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Sarah Palin not good for the world

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My apologies. I misunderstood what you were saying.

I live in Canada with a socialized medical system that people from other countries (especially the U.S.) are seemngly jealous of. Unfortunately, our system is not free, nor is it very good IMO. A medical system is only good when you can actually find a doctor to treat you when you get sick (and I pay 12% of my annual salary for this???).

My point? Don't judge other systems as an outsider looking in. Often the experience of those who live under it are vastly different from the opinions of those who do not.

Maybe it was my fault for not makeing it more clear' sorry?. You make a good point. Medical services can be still bad even if you do pay for it with insurance. I believe you are saying money is takeing from your wages every week at a certain standard rate percentage?. Bureaucracy can sometimes also be a hinderness to good medical care? too many pencil pushers, too many managers unwilling to change the system from within! .Alot of managers in health services are sometimes unwilling to try different things incase they interrupt the "status quo!.Maybe we should all go back the the time when nuns and nurses ran the hospitals. At least than the nurse and doctors knew who there boss was.
You speak of a place where that system is clearly broken. What about in Europe?

My son will be living for nine months in Spain, working in Madrid. He will have the country's medical coverage during that period. Anyone know much about it?

I go to Spain on my holidays every year, so i think i can comment on this one. I take out medical insurance which all people should when travelling because you never no something may happen to you while you are abroad. Spain has a fine medical makeup, so your son should be ok, but you should check the limitations of what is on his medical policy if he took one out. But Spain has a public based health system so i think he only will need to show a social security card, however i believe emergencies would not be covered under this scheme.Plus spain is haveing a property crash at the moment so property is devalueing fast, so he may get accommodation at a reasonable price also.
I thought that it should be mentioned, as those that followed this scene in their youth would be in their mid-30s now. If a lot of these people still have strong feelings for National Socialism, this may be reflected in some of the politics of the country. However, that is only speculation on my part. Undoubtedly, Norway did take Black Metal to the absolute extreme though.

I grew up with Thrash, so I'm not really one for Black Metal. Slayer was my favourite in high school and continues to be one of my favourite bands. :)

Actually,the whole Black Metal "movement" has calmed down quite a bit since it's "heyday" in the early 90's.This may all change,though,once "the Count" Varg Vikernes has served his sentence...
By the way - some of these psychos grew up not far from where I live!:D

I think I might have overstated the Neo-Nazi factions importance in contemporary Norwegian politics.The growth of the right-wing has more too do with Oil revenue spending - as well as some legitimate concerns about the integration of immigrants...
Those Norwegian Heavy rockers are just Vikings at heart. Its in their blood they swapped their Longboats for electrical guitars.

The Vikings were a tough race of people.We had many a battle with the scandinavia countries all those centuries ago.I guess many other parts of Europe feared this culture at the time.:)
Those Norwegian Heavy rockers are just Vikings at heart. Its in their blood they swapped their Longboats for electrical guitars.

Many of the people who ended up forming the bulk of the bands in the Norwegian Metal scene,comes from the same general area - just outside of Oslo.

It was in this environment that Thomas ("Happy Tom") Seltzer formed the brilliant punk band,Turbonegro.Seltzer thought long and hard about what image he could give his new band,that would "scare" all the hardcore metalheads - the answer: Flamingly Gay Sailor Hats!

I don't know about Europe, but Canada's system is not at all what it is cracked up to be. The problem we have here is that whenever privatization comes up, people look south of the border and say "not here!" As a result, we receive sub-standard care and pretend it is the best in the world. Little wonder they advertise medical travel to India on our radio. :rolleyes:

Our system would work just fine if we could get it back to the pre-90s funding levels. Everytime I hear Ottawa mention the words "tax surplus" I want to drive up there and bust some heads...

Get ready to dance!


I guessing the guy that took the real photo is getting a lot of hits at his Flickr site
Most people have no clue as to what politics is about.

