Actually, I do have experience; however, it is obvious that you would rather fill lines in with your self-aggrandizing Hamburger Helper. I have never encountered an individual with the ability to fill in as many lines with meaningless crap. You must be paid by the word.
What is wrong with you? Have you been back in the parts room smoking jazz cabbage? I have already pointed that out.
Why don’t you place the blame where it mostly lies, in your customers who fail to maintain, or, end up abusing their vehicles?
Again, more Hamburger Helper.
I would no more take your word that uniform standards are a joke than I would believe the US would knowingly allow for the importation of car parts created by "child" slave labor.
Here you are again misleading. The parts you are describing are the bottom of the barrel, however, still carrying some type of warranty. Shady shops, used car dealers and weekend warriors on a budget utilize them.
Children..., you don’t say. Have you seen them running around naked on the streets grasping spark plug wires & water pumps? As usual, you supply grandiose exaggeration.
You have made the claim of child slave labor being implemented in parts arriving in the US..., again, prove it.
No one offs; list the part companies with an historical 15% failure rate “out of the box”. You made the claim, you prove it.
Why must you continue in providing unnecessary information already given to you? ADHD?
And here is where you have truly screwed the pooch, as in truly showing your lack of knowledge.
Not just the US, but every car manufacture on this planet tests their parts in compiling a failure rate as it is required by law to have replacement parts available for a determined number of years.
In not knowing the former, the latter is meaningless.
Again, point me toward your evidence. I want to read (along with the other evidence) in which you espouse.
More inflated, self-aggrandizing opinion. Its gets old after a while, but some have unbearably grown accustomed to it.
Congratulation, for once there is common ground. I shall cherish this newfound common ground for one brief moment, and now that one moment is forever gone.
If the crap should ever hit the fan, I am certain you would make for an excellent used car salesman, or, as a far reach.., motivational speaker.
Obviously, you’re employed in mid-level management.
I’m curious, did you marry into your job?