The Catholics, The Protestants, the Mormons, the Jehovah's witnesses -- are all practicing this unchanged religion ????
Jehovah witness and Mormons are basically cults, much like Santeria. Just because they use terminology doesn't mean they are Christian. They have their own books FYI.
I am aware that they have their own books. Whether or not the Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses are a cult, I will let others decide since I view all religions as cults of one sort or another. But this is sidestepping the point I was making. There are thousands of sects of Christianity and many Judaic as well. As I have said before, some Christian sects don't even recognize other sects as being Christian. So while the writings may be unchanging -- the practice and interpretation of those writings do change.
NO I'm saying that paper trail proves consistency. Other religions might be as consistent, but then, how do we know. There is no paper trail to prove it for them.
And what I am saying is that since there was an Judaic oral tradition before the writing of the bible, that is subject to the same possible inconstancy of other religions that do not have written records. That being the case, constant though the writings may be, we have no way of knowing that they reflect the beliefs of the earliest Jews.
I don't know of any Christian sect that does not accept and teach the ENGLISH bible as the word of god.
What a weird statement, so the German bible doesn't count, or the Spanish, or the Japanese. Just English version... where did you get that info again? All are translated from the original Hebrew and Greek, but only the originals are considered the valid copies.
In my personal opinion none of the bibles count (as the word of god), but I digress. I feel like you are nit picking here. The bible, regardless of the language it is translated into, is taught as the word of god, a book that we should live our lives by. That being the case, I feel it is perfectly legitimate to make my arguments based on a bible that I am capable of reading and understanding, in this case the English bible.
However, if you feel that the translations that have been made into modern languages are inaccurate, then those books do not represent the word of god. That being the case, any sect not strictly based on and teaching from the bible in its original languages are worshiping a false god. I would think that would be just about all of them
BTW -- I happen to agree that the most accurate way to study the bible is to do so in the original languages
just a personal opinion -- I thought I made that clear when I started the sentence with "I think"
And we are free to believe anything we want no matter how crazy.
Again, in my personal opinion, yes. The caveat to that is: as long as we don't try to run other's live by what we believe in.
But I do wonder why you would think that my opinion that avatar one selects to represent themselves reflects an aspect of their personality is crazy? What books we choose, what movies we see, what clothes we wear, etc. all are a reflection of who we are. I don't see why the avatar we select would be any different.