Jeremiah Dugger
Skilled Investigator
Or move it to a thread about the adverse effects of international cults of personality upon the 'study' of paranormal phenomena.
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How sad, that Meier- who may have had a genuine sighting once- decided to make himself a prophet for profit.
'Interesting. I happen to be listening to an old Paracast with Tim Good, where the guys talk about this very possibility- using religion, politics, and obvious frauds to conceal the phenomena. Folks like Mallow and Meier may just be puppets on a string in this regard.Is it possible the phenomenon interacted with him, to use him as a disinfo agent? The phenomenon is basically secretive, so couldn't they have used a contactee to induce people to dismiss the whole field? People naturally dismiss contactees like Adamski and Meier. A recent book mentioned evidence for a government-Adamski connection. Maybe they used him to give the field a bad rep.
Is it possible the phenomenon interacted with him, to use him as a disinfo agent? The phenomenon is basically secretive, so couldn't they have used a contactee to induce people to dismiss the whole field? People naturally dismiss contactees like Adamski and Meier. A recent book mentioned evidence for a government-Adamski connection. Maybe they used him to give the field a bad rep.
Proof of Michael Horn's shoddy, biased research or Lying
or Billy Meier caught red-handed retrodicting the alleged corroborative information on 5,300 year old ICE MAN.
UFO-Prophet: Should Billy Meier be awarded the $1,000,000 prize for "his" prediction on the death of 5,300 year old Ice man - Ötzi ? (Part 1/3) - Updated
UFO-Prophet: Should Billy Meier be awarded the $1,000,000 prize for "his" prediction on the death of 5,300 year old Ice man - Ötzi ? (Part 2/3)
so this is your response? what's wrong? can't provide HARD evidence? Can't provide any NEW photos from Billy? can't show a similar sighting ANYWHERE else in the world? Can't prove Billy's pics are not cardboard cutouts? Can't prove that Billy bought and photographed a toy zap gun? come on Mallow is that the BEST you can do? post proof mallow...Any people interested I suggest you read what Jack Nathaniel posted here.
I personally cant wait for part 3!
Of course the whole "caught red-handed retrodicting" is quite a fantastic jump it the logic line presented by Mahesh.
Remember you only sight that which servers your bias.
Speculate all you want but don't just rest on it do more to determine if your speculation is true or not.
Every-time I post something, you refuse to acknowledge it as this is your response
Is that toy zap gun really trying to be passed off as an alien artifact