Most people shouldn't really comment on politics as a whole, because they lack the simple ability to think beyond their ingrained idiotic beliefs that their parents and peers have given them.

Democrat, Republican, they're both heads of the same hydra.

There is NO difference in the two parties. They both want one thing. To strip you of your ability to be prosperous, and take away every freedom you were given by God, and supplant all that you know with the mind clutter they indoctrinate you and your children with so that you'll be a good little servant.

It's the same story all over the world. It's time for everyone over the age of 50 to be removed from office.

Thanks for the correction, DDA. A friend sent me the doctored photo, thinking it was genuine. I should have realized it was unlikely for an Alaskan to own a swimming pool.

Thanks for the correction, DDA. A friend sent me the doctored photo, thinking it was genuine. I should have realized it was unlikely for an Alaskan to own a swimming pool.

2012 maybe not be so stupid if the Republicans get elected? What the F...k just saw the latest poll Obama at 44% McCain 44%, are Americans serious. What is there rational, there livelihoods are suffering because of the Republican policies, but still they want to reelect them. seriously again what the F..k.

2012 maybe not be so stupid if the Republicans get elected? What the F...k just saw the latest poll Obama at 44% McCain 44%, are Americans serious. What is there rational, there livelihoods are suffering because of the Republican policies, but still they want to reelect them. seriously again what the F..k.

My livelihood is doing just fine, as is my wife's. Don't believe the hype that things are a disaster for everyone. We are much better off now than 4 years ago. I don't like the idea/cost of nationalized healthcare or increased capital gains tax. I was not put on this planet to pay for everyone else. I don't agree with the republican platform on things like abortion or gay marriage, but I'm not a single issue voter.

I hate the democratic stance on income redistribution, increased social programs, obstruction of local oil drilling and nuclear power, and their general doveish anti-military stance. Obam told Maria Barteromo that he would raise the long term capital gains rate as high as 28 percent! WTF!? The fact that all the enemies of America prefer Obama doesn't help his case with me either. McCain isn't my first choice, but he's better than the alternative. I guess I'm more of a hawkish libertarian blend (if such a thing can mutually co-exist) and McCain is a slightly better fit.

Both parties suck on illegal immigration, which has turned LA into a shithole. Of course neither candidate is talking about that issue. Immigration is the single biggest daily quality of life issue that I deal with. oh well.

My livelihood is doing just fine, as is my wife's. Don't believe the hype that things are a disaster for everyone. We are much better off now than 4 years ago. I don't like the idea/cost of nationalized healthcare or increased capital gains tax. I was not put on this planet to pay for everyone else. I don't agree with the republican platform on things like abortion or gay marriage, but I'm not a single issue voter.

I hate the democratic stance on income redistribution, welfare, obstruction of local oil drilling and nuclear power, and their general doveish anti-military stance. The fact that all the enemies of America prefer Obama doesn't help his case with me either. McCain isn't my first choice, but he's better than the alternative. I guess I'm more of a hawkish libertarian blend (if such a thing can mutually co-exist) and McCain is a better fit.

Both parties suck on illegal immigration, which has turned LA into a shithole. Of course neither candidate is talking about that issue. oh well.

Ok i respect your views and my view is just a opinion.However lets get real here, just because you as one American family doesnt feel your livelihood is suffering doesnt mean another American family is not.Ye are Americans, probably the greatest nation on Earth,people respect and look up to America for guidance and Leadership.When that suffers everything else suffers along with it.

The war on terror eight years of it,no bin laden, never caught, Trillions of dollars spent on bombs, tanks, and Manpower.Now the America Economy is comeing to a very fast halt, the war is one cause, and to say otherwise is stupid.Look American needs a social health service to be proud of, For Example where if you turn up at a hospital you wont be turned away because you have no Insurance.It is called human morals which all humans should have, Haveing money is not everything, but it is welcome if you treat it right.

