normally visible to people.

Is that Dr. Phil psychological hypothesis? Or did a new age, acid popping guru tell you that?
"Is that Dr. Phil psychological hypothesis? Or did a new age, acid popping guru tell you that?"

Both, and the sad thing is, it made more sense than the shit you've spewed.

"psychological hypothesis" and that's funny btw.

If you want to insult someone here, make sure you've picked someone that's dumber than you. It kinda doesn't work if you don't.
please do, we can trace the Jewish roots of Christianity to very early parts of pre-history, as it's has the most intact manuscript evidence of any historical document period, which also proves how it has changed very little over the eons.

So what you are saying is that current Christianity in all its different incarnations is practiced virtually the same as it was shortly after the death of Christ ? The Catholics, The Protestants, the Mormons, the Jehovah's witnesses -- are all practicing this unchanged religion ???? The reformed, the conservative, the Hasidim all practice virtually the same form of Judaism ?

What other belief system has that kind of paper trail again?

Why does it have to be on paper, are you saying that there was no oral Jewish tradition before the the bible was written down ?? And if there was an oral tradition was it unchanging until it was written down ? If it was unchanging why can't other oral traditions be unchanging, if not unchanging then how do you know what was written was really the true tradition ?

did you read it, or did you study it? I'm sure you can tell me the contradictions in the orignial Vulgate or Septuagint? Can you show me how it is illogical from a ancient semetic or Greek context?

If you mean have I spent my life reading every version of the bible comparing translations etc ??? No and neither have most people who call themselves Christian. However, I don't know of any Christian sect that does not accept and teach the ENGLISH bible as the word of god. That being the case -- I read and studied the bible Christians in America claim is the word of god. If they are wrong, please take that issue up with them.

Or maybe it doesn't make since to someone that just watches Oprah all day and goes to the Quickie mart?

Exactly why do you feel the need to try insult me ???

Is that Dr. Phil psychological hypothesis? Or did a new age, acid popping guru tell you that?
Again - Exactly why do you feel the need to try insult me ???

But in answer to your question ....
Nope. just a personal opinion -- I thought I made that clear when I started the sentence with "I think"
Paranormal Packrat said:
"Is that Dr. Phil psychological hypothesis? Or did a new age, acid popping guru tell you that?"

Both, and the sad thing is, it made more sense than the shit you've spewed.

"psychological hypothesis" and that's funny btw.

If you want to insult someone here, make sure you've picked someone that's dumber than you. It kinda doesn't work if you don't.

Well darn ... I don't know if I should be insulted or complimented -- LOL
Paranormal Packrat said:
"Is that Dr. Phil psychological hypothesis? Or did a new age, acid popping guru tell you that?"

Both, and the sad thing is, it made more sense than the shit you've spewed.

"psychological hypothesis" and that's funny btw.

If you want to insult someone here, make sure you've picked someone that's dumber than you. It kinda doesn't work if you don't.

Well darn -- I think you just came to my defense -- chivalry is not dead :)
and if you didn't -- let me live my fantasy -- lol
nikki630 said:
Paranormal Packrat said:
"Is that Dr. Phil psychological hypothesis? Or did a new age, acid popping guru tell you that?"

Both, and the sad thing is, it made more sense than the shit you've spewed.

"psychological hypothesis" and that's funny btw.

If you want to insult someone here, make sure you've picked someone that's dumber than you. It kinda doesn't work if you don't.

Well darn -- I think you just came to my defense -- chivalry is not dead :)
and if you didn't -- let me live my fantasy -- lol

Asking me to let you live in your fantasy is a tough one for me. I'm more interested in reality.
Paranormal Packrat said:
nikki630 said:
Paranormal Packrat said:
"Is that Dr. Phil psychological hypothesis? Or did a new age, acid popping guru tell you that?"

Both, and the sad thing is, it made more sense than the shit you've spewed.

"psychological hypothesis" and that's funny btw.

