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The Billy Meier Case Switzerland

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I will tell you what I see there.
I see a protrusion from the hull of a ship.

I have deduced from all the other evidence from the video
to the night time picture to the daytime pictures that is indeed a ship

Evidence for logical deduction
1) http://www.tjresearch.info/Zahi_WCUFO Investigation.pdf
2) New Photo Analysis Shows WCUFO to Be Authentic! | TheyFly.com
3) Can You…SEE what You’re Looking At? (Part 2)
(nice try but fail)

It is a ship.

Now this ship to me is a form of transportation that we currently do not have on this planet today.
So I see a technology that I do not understand.
This technology has all kinds of crazy things that I do not understand
I can speculate on what it might be but with nothing more then a picture of a technology to go on,
Anything I come up with would probably be way off even if I was right on there is no way to prove it

In summary
It is a protrusion from a technology I do not understand welded or melded to the top side of the lower half of the ship.
A protrusion from the hull of a ship?
I see a simple pin that fell from its place above. Instead of crazy technology, I see human error.
To each their own.
WCUFO_Pin.jpg Wedding_Cake_infront_house_highrL.jpg

Please look at these two images: tell me without my "logical fallacies" what YOU see. explain in detail what is resting on the "craft" in the close up. please explain in detail the gap between the two silver balls that you can see into the structure. I await your answer tell me what YOU see.

Those can't be serious photographs.
Those are just 2 of many offered as proof. .the whole thing is such a flimsy hoax. From toy zap gun to home made flying saucers.
September 23, 2014

I'm am amazed that all the nonsense about Billy Meier is still being spread around by followers of Meier's in his UFO cult and by his "public relations" "mouthpiece" known as Michael Horn.

In the last 15-20 years the J. Allen Hynek Center For UFO Studies investigated this case completely and determined that it was a total hoax. Unfortunately, many people who believe contactee claims, have no serious scientific knowledge about the UFO phenomenon. In addition, cultists are ONLY concerned with making money, and many of their followers are very gullible. When I look at Meier's photos, I see screws, loose bolts, a trash can lid, a cake platter, chrome colored "balls" cut in half and other worthless junk. Due to crackpots like Adamski, Meier, Greer and many others who spread around complete junk, no wonder 99.9% of scientists laugh at this subject, and totally ignore it.

And finally, Mr.Michael Horn should CLEAN UP HIS ACT, AND HE SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF HIMSELF for continuing to promote this bullshit. I also suspect that deep down inside, Mr. Horn knows this case is a total hoax but he does not have the guts to admit it. I also wonder if Horn is getting a financial "kickback" for promoting Meier's dubious claims.

Steve Zalewski,
Syracuse, New York
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We had a rather robust debate on all this back in 2006 when Horn made two appearances on The Paracast. Over the years, our forums have been filled (some say polluted) with comments about this.

Steve, Horn isn't going to change. He is what he is, and he'll continue to believe in the tooth fairy no matter what logic you present to him. Arguing is pointless.

Some might charitably feel that Meier had some sort of genuine paranormal and/or UFO experience early on, basked in the attention, and made up stories and faked photos to continue to enjoy the adulation. Charitably!
lets cut to the chase here..Mallow I know you watch and monitor this thread so...answer me directly... Mallow are you really Michal Horn?
Mr. Mallow, I am not going to ask about WCUFO, since it has been over and over pointed out by many with no adequate response. I don't want to trust the so-called analysis made by Rhal Zahi who is not an expert in any field related to photography or in determining photographic or video hoaxes. His biography shows that he is a avid-Meier case supporter and makes lots of assumptions in his analysis.

I want to hear your thoughts on the cave men photos which Meier said were taken by him during his so-called Great Journey in July 1975. Analysis on this blog, shows that Meier has been promoting these cave men photos even today as genuine. Even though they are identical to a world-famous 1965 illustration.


Let us not waste time focussing on the identities behind members but let's just focus on the evidence.

Why don't you just Google my name and see what it returns? I am pretty sure that I am still in the white pages.

This isn't about Michael Horn this isn't even about me this is however about the truth. Michael Horn doesn't seek your approval and doesn't operate based on unsubstantiated beliefs. Why would it matter if I was Michael or not. because you hate him? So therefor anything he says must be false and all you have to do is say Michael Horn and resolve yourselves from the self responsibility of critical thinking and investigative foot work.

Come on you are better then that.

@Jack Nathaniel
You now want to move on to other stuff because cause the case rests upon... a picture of a primitive man no less. Instead of me going about how I would handle this why don't you tell us how you would handle your investigation of these photos and prints?

Taking mallow up on his challenge to Google him. I found that he has always entered a fourms and endorsed billy. I find it sad that in every place mallow has gone he has been exposed to the same evidence. That the hoax is shown to him clearly. And by better and more respected names then myself. I have 4 kid's aged 10 to 1. I won't fight you anymore mallow. My kids see a model I see a model everyone else see a model. You cling to the hoax. For the record if you are Horn I don't know how you sleep well at night knowing full well that you are involved in fraud. As for me. I am done with the topic. I see a carpenter pin you see a alien artifact. There is no intelligent discussion with you.
Is he making money out of it ?.

That's the only reason i can think of why he riles yall so much.

If he isnt trying to deceive people out of their dough, i dont see a problem.
Who is Meier Horn and mallow hurting? they hurt any serious investigation into UFO,s they hurt people like Chris who has worked for 20 plus years to find the answer. they make a mockery out of investigation. I do see a problem. and as long as Meier and Rick Dyer and Jonathan Reed/Rutner ply their trade then investigators like Chris will NEVER get a fair shake. Manxman ask some one what they think about UFO's chances are you will get a snicker as they talk about "Flying Saucers" It is fraud that Muddy the waters and really cause the whole to be the subject of laughter and contempt.
Who is Meier Horn and mallow hurting? they hurt any serious investigation into UFO,s they hurt people like Chris who has worked for 20 plus years to find the answer. they make a mockery out of investigation. I do see a problem. and as long as Meier and Rick Dyer and Jonathan Reed/Rutner ply their trade then investigators like Chris will NEVER get a fair shake. Manxman ask some one what they think about UFO's chances are you will get a snicker as they talk about "Flying Saucers" It is fraud that Muddy the waters and really cause the whole to be the subject of laughter and contempt.

Quoted for Truth
Who is Meier Horn and mallow hurting? they hurt any serious investigation into UFO,s they hurt people like Chris who has worked for 20 plus years to find the answer. they make a mockery out of investigation. I do see a problem. and as long as Meier and Rick Dyer and Jonathan Reed/Rutner ply their trade then investigators like Chris will NEVER get a fair shake. Manxman ask some one what they think about UFO's chances are you will get a snicker as they talk about "Flying Saucers" It is fraud that Muddy the waters and really cause the whole to be the subject of laughter and contempt.

No, people dont snigger because of meier or dyer, 99.99% of people have never heard of them, they snigger out of conformity, social engineering, people didnt snigger 60 years ago, nor 50 years ago, 40 years of 'official demonisation caused that.
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