How many homeless are on the streets of America. Who looks after them , Not the Republicans, they spread lies that they care, but look into your heart,.Does there actions tell you that this true. How many families are on a wage in America that barely gets them through the day and some maybe not even have a wage that does that.I take my country as a example we have a minimum wage of 9 euros a hour that covers all sectors of the economy both public and private. To put it simply it would be around 13 to fourteen dollars a hour in your country. We have pensions, health care, sick pay, " The American treats its population not too well in my book ,too many rich, too many poor.

Insurance and taxes. most Americans pay too much tax and insurance, lower tax rates stimulate the economy. that is a economic fact , not higher taxes.Promote jobs come on America, start kicking, tell this goverment in the white house we deserve better, and we are going to get it.

Ok i respect your views and my view is just a opinion.However lets get real here, just because you as one American family doesnt feel your livelihood is suffering doesnt mean another American family is not.Ye are Americans, probably the greatest nation on Earth,people respect and look up to America for guidance and Leadership.When that suffers everything else suffers along with it.

The war on terror eight years of it,no bin laden, never caught, Trillions of dollars spent on bombs, tanks, and Manpower.Now the America Economy is comeing to a very fast halt, the war is one cause, and to say otherwise is stupid.Look American needs a social health service to be proud of, For Example where if you turn up at a hospital you wont be turned away because you have no Insurance.It is called human morals which all humans should have, Haveing money is not everything, but it is welcome if you treat it right.

How many homeless are on the streets of America. Who looks after them , Not the Republicans, they spread lies that they care, but look into your heart,.Does there actions tell you that this true. How many families are on a wage in America that barely gets them through the day and some maybe not even have a wage that does that.I take my country as a example we have a minimum wage of 9 euros a hour that covers all sectors of the economy both public and private. To put it simply it would be around 13 to fourteen dollars a hour in your country. We have pensions, health care, sick pay, " The American treats its population not too well in my book ,too many rich, too many poor.

Insurance and taxes. most Americans pay too much tax and insurance, lower tax rates stimulate the economy. that is a economic fact , not higher taxes.Promote jobs come on America, start kicking, tell this goverment in the white house we deserve better, and we are going to get it.

I don't fully understand your first point. EVERYONE votes the issues that matter to them and that they believe in. That's sorta the whole point. Are you saying I should vote for things I don't want? People who value more socialism will vote for Obama. People who don't, won't. People who are anti-abortion will vote for McCain, people who are pro-abortion will vote for Obama, etc. That's just how it works. I don't vote for people who got fucked because they bought two houses they wanted to flip but got nailed when the market stalled. Nor do I expect a billionaire to keep me in mind when HE votes. Europeans don't vote for their leaders based on what we want, and vice versa. I may be misunderstanding your point, though. But as a general rule I vote along the lines of my world view, and national healthcare is not included in that.

Or perhaps are you trying to say that I'm a "bad person" for not voting in a way that makes bailing out poor people a priority? If so, then I'm guilty as charged, especially since I don't think the way to help those poor people is via the Democratic platform or it's values. More socialism is not my idea of America "leading the world"

Of course some families have done worse. On the other hand, America is home to almost 1/3 of the entire world's millionaires. The shrinking middle class in this country is a bigger issue, and the result of many many interconnected factors, so it's not as easy as "well.. you just have to do X or vote for Y and it will all go away" All my friends and extended family are all doing fine as well. Here in LA, in my industry, finding a job is not a problem. Companies have trouble keeping top people since there are so many options.

So my original point was simply that things are not all doom and gloom over here, and and some of the recent problems are simply the system restoring itself to equilibrium - For example, the past few years the housing markets went through a ridiculous bubble, driven by banks and lenders giving loans to people who had no business applying for them when the fed lowered interest rates. You can't live on credit forever and now the bill has to be paid. People who lived unwisely will be burned because of it. In the future, banks and everyone else will think twice before jumping into mortage contracts that are obviously a joke. Lenders even had a name for it - NINJA loans (No Income, No Jobs, No Assets). That sort of business practice is bound to fail from the outset. My advice on the banking problems is to limit each savings account to 100K or less. If you have more than that, split it across multiple banks/accounts. Only the first 100K is insured by the fed.

