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The Roswell Slides Have Been Leaked Online

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Whatever it is, it must be some real strong shit!
There are those out there who thrive on inserting themselves into dramatic events. Reminds me of the main character in the movie Fight Club, who spends his evenings going to all different types of support groups. Sort of like attending the funeral of an aunt or uncle that no one could get along with or never had anything nice to say while alive- yet, there is always that one family member who will throw themselves on the casket pretending grief, because that is who they are, and it's always gotta be about them. It's no wonder Reality Television is such a huge success in America.
What I wonder Burnt, is when a lucrative payday is dangled in front of these 'reputable ufologists' and they snap at the bait. Do they become untrustworthy or do they lay low and reappear after the smoke clears and most people have forgotten these events?
You can always count on "forgetting" as a religious practice in ufology because of the nature of what it is. I see a few camps evolving post the downfall of large UFO organizations. The inability to formulate a clear scientific direction and the perpetuating of sociological studies and marketing schemes in ufology, like this one, provide us with some interesting directions to reflect on. You can study the effects of the idea of ufo's on the masses, you can $promote$ the idea of ufo's as real aliens or you can scientifically investigate a phenomenon. Most ufologists from those who investigate, claim they investigate, to those who speculate and debunk can all be put into one of those three categories. For those who promote and see ufology as a business model only, with no real goals except to promote a mystery and make money, they inevitably fall out of favour, circle round again and come back for more until their MIT shirt, or fake alien body, or low res intentions give them away.
Question of the hour can richard dolan recover from this mess? Must he ask for forgivness ?. How how can he restore his rep?

I think he could but he will have to step very carefully when it comes to new so called "big stories". The best thing he can do is man up and say "hey I messed up" and be open to the flack he is going to get.
I've been busy, and haven't read through the thread, so please forgive me not knowing if this has already been done here.

Have other people here duplicated the SmartDeblur of the Roswell Slides placard?
I'm collecting examples to help a couple of UFO authors better understand the process.
I've been busy, and haven't read through the thread, so please forgive me not knowing if this has already been done here.

Have other people here duplicated the SmartDeblur of the Roswell Slides placard?
I'm collecting examples to help a couple of UFO authors better understand the process.

Strieber says his people have duplicated the process
Unknowncountry has independently verified that this is indeed the wording on the placard,
Read the original source: http://www.unknowncountry.com/news/roswell-slides-story-collapses#ixzz3Zz46qQns
OK, so is this well and truly over now? Can we move on? The next time I hear about the Roswell Slides it will be too soon.
It should be, but to some people, there is value in trying to preserve the mystery.
You may want to check for Tom Carey's statement found in my signature link.
More shame on them, I mean seriously now, I have been saying it over and over again, it is absolutely ridiculous to start talking about the biology and evolution of a person from two low quality slides, taken from bad angles, and not to mention, said body is dessicated.
Just in case here is the offending statement:

"their detailed presentations concluded that the body on the slides was: not a mammal, not a primate and not human. One, Richard Doble, after a detailed morphological examination, concluded that the creature on the slides did not evolve on earth"

The only loophole they have is that they were payed to give an opinion, but trying to turn this into anything other than opinion is wrong on many many levels.

I trust the RSRG a million times more than these fools, especially given that they disclosed how the placard can be read, and how you can replicate it your self..... unlike the slide peddlers who have been more than dishonest.

The only hope that I can see they have (the slide peddlers), is that the location of the body in the slides is unknown, so until it is located and PROPER SCIENTIFIC ANALYSIS is done you just have to trust what your eyes can see, in TWO badly taken slides.....................

Even if the Placard is wrong, or fake (which I do not believe it is) without any physical evidence namely the body, nothing other than opinion can be given, and given the track record of the two groups (peddlers v RSRG) I know which one I "believe".
Maybe this was the master plan, in other cases like (DR)* Jonathan Reed, the Metapec Creature and Rick dyers Bigfool, the body or other evidence was available for testing, the difference here is that, we are expected to take the word of "experts" commissioned by Maussán and co...........

As an after though: you would think that they (slide peddlers) would be pleased to find that the label could be read, because it increases the hope that the body may one day be found, and if it really is ET in origin, then they could prove that, and shut the likes of me up for good...............

I said it before and I will say it again, disrespecting the dead can have terrible consequences, just ask Howard Carter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It should be, but to some people, there is value in trying to preserve the mystery.
You may want to check for Tom Carey's statement found in my signature link.
This is actually another interesting development and demonstrates that there is indeed some kind of pact amongst those responsible for the Slides Event as they obviously are invested in preserving doubt and mystery about these images still, even though most people recognize it's a mummy. I was very confused by Dolan's deference towards the supposed "scientific statements" at the May 5th event even though he identified that it's a controversial claim to believe that this body is not a mammal and did not evolve on earth. How you can see that from looking at a slide is beyond me, and if that's what ufological science is about then indeed there needs to be a more dramatic reckoning in response to those that would continue to promote bad science, bad aliens and bad UFO's in general.

If those behind the promotion of the slides feel they need to perpetuate the mythos then there must be larger reason$ than pride at $take, and it seems to me it's more about propping up the business carnival side of ufology as opposed to its critical examination. What's even more interesting, Sentry, is how your team came together, comprised of skeptics and thoughtful researchers. I hope that this team holds together to take on the past, present and future stumbling points in ufology's problematic ongoing history. It's one of the best examples I can think of where the field is actually being 'policed' for lack of a better word. This type of team is necessary as a means to establish sound thresholds of determining what's actually an interesting mystery vs. what's promotion and self-serving manipulations of a paying public. Isaac Koi's independent work in this area is invaluable, as is all tenacious research like yours on Cash Landrum.

Chris O'Brien had some harsh, pragmatic things to say about this paying public on After the Paracast and it seems to me that there is responsibility for this fiasco that cuts multiple ways: those who want to believe and will pay for it and those who will create things to sell and consolidate such beliefs. The Roswell Slides Research Group points to a different direction. I hope that this event becomes more of a turning point for the field as opposed to just the usual apathy of , "that's how it goes in ufology."

Does your team have any future plans to continue to work together on other projects?

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