If you want to insult someone here, make sure you've picked someone that's dumber than you. It kinda doesn't work if you don't.

Well darn -- I think you just came to my defense -- chivalry is not dead :)
and if you didn't -- let me live my fantasy -- lol

Asking me to let you live in your fantasy is a tough one for me. I'm more interested in reality.

Darn -- that is the problem with this -- sarcasm and humor are hard to get across.

I am not worried about being insulted -- I am more secure in myself than that --- and the other was just a failed attempt at a joke
Omnipotence, Omniscience, Omnipresent, these all are used to describe God. To be all places and aware of all things at once, would in essence mean being all places and all things.

The Catholics, The Protestants, the Mormons, the Jehovah's witnesses -- are all practicing this unchanged religion ????

Jehovah witness and Mormons are basically cults, much like Santeria. Just because they use terminology doesn't mean they are Christian. They have their own books FYI.

Why does it have to be on paper, are you saying that there was no oral Jewish tradition before the the bible was written down ??
NO I'm saying that paper trail proves consistency. Other religions might be as consistent, but then, how do we know. There is no paper trail to prove it for them.

I don't know of any Christian sect that does not accept and teach the ENGLISH bible as the word of god.

What a weird statement, so the German bible doesn't count, or the Spanish, or the Japanese. Just English version... where did you get that info again? All are translated from the original Hebrew and Greek, but only the originals are considered the valid copies.

just a personal opinion -- I thought I made that clear when I started the sentence with "I think"

And we are free to believe anything we want no matter how crazy. :-)
The Catholics, The Protestants, the Mormons, the Jehovah's witnesses -- are all practicing this unchanged religion ????

Jehovah witness and Mormons are basically cults, much like Santeria. Just because they use terminology doesn't mean they are Christian. They have their own books FYI.

I am aware that they have their own books. Whether or not the Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses are a cult, I will let others decide since I view all religions as cults of one sort or another. But this is sidestepping the point I was making. There are thousands of sects of Christianity and many Judaic as well. As I have said before, some Christian sects don't even recognize other sects as being Christian. So while the writings may be unchanging -- the practice and interpretation of those writings do change.

NO I'm saying that paper trail proves consistency. Other religions might be as consistent, but then, how do we know. There is no paper trail to prove it for them.

And what I am saying is that since there was an Judaic oral tradition before the writing of the bible, that is subject to the same possible inconstancy of other religions that do not have written records. That being the case, constant though the writings may be, we have no way of knowing that they reflect the beliefs of the earliest Jews.

I don't know of any Christian sect that does not accept and teach the ENGLISH bible as the word of god.

What a weird statement, so the German bible doesn't count, or the Spanish, or the Japanese. Just English version... where did you get that info again? All are translated from the original Hebrew and Greek, but only the originals are considered the valid copies.

In my personal opinion none of the bibles count (as the word of god), but I digress. I feel like you are nit picking here. The bible, regardless of the language it is translated into, is taught as the word of god, a book that we should live our lives by. That being the case, I feel it is perfectly legitimate to make my arguments based on a bible that I am capable of reading and understanding, in this case the English bible.

However, if you feel that the translations that have been made into modern languages are inaccurate, then those books do not represent the word of god. That being the case, any sect not strictly based on and teaching from the bible in its original languages are worshiping a false god. I would think that would be just about all of them

BTW -- I happen to agree that the most accurate way to study the bible is to do so in the original languages

just a personal opinion -- I thought I made that clear when I started the sentence with "I think"

And we are free to believe anything we want no matter how crazy. :-)

Again, in my personal opinion, yes. The caveat to that is: as long as we don't try to run other's live by what we believe in.

But I do wonder why you would think that my opinion that avatar one selects to represent themselves reflects an aspect of their personality is crazy? What books we choose, what movies we see, what clothes we wear, etc. all are a reflection of who we are. I don't see why the avatar we select would be any different.