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The Official Paracast Political Thread! — Part Four

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You should be thrown in jail for vaccinating a child under 3.

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No you didn't.
You said you'd listen, Pixel.

If you weren't going to, no matter what the evidence, then what's the point?

There are literally thousands of double blind vaccine studies. With placebo effects taken into account. Do you really think the entire global medical system - millions of individuals - would just forget to do basic science?
Natural immunity is the only effective "herd immunity".
Once you vaccinate you must get boosters every 5 years or so depending on the vaccine.
Then they become less effective each time.
Most likely most of you are considered unvaccinated.
Remember when getting a life virus vaccine you must quarantine yourself for at least 2-3 weeks.

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More lies.

You don't strike me as a dishonest person.

So why are you participating in lies that kill people?
More lies.

You don't strike me as a dishonest person.

So why are you participating in lies that kill people?

I got measles intentionally. I will not get them again due to natural immunity. If you and your children get vaccinated for measles you MUST quarantine yourselves for at least 2 weeks, (2 months would be better) then get boosters at least every 5 years and MAYBE you won't get reinfected or infect others.
You vaccinated people actually perpetuate the measles.
I got measles intentionally. I will not get them again due to natural immunity. If you and your children get vaccinated for measles you MUST quarantine yourselves for at least 2 weeks, (2 months would be better) then get boosters at least every 5 years and MAYBE you won't get reinfected or infect others.
You vaccinated people actually perpetuate the measles.

Where are you getting this information from? All professional medical documentation does not say this.
I got measles intentionally. I will not get them again due to natural immunity. If you and your children get vaccinated for measles you MUST quarantine yourselves for at least 2 weeks, (2 months would be better) then get boosters at least every 5 years and MAYBE you won't get reinfected or infect others.
You vaccinated people actually perpetuate the measles.
So let me understand this.

You intentionally infected yourself with the live version of a disease and got sick to avoid infecting yourself with a dead or dying version of that disease that wouldn't have made you sick?

And you think that's a good idea?
Where are you getting this information from? All professional medical documentation does not say this.

Professional medical documentation is based on the manipulated or omitted data that Del discusses and that several lead scientists at the CDC are coming forward with.
Some of my information comes directly from the inserts packaged with vaccines.
So let me understand this.

You intentionally infected yourself with the live version of a disease and got sick to avoid infecting yourself with a dead or dying version of that disease that wouldn't have made you sick?

And you think that's a good idea?

This was common practice in the 50's for measles and mumps. My mother was a nurse at the time. When I had babies she warned me about the dangers of vaccines and urged me not to vaccinate my kids. I did and they were both injured. Doctors said they had normal reactions to the vaccines. Auto immune problems, skin problems, mobility issues, autism are all indeed vaccine side affects.
This was common practice in the 50's for measles and mumps. My mother was a nurse at the time. When I had babies she warned me about the dangers of vaccines and urged me not to vaccinate my kids. I did and they were both injured. Doctors said they had normal reactions to the vaccines. Auto immune problems, skin problems, mobility issues, autism are all indeed vaccine side affects.
Trepanation was a common practice to get rid of headaches at one time, too.

Purposefully infecting yourself with a full blown diesease just so you don't get a full blown disease is perhaps the most irrational thing I've ever heard.

That's like taking out an insurance policy that pays out a million dollars... and spending a million dollars on it.

How messed up is that logic?
Trepanation was a common practice to get rid of headaches at one time, too.

Purposefully infecting yourself with a full blown diesease just so you don't get a full blown disease is perhaps the most irrational thing I've ever heard.

That's like taking out an insurance policy that pays out a million dollars... and spending a million dollars on it.

How messed up is that logic?

No it's not messed up. Injecting babies with known neurotoxins repeatedly throughout its life is what's messed up.
One time getting a relatively harmless disease and being immune for life is very logical.
Measles and mumps outbreaks are happening all over because of people like you and your weak immune system and trying to utilize vaccines that do not work well or last.

When was your last MMR shot?
No it's not messed up. Injecting babies with known neurotoxins repeatedly throughout its life is what's messed up.
One time getting a relatively harmless disease and being immune for life is very logical.
Measles and mumps outbreaks are happening all over because of people like you and your weak immune system and trying to utilize vaccines that do not work well or last.

When was your last MMR shot?
Getting a disease so you don't get a disease is logical? Measles is actually dangerous for infants, and killed more than 100,000 people last year. Mumps can cause deafness. Rubella can be deadly or cause birth defects if pregnant women are exposed. All of those things you could be carrying right now, and you could very well be harming those around you. Are you seriously OK with allowing your foolishness to harm others?

Besides, how is that going to work with diseases that kill or maim you? Are you going to give yourself Polio so you don't get Polio?

I assume you're talking about the stabilizer additives in vaccines when you're talking about neurotoxins. Is this correct?

Yes, I'm up to date on all vaccines. I've spent a lot of time overseas and in south america - so I'm maxed out. But thanks for worrying about me.
In other news...

"He then said, 'I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting Flynn go. He is a good guy. I hope you can let this go,'" Comey said in remarks posted on the website of the Senate intelligence committee. "I replied only that 'he is a good guy.' (In fact, I had a positive experience dealing with Mike Flynn when he was a colleague as Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency at the beginning of my term at FBI.) I did not say I would 'let this go.'"

James Comey testimony: Trump asked me to let Flynn investigation go - CNNPolitics.com
Getting a disease so you don't get a disease is logical? Measles is actually dangerous for infants, and killed more than 100,000 people last year. Mumps can cause deafness. Rubella can be deadly or cause birth defects if pregnant women are exposed. All of those things you could be carrying right now, and you could very well be harming those around you. Are you seriously OK with allowing your foolishness to harm others?

Besides, how is that going to work with diseases that kill or maim you? Are you going to give yourself Polio so you don't get Polio?

I assume you're talking about the stabilizer additives in vaccines when you're talking about neurotoxins. Is this correct?

Yes, I'm up to date on all vaccines. I've spent a lot of time overseas and in south america - so I'm maxed out. But thanks for worrying about me.

We can start with the USA because global stats are misleading.
“During the last 10 years, there has been one death from measles, but that patient was an adult woman who was on immunosuppressive medications and had other serious health problems. (But between) 2000 and 2017, there were 156 deaths related to the MMR vaccine.”
More people died from the vaccine than the disease.
As you can see measles was taking care of itself well before the vaccine.
The graph for polio is nearly the same except for the spike after the vaccine was introduce that was caused by the vaccine itself.

I can scientifically blow away any rebuttal you have to vaccine safety and efficacy.

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