On other issues, it's way too complicated to hash out here, but suffice it to say that I agree that the war was unecessary. Horrible misuse of funds! That money could/should have been spent getting us off Arab oil and buying back huge chunks of the economy that now belong to China. I'm in a hard situation becuase I agree with the "ideal" republican platform of smaller government, less taxes, strong military, free-trade, pro-business, allegiance to America, securing the border, self reliance etc. Unfortunately Bush and the republican congress violated pretty much every tenant of that platform IMO. I am not excited about this election, nor do I ever expect to be in the future with any other. Last year my wife and I changed our party affiliation to "independant"

You sound happy with the way Ireland does things. More power to ya. But I will be voting the issues that directly affect me and that are concordant with my own views on life.

One last thing, homelessness in the US has declined by 30% between 2005 and 2007 according to the US dept of housing and urban development. It's just not an election issue over here at the moment. The giant sucking sound of money going into the black hole of Iraq is WAY more important than homelessness.

I don't understand your first point. EVERYONE votes the issues that matter to them and that they believe in. That's sorta the whole point. Are saying I should vote for things I don't want? People who value more socialism will vote for Obama. People who don't, won't. People who are anti-abortion will vote for McCain, people who are pro-abortion will vote for Obama, etc. That's just how it works. I don't vote for people who got fucked because they bought two houses they wanted to flip but got nailed when the market stalled. Nor do I expect a billionaire to keep me in mind when HE votes. Europeans don't vote for their leaders based on what we want, and vice versa. I may be misunderstanding your point, though. But as a general rule I vote along the lines of my world view, and national healthcare is not included in that.

Of course some families have done worse. On the other hand, America is home to almost 1/3 of the entire world's millionaires. The shrinking middle class in this country is a bigger issue, and the result of many many interconnected factors, so it's not as easy as "well.. you just have to do X or vote for Y and it will all go away"

Or perhaps are you trying to say that I'm a "bad person" for not voting in a way that makes bailing out poor people a priority? If so, then I'm guilty as charged, especially since I don't think the way to help those poor people is via the Democratic platform or it's values. More socialism is not my idea of America "leading the world"

On other issues, it's way too complicated to hash out here, but suffice it to say that I agree that the war was unecessary. Horrible misuse of funds! That money could/should have been spent getting us off Arab oil and buying back huge chunks of the economy that now belong to China. I'm in a hard situation becuase I agree with the "ideal" republican platform of smaller government, less taxes, strong military, free-trade, pro-business, allegiance to America, securing the border, self reliance etc. Unfortunately Bush and the republican congress violated pretty much every tenant of that platform IMO. I am not excited about this election, nor do I ever expect to be in the future with any other. Last year my wife and I changed our party affiliation to "independant"

You sound happy with the way Ireland does things. More power to ya. But I will be voting the issues that directly affect me and that are concordant with my own views on life.

One last thing, homelessness in the US has declined by 30% between 2005 and 2007 according to the US dept of housing and urban development. It's just not an election issue over here at the moment.

Well that is democracy.However sometimes democracy can be corrupted by politicans for there own needs. The problem is when Europeans vote for there politicans they only affect the country that they were voted into, however when Americans vote for there leaders it effects the whole world.You are entitled to your vote , but it has to be a vote that makes America better. If you believe the Republicans have the best policies for you, you are fully entitled to vote do what your heart tells you.However in my opinion your views seem a little shallow and racist.And just because Obama is liked in Europe doesnt mean they are enemies of America. Your statement worrys me.p.s this statement was in your previous post to this one here.

Socialism is a good thing, dont confuse it with communism, not saying you did. However people is what is important. you cant give out to China for being in your country because the American economy is based on Free market platform. China has cheap labour, so American companys would rather do the work outside the USA. The policies you have for your reasons voteing Republican, i will discuss them here briefly.

