Konrad Hartmann
Paranormal Maven
Ha! Thanks, Burnt State.
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Pardon me guys, If I may cut in for a second. I'm watching this new show "Monsters and Mysteries in America" And guess who's head pops up, Rosemary Ellen Guiley. It's entertaining and has good production quality, kind of like MonsterQuest but without the scientific analysis. Has anyone heard of a "Sheepsquatch"? I have to admit, I did giggle when she used the term.
Here's a link to show clips:
Destination America "Monsters and Mysteries in America: Sheepsquatch Attack"
Konrad,Thanks for asking about that, Bob. If ISKON went to the police instead of trying to sweep it under the carpet in house, that is important to know.
No, that is an interesting sidebar about TM. If I understand correctly, it seems to be a tool that one can use outside of the movement itself. You mentioned the increasing commercialization of TM. This website is by an alleged former teacher who seems to have a number of criticisms of the organization:
Falling Down the TM Rabbit Hole, How TM Really Works, a Critical Opinion
One thing I read about TM was the intent to bring the unconscious into consciousness. In the book Owning Your Own Shadow, the author discuss the Jungian concept of the Shadow and the notion of how ignoring or denying it tends to amplify its power. I was wondering if this has any relevance to the concept of the Djinn. That is, is the Djinn concept ever used as a means of externalizing one's own desires and placing them into a scapegoat? I'm thinking of the-Devil-made-me-do-it thing. Sometimes, it is easier to blame the darkness within ourselves on another force. Or to quote Gogol Bordello, "It is easier to see evil as entity/Not as condition inside you and me."
Or if we look at the Djinn as a truly external entity, does it draw power from the Shadow? Does a person with unexpressed and unowned negative desires not provide energy for the Djinn? And are paranormal events at times a manifestation of one's Shadow?
In discussions of the paranormal, I seem to often hear things described in ways that make them entirely separated from the experiencer/witness. But I wonder if there isn't something to be gained by examining the human's role in evoking or expressing a given phenomenon. I also wonder if the experiencer's religion or belief system doesn't play a crucial role in how the phenomenon interacts with the person.
One other thing I wanted to ask- does the concept of the Djinn have any relationship to Rakshasa?
He didn't 'accept' it, he believed in a super-natural religious explanation, thus he was a believer at heart....
Jung was a spiritual – some would say “religious” man, raised in a Zurich Protestant family. But he was very open to what could be called the “paranormal” .. Jung’s acceptance of the “paranormal” was one of the reasons for his falling-out with Sigmund Freud.
Indeed, that is the view of a believer of the super-natural. While Freud's psychological 'shadow' resides in nature, in the human flesh. Two views collide:...On the other hand, Jungians talk about Shadows as though they were living entities that have to be dealt with by the individual.
Ok, who created the creator? You are making unfounded conclusions about something that is so imcomprehensible and mysterious that I find it problematic to make such conclusions. Do you acknowledge that evolution takes place with every new generation born into the world of life?..
It has always amazed me how allegedly intelligent minds can deny intelligence behind the Universe. They present all kinds of convoluted propositions that aim to deny the existence of a superior, creative and orderly intelligence (beyond theirs, that is).
Really!? You compare life to a car? That's not correct, a car can't naturally create new cars and could never have happened in nature without a natural actor, the human. Are you sure you're not the one with the simple mechanical view of the world where a God creates a human, just like that? No evolution necessary?According to their reasoning, if we were to throw a ton of scrap metal into a container, shake it up and let it stand for a million years, it would turn into a car. Absurd to be sure, but typical of their mentality.
No, it is not the language of the universe, it's a human language to describe the universe...
Mathematics is the fundamental language of the universe. Regardless of some of it being speculative, or abstract. To say otherwise isn't very scientific.
Exactly. Thus if someone makes super-natural claims, we can assess their claims on the scale of credibility, not least by our understanding of the material nature of our world, and by the knowledge that noone can credibly name one instance of supernatural entity like the 'djinn' that is in any way proveable and thus worthy of consideration in a scientific objective sense.No thing transcends the laws of nature.
Bla bla bla. This is so typical. Science discovered quantum physics which you used previously to attack - uhh, science.. Classic antiscientific hypocrisy. That's why we need the scientific method, to avoid bs.Man in general, and western man in particular, in relation to what is known versus unknown, knows nothing. True science is nowhere close to knowing all the intricacies of this wonderful play of light, of forces.
For the record gents, it's safe to say Rosemary did a significant amount of couch research considering both the amount of publications, and the character of the publications (culling info from personal but certainly also written sources).I agree with Chris on that point. It's work to find these things out. You got to put in your time, and pay your dues. ...
Ro stated several times that the djinn can't be thought of as a one-size-fits all theory. Don't forget: she has spent decades in the field investigating thousands of cases. She is a very astute investigator who comes by her opinions and knowledge by getting her hands dirty and doing the hard work of dealing w/ victims of unusual events and attempting to ascertain what operative forces may be involved. Its one thing to sit at your computer and cast judgement—quite another to actually be motivated enough to go out and try to help people experiencing these manifestations. She did not come by this opinion lightly, or as some kind of convenient catch-all explanation.
I think that when you read enough, it sort of coagulates into this big lump in the mind: It's real, woaaaaaa!!!Five years ago I would have laughed at the video. Ten years ago I would have added some rude and witty comment. These days after having gone down the rabbit hole of thousands of conspiracy podcasts and listening to shows like the current one I have to pause. Rosemary Ellen Guiley is not the only one to come out and say world leaders were literal reptilians. There is also David Ike and the famous quote from Princess Di about the royal family being a bunch of lizards. Sorry if I'm derailing this thread but I'm 99% sure REG mentioned reptilian shape-shifters in this episode unless I was half asleep since I listened to it at 4:30AM a few days ago.
Spookeymoulder - epically awesome post!!!!
Exactly. I don't claim to know about Light and Dark and what have you. I don't even know how to speak about an objective creator when we don't know who would then create the creator, it's a huge paradox...
Who created the creator? I don’t know and neither do you.
Only to a religious person. You probably don't understand the more humble agnostic position where people don't make speculative claims...
Science is itself a religion
The only dogma is the scientific method, feel free to sketch out a better working method? The believers clearly get the award for pseudo-science, honestly. Can't be any doubt about that...
Science is itself a religion, because it blindly believes in its own intolerant dogma, and will not entertain any deviation from it. One form of tyranny (The Church) has been replaced by another ([pseudo-] science}.
You're the one who started attacking the scientists whom you clearly resent, no need to play the victim...
You’re welcome to the last word, if that’s important to you. Be my guest. But I'm signing off on this one.
Pax vobiscum.
Pseudo-science? Or just beliefs?..
the “Djinn” .. , attach themselves to humans, often to use human bodies as a proxy to enjoy carnal and other pleasures. They are largely responsible for seemingly unexplained shifts in personal behavior, and for addictions. This may well account for the rise in collective decadence in contemporary society, bevause more and more people are living in Darkness as opposed to living in the Light.