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The Nightmares of Bruce Goldberg

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Verum said:
How does it work that the only truly sentient creatures on the planet--humans--are last of the line? Do you mean that's the state to be aspired to, even beyond godliness?

No, it's the default option. It's been many years since I read it (okay skimmed it as I watched a documentary... part of a gift set, long story) so my details may not be exact but to the best of my recollection, it works like this:

After you die, your soul lingers in a limbo-like state for seven weeks. Each week, a new option appears, a sort of doorway, and the previous week's door vanishes. A light is always present from the first week right up to the end and is itself a door (Nirvana) but most souls are too immature to venture near and flee the light. Beyond each door lies a different existence: animals, plants, ghosts (two types a sort of "observer" and another agressive, "poltergheist" type) or even a god. The very last door is humans. So basically, if you can't make up your mind and are too chicken to enter Nirvana, you'll default to human form in your next life at the end of the seventh week.
So it's just us chickens ....

Seriously, this thread's been a riot. Kudos to Goldberg for that, as well as CapnG and George Carlin.
Confabulation is the word that comes to mind for this interview.
There is something different between Bruce and Boyd - Bruce seemed to just sprout crap and have very little acknowledgement of its tenuousness, even when challenged. Boyd, on the other hand, seemed to have a grasp of science and technology, understand the social context of his subject matter, avoid questions that he needed to avoid, and generally be the piper who called the rambling tune for Gene and David.

Look at it this way guys - two great opportunities to hone those investigative interview skills!!!
This guy is a train wreck. I am half way through the interview and would like to reach into my ipod and rip out his tongue. He has got to be on something...nobody talks that much.

The discussion on the hieroglyphics was particularly uncomplelling. If a 2 year old draws a picture of somehting that resembles a UFO would you say that he/she is a contactee/beleiver?

This guy is so full of crap, I can smell it from here.
auntiegrav said:
Woody Sideman said:
hmmm.... I don't know if we are the only sentient creatures on the planet.
I saw a NOVA episode where the dolphins were having an orgy. It may not be politically correct, but I'd call that pretty porpoiseful....;-)

Yes, dolphins have sex for fun. They also commit rape and murder. They also have courts and issue punishments ranging from a number of dolphins zapping the bad guy with sonic clicks right up to exile from the pod.

The bonobo (pygmy chimpanzee) has taken 'sex for fun' to a completely new level. They have sex as a greeting.

Many species search out certain plants for the narcotic effect produced by the chemicals within the plant. If an animal chooses to get stoned methinks that animal might well be sentient.

I've cut out the stuff about electricity. I have to agree with you though, that maybe we still don't know enough about it to claim that we are knowledgeable.

BrandonD said:
Woody Sideman said:
I can only speak for myself. I participate here because I want to know more about certain aspects of reality that are regarded as paranormal. I suspect that I need to do this in order to fill a spiritual gap, though what that gap is I can't define. Maybe some day one of guests will enlighten me. I suppose that most shows will create a 'eureka' moment for 1 or more of the listeners. That show did not create any 'eureka' moment for anyone. On the other hand, that show did educate everyone about the potential pitfalls of this particular set of subjects.
Well said, I'm a student as well. And in my opinion the best people to learn with are those who refrain from beliefs and allow themselves to remain in the area of the mystery, no matter how uncomfortable that position might be.
I have to qualify what I said in the bit you quoted. I am actually beginning to formulate a system of beliefs and it is making me very uncomfortable. What I really want is for someone to say something that will absolutely shatter this 'belief system'. Unfortunately, the more I find out, the more it reinforces this 'belief system'.

Is Bruce Goldberg an alternate personality for Boyd Bushman? Has any one seen these two together? Holey Moley -- could he peddle more B.S. This is like the Bushman interview all over again. Time travelers, EBEs, lower astral plane, Ian Fleming!!!!!??? Where was Marylin Monroe in his diatribe?

Gene and David -- please I am begging you to not have Bushman and Goldberg on the same program. Putting that much BS in one place at one time could cause it to collapse in on itself creating a black hole of BS, sucking all reason and logic into it.

David and Gene, thanks for trying to pin this guy down. I am sure he is used to interviewers asking softball questions, and getting feedback like 'that is fascinating' . Keep it up guys -- don't let them try to dazzle us with BS.
nikki630 said:
Is Bruce Goldberg an alternate personality for Boyd Bushman? Has any one seen these two together? Holey Moley -- could he peddle more B.S. This is like the Bushman interview all over again. Time travelers, EBEs, lower astral plane, Ian Fleming!!!!!??? Where was Marylin Monroe in his diatribe?

