Some people think there is nothing after death and that we are simply a by product of chemicals and "brain farts."
To those folks god as murderer would make no honest sense since they don't even agree there is a god. However, they might think his/her followers are murderers.
Some folks think that energy is neither created or destroyed and that we are pure consciencuss energy having a "physical experience" They (or some of them) might say that we chose our earthly expereince in order to evolve spritually and to have relationship in this earth for a higher purpose. To them they are god and would simply say that the good and bad are illusions and that there is a higher plane. So god as murderer would again be a silly and even deluded statement.
Some folks think that God gave life and that what you call death is simply a transition to pure spirit and to be absent from the body is to be whole and alive with God. So, they would really never agree with you calling God a murderer.
Some folks would say that you read the bible like a spoiled child and can't seperate the wheat from the chaff. That the bible is simply a road map and a product of man's search for meaning but a flawed instrument none the less like all things that mankind does. To call God a murderer would be silly.
So, I have to assume that if you actually believe that god is a murderer that you believe in an old man in the sky who is angry and ready to strike people dead. Therefore I can't understand you because I have no sense of such a being or personage. So, again god as murderer is just not logical.
However, if I were a god and gave life and then decided when your earthly life was over then I still would not be a murderer. After all you wouldn't be dead you would be leaving your body behind. So, no I don't think I can follow your logic at all Pixel. I don't care how much you have "read" the bible. Somewhere ya missed something important.
Now, I'm not a bible thumper. I don't think that god is angry or vengeful. Truly that is god made in the image of man.
So, as an atheist (if I were one) your anger would be silly and misdirected. As a Christian, I would think you were simply an angry and decieved human. As a person who believes in reincarnation and the evolution of the soul (which might best describe myself at this point in my journey although not completely) I feel you are simply like most humans. You don't understand that there are no "real" victims. Yes some people exploit others and that is wrong. But, ultimatley we are walking our own roads for our own reasons. Doesn't mean I condone messing people up but I never blame God for the weakness of mankind.
---------- Post added at 01:32 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:07 AM ----------
Sorry for the long rant off topic. Back to the topic at hand. No, I don't think there will be disclosure. I'm not sure there is anything other than black ops. to disclose and the government isn't gonna do that.