(1)small goverment dont really undestand what you mean about that.
(2)Less taxes, but have Republicans reduced taxes in the last eight years.
(3)Strong military, that has destroyed the economic climate of America , thousands of soldiers killed on a false promise, hundreds of thousands of civilians killed seriously man.
(4)Pro business notting wrong with business it is necessary,however business needs to look after its workers. In business it is called self realisation.

(5)Allegiance. Notting wrong with that , however you cant blindly support something that is wrong, " especially if that Allegience is wrong that you are supporting

(6)Secureing the border . is a policy i believe in, but you have to be open to people who have suffered stuff that they cant deal with anymore.
(7)Self reliance. well if ye had self reliance, you would not be robbing other Nations resources.

Ok that report from the US Dept of Houseing and Urban development. Can i ask is that real houseing that the homeless have" or is it hostels or rented accommodation which to me never lasts for a very long time.Reports can be sometimes be lies to justify to the population that everything is getting better.

Ireland is suffering just like the rest of the world. Oou houseing is in a serious decline " just like America we are all in the same boat. Like the old saying goes if America sneeze's the rest of the world catch's a cold.:)
Maybe it was my fault for not makeing it more clear' sorry?. You make a good point. Medical services can be still bad even if you do pay for it with insurance. I believe you are saying money is takeing from your wages every week at a certain standard rate percentage?. Bureaucracy can sometimes also be a hinderness to good medical care? too many pencil pushers, too many managers unwilling to change the system from within! .Alot of managers in health services are sometimes unwilling to try different things incase they interrupt the "status quo!.Maybe we should all go back the the time when nuns and nurses ran the hospitals. At least than the nurse and doctors knew who there boss was.

Here is a breakdown of how the system in Ontario, Canada works. Keep in mind the medical system in Canada is regulated by each individual province and territory, so there are some variations on which procedures are covered and which are not.

First of all, Canada's health care is not "free". It is the single biggest expenditure our taxes pay for. I am not sure how much the total cost of Canadian health care is right now, but I have been told that half our income tax goes directly toward funding it. Since the tax system in Canada is determined by income level, this means that the poor of the country contribute nearly nothing toward funding health care, and the richest among us pay the most. At my current income level, I am paying close to 25% income tax which means that 12.5% of my annual salary goes toward health care. Additionally, I have an additional "health care tax" which amounts to around $800 a year. Again, this is determined by income level which means most of the poor are exempt. In addition to these two taxes, I pay for supplemental health insurance which covers such things as perscription drugs, dentistry, eye examinations, and such things as glasses. None of these kinds of expenses are covered by the government unless you are over 65, have specific medical conditions that the government outlines, or on social assistance (that's right, welfare bums once again are exempt from paying anything). My supplementary health insurance is partially funded by my employer, however I still pay another $800 for it as well. I can assure you that a 36 year old American does not pay even close to what I do for health coverage, as mine is over $6000 a year.

The other side of the problem is that due to the socialized structure of our system, the government only pays a set rate for specific health care procedures. As a result, we constantly have a shortage of doctors due to the majority of the ones graduating in Canada move down to the U.S. to practice. This means the only option for some people seeking medical care is to line up at the Walk-In Clinic and hope you get to see someone that day, or wait in line at the hospital's emergency room. My sister moved to downtown Toronto when she graduated Ontario Veterinary College and got a job at a Toronto animal hospital. She could not find a doctor that would accept her as a patient in the two years she lived there. She ended up relocating to Prince Edward Island for a year and had the same problem there. In northern Ontario, it is near impossible to find a local doctor to accept you, and you have to often make a couple hours drive to the closest hospital if you require treatment.

Now, does this sound like a world-class system to you? It certainly doesn't to me.
Our system would work just fine if we could get it back to the pre-90s funding levels. Everytime I hear Ottawa mention the words "tax surplus" I want to drive up there and bust some heads...

Tell me about it. I pay way too much tax already for what I get back, and some of these apes are campaigning on a 10 cent-a-liter gas tax hike. Looks like Harper is getting my vote. I simply refuse to vote for any party who even suggests such nonsense as gas-tax hikes. I am sure that arrogant a-hole Dionne can easily afford increasing fuel, food and heating costs.... He'll just vote himself a raise with all the additional tax revenue Ottawa will be collecting. :rolleyes:

As for our broken medical system, don't we need doctors who won't flee south of the border the minute they graduate if we want it to work properly?
Here is a breakdown of how the system in Ontario, Canada works. Keep in mind the medical system in Canada is regulated by each individual province and territory, so there are some variations on which procedures are covered and which are not.

First of all, Canada's health care is not "free". It is the single biggest expenditure our taxes pay for. I am not sure how much the total cost of Canadian health care is right now, but I have been told that half our income tax goes directly toward funding it. Since the tax system in Canada is determined by income level, this means that the poor of the country contribute nearly nothing toward funding health care, and the richest among us pay the most. At my current income level, I am paying close to 25% income tax which means that 12.5% of my annual salary goes toward health care. Additionally, I have an additional "health care tax" which amounts to around $800 a year. Again, this is determined by income level which means most of the poor are exempt. In addition to these two taxes, I pay for supplemental health insurance which covers such things as perscription drugs, dentistry, eye examinations, and such things as glasses. None of these kinds of expenses are covered by the government unless you are over 65, have specific medical conditions that the government outlines, or on social assistance (that's right, welfare bums once again are exempt from paying anything). My supplementary health insurance is partially funded by my employer, however I still pay another $800 for it as well. I can assure you that a 36 year old American does not pay even close to what I do for health coverage, as mine is over $6000 a year.

The other side of the problem is that due to the socialized structure of our system, the government only pays a set rate for specific health care procedures. As a result, we constantly have a shortage of doctors due to the majority of the ones graduating in Canada move down to the U.S. to practice. This means the only option for some people seeking medical care is to line up at the Walk-In Clinic and hope you get to see someone that day, or wait in line at the hospital's emergency room. My sister moved to downtown Toronto when she graduated Ontario Veterinary College and got a job at a Toronto animal hospital. She could not find a doctor that would accept her as a patient in the two years she lived there. She ended up relocating to Prince Edward Island for a year and had the same problem there. In northern Ontario, it is near impossible to find a local doctor to accept you, and you have to often make a couple hours drive to the closest hospital if you require treatment.

Now, does this sound like a world-class system to you? It certainly doesn't to me.

Not really. I guess we are given what they want us to get.It is all about the money not people.Anyway i am tired off moaning dude!. It is every day process of moaning bad karma:confused:
2012 maybe not be so stupid if the Republicans get elected? What the F...k just saw the latest poll Obama at 44% McCain 44%, are Americans serious. What is there rational, there livelihoods are suffering because of the Republican policies, but still they want to reelect them. seriously again what the F..k.

Remember Irish, the Americans hate the "T" word, in fact they fought a war over it as I recall... Personally it's an attitude I don't fully comprehend. As far as I'm concerned, taxes are the price of admission to a civilzed society, just so long as they stay reasonable and are fairly distributed amongst the populace.

As for our broken medical system, don't we need doctors who won't flee south of the border the minute they graduate if we want it to work properly?

If we had the pre-90s funding and could offer them decent wages, they wouldn't have to. Plus if our immigration policies weren't so ass-backwards regarding immigrant doctors we'd be doing alot better than we are. Also the bulk of the "brain drain" took place after NAFTA was signed and during a period when the Canadian dollar was at it's lowest in recent history. It's all about perspective.

Speaking of which, don't forget it was the conservative Eves/Harris government that screwed Ontario over in the first place. This year I will "elect" not to vote again. I can't in good concience support any of these criminals.