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The Billy Meier Case Switzerland

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WCUFO_Pin.jpg Wedding_Cake_infront_house_highrL.jpg

Please look at these two images: tell me without my "logical fallacies" what YOU see. explain in detail what is resting on the "craft" in the close up. please explain in detail the gap between the two silver balls that you can see into the structure. I await your answer tell me what YOU see.

No detailed break-down needed. The wedding cake ship is so obviously a small model close to the camera. It screams it! Our brains are pretty good at determining such things, especially when close up and I'd bet my life that is a small model, close to the camera. End of.
Goggs you see a model I see a model my KIDS see a model...Mallow sees a alien ship! the wedding cake UFO is a model there is NO doubt!
his ex admitted it!

an old topic on this VERY FOURM!
The Wedding Cake UFO-Easily Replicated!!!! | The Paracast Community Forums
Mallow: or Horn if that is who you really are! I challenge you straight up post evidence not models not cutouts not toy zap guns.. evidence HARD evidence that this case has any merit...post some thing NEW from Billy.
Mallow see dollar signs, nothing more.

If i was making my living pimping online poker, i would spend my days convincing riggy's it was all random.
Mallow pimp's his shit, we all gotta eat.
How sad, that Meier- who may have had a genuine sighting once- decided to make himself a prophet for profit.

Is it possible the phenomenon interacted with him, to use him as a disinfo agent? The phenomenon is basically secretive, so couldn't they have used a contactee to induce people to dismiss the whole field? People naturally dismiss contactees like Adamski and Meier. A recent book mentioned evidence for a government-Adamski connection. Maybe they used him to give the field a bad rep.
Is it possible the phenomenon interacted with him, to use him as a disinfo agent? The phenomenon is basically secretive, so couldn't they have used a contactee to induce people to dismiss the whole field? People naturally dismiss contactees like Adamski and Meier. A recent book mentioned evidence for a government-Adamski connection. Maybe they used him to give the field a bad rep.
'Interesting. I happen to be listening to an old Paracast with Tim Good, where the guys talk about this very possibility- using religion, politics, and obvious frauds to conceal the phenomena. Folks like Mallow and Meier may just be puppets on a string in this regard.
Is it possible the phenomenon interacted with him, to use him as a disinfo agent? The phenomenon is basically secretive, so couldn't they have used a contactee to induce people to dismiss the whole field? People naturally dismiss contactees like Adamski and Meier. A recent book mentioned evidence for a government-Adamski connection. Maybe they used him to give the field a bad rep.

An interesting proposal in general, as i don't think anyone has yet come up with a reasonable metric at which to discern between a true believer and somone who is grabbing for dollars. The automatic notion that somone who is making some money off an alleged event is a grifter, which is suspect. is still circumstantial at best. This way of gaining reward is as old as time itself, we all need to eat. I suppose that in a way it comes down to personality. If we genuinely like a guy we feel he's a misguided true believer, if we can't stand being in the same room with him then he's a hoaxer just out to make a buck. In Meier's case I suspect he needs to make a little dough to help pay for all that Elmer' s glue he has stashed away in the basement.
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Any people interested I suggest you read what Jack Nathaniel posted here.
I personally cant wait for part 3!

Of course the whole "caught red-handed retrodicting" is quite a fantastic jump it the logic line presented by Mahesh.
Remember you only sight that which servers your bias.
Speculate all you want but don't just rest on it do more to determine if your speculation is true or not.

Any people interested I suggest you read what Jack Nathaniel posted here.
I personally cant wait for part 3!

Of course the whole "caught red-handed retrodicting" is quite a fantastic jump it the logic line presented by Mahesh.
Remember you only sight that which servers your bias.
Speculate all you want but don't just rest on it do more to determine if your speculation is true or not.

so this is your response? what's wrong? can't provide HARD evidence? Can't provide any NEW photos from Billy? can't show a similar sighting ANYWHERE else in the world? Can't prove Billy's pics are not cardboard cutouts? Can't prove that Billy bought and photographed a toy zap gun? come on Mallow is that the BEST you can do? post proof mallow...
so this is your response
Every-time I post something, you refuse to acknowledge it as evidence.
This tells me that you haven't taken the responsibility to do your own homework.
I am not here to do you homework for you.

Nor am I here to be your gofer or savior or sycophant, etc.
I only wish that you grow and evolve yourself.
In order to do this you need to understand that you, yes you, are 100% responsible for what you do, think, feel, and say.
Do you homework.

What you are doing and continue to do is akin to me asking you to listen to a babbling brook but you refuse to turn your music down and listen.
Then when you are question on the sound of the brook you say it had no sound.

However you are not alone here in doing this.

Mallow. .I done extensive homework. Look at everything I posted. .mallow I say that it is a hoax because it is so blatant. Mallow the pictures have been duplicated. The gun in billy's pic is a toy. And given material I can make a WCUFO..mallow you only you see anything alien about the model. Feel free to beleve billy. Untill I see something that is even remotely genuine I will concider the case a hoax
Bob, as good as a job as you are doing, you need to bone up on your zen pop culture philosobabble to score any points with this dude.
Is that toy zap gun really trying to be passed off as an alien artifact? Please tell me that was just Meier having some fun. Mallow, is that really an alien death ray gun?
Is that toy zap gun really trying to be passed off as an alien artifact

The immutable law of cause and effect is always at work
The order of operation that works against understanding of this law is belief
If The effect's cause cannot be understood by the neutral human then
The cause which the neutral human cannot describe or yet understand is left in a question
And the effect is kept as data and knowledge
This question does not lean it's self to the perversion of bias in any of its forms
When you say your a skeptic you lend you self to an identity first
Then through this identity you try to perceive reality
Which then causes a confusion in you
This confusion is created at the point you attempt to identify reality
Which stands in contrast to what reality actually is
Reality is a constant reenforcing of that which is

You seem 100% certain it is a toy gun.
To which I say good for you, and that it is obvious that you still haven't done your homework.

My advice in this matter is -
Do your homework.
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