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The Nightmares of Bruce Goldberg

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taijiya said:
By the way, this is my first time posting here, though I've listened to the show for some time.

Hi taijiya, welcome to the forum.

Download the 13 May 2007 show if you havn't already listened to it. It's interesting.

Gene Steinberg said:
Woody Sideman said:
He's not out of his effing mind SnakeOil. As you have pointed out, he is making money out of this charade. Therefore, he is now committed to a malicious exercise. Basically, this means that he has become immoral in the way that he makes a living. A person that snatches women's purses (handbags) is higher up on the social scale as far as I'm concerned.

Imagine letting that loony tune loose in your mouth with sharp instruments.

BTW, my reference to snake oil in an earlier post had no relevance to yourself.


Unfortunately, being a snake oil salesman, with apologies to our member of the same name, doesn't mean Goldberg's stupid or insane. He may have just found a business plan that keeps his family fed and living in the lap of luxury (I suppose). I just pity the people who are taken in by his garbage.

No apologies necessary guys. I consider it a compliment. The user name just reflects my cynicism, and that's running higher than normal today.

I'm just over an hour into this. I picture DB frothing at the mouth, rolling around on the floor having some kind of seizure. Every time Bruce says "chrononaut" Dave hits his head on the chair...
I am so glad I felt compelled to listen to the final comments before the episode, I have better things to do with my time, and better nonsense to fill my brain with. Thanks for the head's up here too!
How DARE you guys talk so badly about Mr. Goldberg! He's honest and I'm totally serial about it. I mean how do you know he isn't lying? So not cool to attack an honest man like....


Who the fuck am I kidding? :)

I'm listening to this (about 35 minutes in) and is sounds more like Glengarry Glen Ross then anything else.
cottonzway said:
How DARE you guys talk so badly about Mr. Goldberg! He's honest and I'm totally serial about it. I mean how do you know he isn't lying? So not cool to attack an honest man like....


Indeed... lol. If he's not a liar then it's the MIW (carrying a syringe full of largactyl) that he should be worried about, not the MIB.

I just made it the whole way through. Nice follow through, guys. It might have been fun to hear him melt down when he heard that you talked to the lady about the book, but that's OK. The ending served as a great punchline. Shit sandwich!
I listened to the rest of the interview. I see Dr. Goldberg as another guy takes some real info and mixes it with utter nonsense to sell to the public.

I wonder if this guy is doing thie because he is a huckster or crazy? Maybe a combo of the two? He sounds like, based on his background, that he probably isn't an unintelligent man. Did he get into this because he saw people would buy the snake oil or he had an interest in the strange and he allowed that interest to have him lose his mind?

Probably the first. My guess is he is a Bliderberg agent. :)
Just waxing philosophical for a moment:
What if we take anyone that says "Einstein believed xxx" and throw away everything and anything they corroborate their beliefs with. In the case of Goldberg, what are we left with?

Aether theory, Cartesian space, Time as a sequence of events, a single universe, Newtonian physics, common sense, and humans evolving as animals in a complex environment developing science and aircraft and radar (and subsequently stealth technology) all on their lonesome, but being possibly watched and visited by other civilizations.

In other words, how simple can we make the universe if we eliminate all the things that we "don't understand" as per the fast-talkers like Goldberg, Sagan, Hawking(no puns please), and Corso, and we simply assume that there are very intelligent human beings doing very intelligent things to bring us the conveniences we already have?
From there, let's assume there are possibly conspiracies of control over information along with a general apathy toward Science and complex subjects by the public.

In this universe, there are still many places to look for missing information, conspiracies of ignorance and of malice, deceit, and ineptitude. We don't need to look in complex mathematics and complex multiuniverses or time travelers in order to find things we need to understand better.

It seems to me that whenever the scientific world comes close to simplifying things or the government seems on the verge of disclosing secrets, these time-travelers and hyperdimensional snakeoil salesmen come crawling out on the airwaves again, reinforcing the Public's dysfunctional perceptions of quantum theory (the observer affecting the experiment thing, which should be the measurement affecting the experiment) Relativity and light speed and the 'impossibilities' it doesn't suggest except going back to the measurement thing again...

Anyway, I agree with everyone else: bogus, too much shoving going on and little real science understood by the talker, as he never stops to check and see if his audience is keeping up with him, because he doesn't really care if you understand him, since he knows it's bullshit. Lots of vague referrals to scientists and their universities (soandso from "princeton" etc.), lots of specific dates and things that nobody should know or need to remember, and if so, put it in a paper and run it up the flagpole to see what happens.

Why don't the time travellers ever tell us when the stock market is going to crash? Simple things like that could save more lives (and the future). Also, the many universe thing doesn't ever work with time travel. Why? Because if you go to another universe to travel through time, then how can it affect the universe you are IN? If there are infinite universes, then an infinite number of time travellers would be constantly travelling around re-adjusting everything back and forth and the universe wouldn't exist.
There really aren't any paradoxes in nature, only our perceptions of them.
I'm listening to it now. I'm going to try to defend his style because...well...it's more interesting if someone does....

Ciuld it be that he either A.) Is naturally hyper or B.) speaks fast because he doesn't know how long he has to get in what he wants to say?

If I don't know how long I have I'll speak fast on the radio. If he does TV then he's used to talking in sound-bytes.

Does anyone here think he believes what he's saying?
Gene wrote...
Unfortunately, being a snake oil salesman, with apologies to our member of the same name, doesn't mean Goldberg's stupid or insane. He may have just found a business plan that keeps his family fed and living in the lap of luxury (I suppose). I just pity the people who are taken in by his garbage.

People PAY this creepy little tooth fairy?!?!?
..I just want to thank you guys for doing this show and having this guy on. Back in the day when I was first listening to AB on CtC, I often felt like my head was in a vice as these guests talked; Rarely was anyone called on anything and I realized there were hordes of idiots out there that ate it all up.

..Now you're doing us all a service by grinding your teeth along with us when they spew their off kilter garbage and actually call them on it.

..You aren't too harsh and I commend you for your patience with the mental patients.

-Mike <8]
To quote George Carlin yet again [size=large]"HOLY JUMPING FUCKIN SHIT-BALLS!"[/size]

You know, I often wondered if the dentist used to huff the gasses when no one was in the office. I guess with this guy we know the answer!

I'm only about 3/4 of the way through this trainwreck and I feel winded! My god... I have new found respect for you David, your relative composure during this debacle is commendable. Were I catholic, I might recommend you for sainthood. And Gene! It's about time man! Way to dig in those hooks!

He's dead wrong (no pun intended) about reincarnation, I have a copy of the Tibetan book of the dead and you most certainly can return as a plant or animal. You can also come back as a ghost or even as a god (slight catch with that one, you only exist for as long as someone believes in you). Human is the default option, the last of the line.

Astral plane, Akashic records, lower-astral entity, space time continuum... so much new age babble... my ears hurt. And I swear to god, if he doesn't stop saying "if you will..." I'm going to scream...