Gene and David -- please I am begging you to not have Bushman and Goldberg on the same program. Putting that much BS in one place at one time could cause it to collapse in on itself creating a black hole of BS, sucking all reason and logic into it.

David and Gene, thanks for trying to pin this guy down. I am sure he is used to interviewers asking softball questions, and getting feedback like 'that is fascinating' . Keep it up guys -- don't let them try to dazzle us with BS.

I still no chance in hell that these two will be on again separately, let alone together :D
Gene Steinberg said:
I still no chance in hell that these two will be on again separately, let alone together :D

How about a psychic/alien/time traveler duke-out? Get Imara, and Steven Greer, and Goldberg all together and just duke it out over their various contacts and belief systems. Have them call in their contacts and see which ones show up first....
I vote for the Great Zarquon or the Flying Spaghetti Monster to show up first. Maybe you could get an Evengelist on, too. Let's just have Parameggeddon !

Swords? Pointy hats? Crooks tubes? It would be just like a psychic to bring a hat to a sword fight....;-)
Hey Gene:
I forgot to mention the SERENDIPITY involved: I was actually shoveling shit out of the barn while listening to Goldberg's episode.
Is that freaky, or what? I must be on another astral plane.
First Time post here but I must get this off my chest. Bravo to Gene and David for giving this guest a hard time. What a bunch of crap! One thing I heard him mention towards the end of the interview was about a law that was passed he said allowed NASA personnel to "Come and arrest you." I have had the privilege to be closely attached to the U.S. Space Program since NASA/MIR, and I can assure you, NO NASA PERSONNEL HAVE ARRESTING POWERS AT ALL..period, zippo, end of story, case closed.

I am a new listener, and have been collecting the archive of shows and going through them. I thought it might be interesting for everyone to know that in fact, I didn't know shows like to coast to coast existed back in the 90's until I went to work in the space program. I worked in Russia, and since we were 9 hours ahead of the US (Central Time), Coast to Coast came on in the middle of our day. We listened to it all the time. Everyone did...we especially liked guests like Richard Hoagland, who would talk about NASA Conspiracies...and all the other guest who would say NASA is doing this or NASA is doing that. Sometimes, they were pretty close to reality but most of the time they were just wacko.

Thanks, and I find the show refreshing and entertaining. Keep up the great work!

Wes Owsley
Woody Sideman said:
I have to qualify what I said in the bit you quoted. I am actually beginning to formulate a system of beliefs and it is making me very uncomfortable. What I really want is for someone to say something that will absolutely shatter this 'belief system'. Unfortunately, the more I find out, the more it reinforces this 'belief system'.

Hm what is that system, if you don't mind my asking?
I like the 'nutter' shows best of all.

The best is the presenter's (both but especially DB) *I'm here to discuss serious issues in a reasoned way but with an undertone of exasperation** voice : "So what corroboration do you have for your claim that .... [insert bonkers assertion here]?".

It's why I keep coming back.
wowsley said:
I can assure you, NO NASA PERSONNEL HAVE ARRESTING POWERS AT ALL..period, zippo, end of story, case closed.
Well, except for 'arresting' the imaginations of people with some really good pictures from space...;-)
Everyone did...we especially liked guests like Richard Hoagland, who would talk about NASA Conspiracies...and all the other guest who would say NASA is doing this or NASA is doing that. Sometimes, they were pretty close to reality but most of the time they were just wacko.
Thanks, and I find the show refreshing and entertaining. Keep up the great work!
Wes Owsley
My experience with NASA people (aircraft testing - not space stuff) has been very professional, and very much like pulling a diamond out of a lump of coal -- very tightly wound. This is good and bad, good that it means it's pretty hard to get nuts in there to start a conspiracy, bad that when one gets started, it's easy to keep it under wraps, since everything is wound so tight already; like anyplace that has high security. Fortunately, it is a very public-oriented agency also, so if there are conspiracies and Big Secrets in NASA, then they are supposed to be there. As much as I hate how the government usually does things, NASA is about the last place I would look for The Big Secret. One only has to take out one of the A's in NASA to know where to look for that....

