Plus if our immigration policies weren't so ass-backwards regarding immigrant doctors we'd be doing alot better than we are.
The problem is not that foreign doctors cannot immigrate to Canada, the problem is their education is not up to par with our standards and are unqualified to practice here. We have some of the most liberal immigration policies in the world, so I can't see that being a problem where they are concerned.
Speaking of which, don't forget it was the conservative Eves/Harris government that screwed Ontario over in the first place. This year I will "elect" not to vote again. I can't in good concience support any of these criminals.
Well, I guess we have opposite political ideology. I think Harris was an exceptional Premier and wish he would run for leadership of the federal Conservatives (I live in Flaherty's riding, and Harris is still pretty popular out here... especially among people my age (mid-30s).
This election however, I am simply voting against tax hikes. That narrows it down to one choice. The Liberal and Green Parties want to place surcharges on all fossil fuels (and by extension will raise the price of home heating, groceries and everything else that is dependent on gasoline, natural gas, fertilizer, etc.) so they won't get my vote. The NDP are boderline communists and looking back to what they did during the Rae years in Ontario, I wouldn't vote for them if the only other choice was the Antichrist. Sadly, this is probably why Harper is going to end up with a majority. Most people I know feel exactly the same way. Who the hell can afford to fill up their car with gasoline being raised to a potential $1.50 a litre under the Liberals or the Greens???
The sad part about Canadian politics is that the parties are so partisian, you know what any representitive is going to say before they open their mouths. As such, I really don't care to watch leader debates or read each party's "platform" (ie. the BS they promise you prior to an election to con you into voting for them). I mostly vote for the lesser of two evils, as opposed to anyone I think will be a good leader. As I drive a Ford F150 pickup truck and am an avid hunter, I won't be voting for any party that suggests fuel surcharges or pointless gun control legislation. So (once again) it looks like the Conservatives will get my vote on those two points alone.
I guess we'll find out what happens Oct. 14th.