Great to have you in the forum, Wes!! Welcome!
wowsley said:
guests like Richard Hoagland, who would talk about NASA Conspiracies...and all the other guest who would say NASA is doing this or NASA is doing that. Sometimes, they were pretty close to reality but most of the time they were just wacko.

Thanks, and I find the show refreshing and entertaining. Keep up the great work!

Wes Owsley

Er...so what were they right about? (Please say the skull on Mars, please say the skull on Mars, please say the skull on Mars....)
grannysmith said:
I like the 'nutter' shows best of all.

Not sure I would say I like nutters the the BEST -- they can be entertaining. But I wouldn't want to listen to nutter after nutter.
No they weren't right about the Mars thing...sorry. What were they right about? Usually more mundane stuff that would not be picked up by the general public. We heard someone (Can't remember who but wasn't Richard Hoagland) claim on Coast To Coast that "NASA is secretly cooperating with Russian Defense Contractors." Well, Duh! Who do they think builds Rockets in the former Soviet Union? Could That be Defense Contractors?
Best thing I heard one time, was about some supposed footage shot by an Astronaut from the shuttle of a "UFO" leaving the earth's atmosphere. Here is the funny thing...I was sitting in a room eating lunch with that very Astronaut. We got quite the laugh out of that one, although he was happy to hear his name on the radio, he wasn't too happy about the tons, and tons of email he started getting bombarded with. Footage didn't exist...or if it did, the guy who was credited with making the video didn't.
What's the frequency, Kenneth?

Another hilarious show where our illustrious hosts could barely get in a word edgewise--again, just like last week. Does this guy ever take a breath, "if you will?" (How many times did he say that?) The main problem, as I see it, is our host are incapable of keeping the interviewee on target. Indeed, they often make it worse. For example, Bruce was talking about reincarnation, and one of the hosts says, "Well, what about reincarnating as an animal?" Huh? Where did that come from? Immediately, Bruce explains that idea is transmigration of souls, which is a different issue altogether. He's right. But because of it, you made him digress from the subject of reincarnation itself so off we go on a tangent. He knows more about the issues than our hosts. the same thing happened with quantum mechanics. Our hosts start to wax eloquent on the popularistic ideas of quantum mechanics and BOOM!! Bruce shows his superior knowledge to the issue. When your interviewee is smarter than you, it's hard to appear superior and in charge.

When interview after interview goes this way, I think you need to at least consider the possibility that your guests are not at fault. You guys keep changing the frequency. Listening to one of your interviews is like sitting in a car when the passenger keeps changing the channel. And, of course, the wrap up is "Criticize your guest!" again.

Thanks guys, again.
I am just listening to the Bruce Goldberg thing (for it is a ... thing) at the moment ... and thus have not read any of the forum threads (except for DB's explosive rant at the beginning of this thread) ... so excuse me if any of my thoughts/points have been already stated this far into the discussion.

Extremely Important points to discuss:

1. Snakes in glass bulbs with, very likely, a vacuum inside tend to die unless they have amazing breath holding abilities

2. Babboons are not particularly known for their interest in all things scientific

3. Dr Goldbergs ideas of quantum physics are a bit shaky to be sure (observance of an experiment in quantum physics affects the outcome does it not?? ... excuse me if this isn't right ... think my mind needs a reboot after this interview ... phewwweeee this isn't exactly easy-listening)

4. Umm ... and just another thought. As we get more hi-tech our technology, integrated circuits etc get smaller ... sooo ... and I think this is quite an important point ... why would a seriously hi-tech civilisation need really BIG SODDING VACUUM tubes (see snakes thing up above)???

Anyway, Dr Goldberg was on C2C apparently, and C2C has posted up a few pics of his here:


I particularly like the hybrid bloke with the strangely melting skull.

Oh and would a triangular craft really need 3 anti-grav engines plus an "air cushion generator" ... or should that be a "hot air generator"?? :D

Anyway just some random thoughts as I head towards the aspirin bottle ... boy this bloke is giving me a headache :eek:
p.s. one link between the "patients" Dr Goldberg has hypnotised or whatever (lost the will to live half way through this ... interview) ... which may have bypassed Dr Goldberg when he was talking about his patients being seperated in time/space/whatever and never knowing one another ... and that link is ... duhh nuhhhh ... Dr Bruce Goldberg (wow ...well I never).

Maybe he's had some sort of influence on each one of his patients during his hypnotherapy sessions??? ... nahhh he wouldn't prompt them with answers or anything whilst under hypnosis??? would he??? :cool: