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They don't want us to know

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It does nail the core of the real truth.

Either the bible is the inerrant word of god or its not.

The Bible is the inerrant ... word of the living God. It is absolutely infallible,without error in all matters pertaining to faith and practice, as well as in areas such as geography, science, history, etc.-- Jerry Falwell,

But of course we know as scientific fact that it does contain errors, the world is billions not thousands of years old, the noah story is simply impossible as is the jonah story.

Thus logically its proven in error.

Which makes it just another primative holy book of which the world has as many as it does different cultures.

The world is full of creation myths, every culture has a different one.

From a logical pov, they are all of them just primitive attempts at explaining what they did not have the proper scientific data to explain at that time.

Religion has no valid answers, science does, and unlike religion science is happy to test and replace those answers as better ones are proven.

The bible can be proven by scientific fact and evidence as being in error, thus its just another primitive myth based text.

Only those who lack the logic and clear thinking to break through their cults brainwashing, can fail to see that.

I found this today, worth adding to the pile

"In my years of online discussions with creationists, three different creationists, at different times, have told me in all apparent seriousness that flying saucers are actually time machines that are used by atheistic scientists to travel back into the past and plant fake fossils as evidence for evolution." -- Lenny Flank

growing up in the Jehovah's Witnesses I was told that the fossil record was put there by Satan to confuse us all.....and that fossils were made of fibreglass!!!
What proof is there that the Christian creation myth is more valid than say the hindu one.

It is after all the oldest religion, they claim

The world's oldest and third largest religion, Hinduism, has endless followers from all over the world. Hinduism is characterized by a million deities. Buddhism and Sikhism stem from similar philosophy as Hinduism. 'Ramayana' and 'Mahabharata' are the two of the most-read Hindu epics, by people across continents. The 'Bhagavad Geeta' is the holy text of the Hindus, which is believed to have all the answers to the questions posed by the universe.

More than being a religion, Hinduism gives its followers, a culture and a way of life. Yoga, is a discipline preached by Hinduism to attain the perfect balance between the mental and the physical being. 'Brahma', 'Vishnu' and 'Shiva' are the most venerated gods of this culture. 'Brahma' symbolizing creation, 'Vishnu' sustaining this creation and 'Shiva' the destroyer of the evil.

The Hindus believe that a cobra was asleep in the ocean which had drowned the world. The serpent was guarding Vishnu under its coiled body, who lay asleep undisturbed by the silence. While the Lord was resting, he heard the resonance of 'Om', which woke him up. A purple lotus bloomed from Vishnu's navel which became Brahma's seat. A school of thought also believes that it was 'Dattatreya' who created the divine trinity of Lord Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva.

'Narad' praised the loyalty of 'Anusuya' towards her husband 'Atri' in front of the wives of the Brahma Vishnu and Shiva. Jealous, the wives asked the gods to challenge her loyalty. So the worshiped trio asked her to dress down and serve food. She agreed and won the challenge. The gods then transformed themselves into babies to be born and raised by the faithful Anusuya.

The world was formed as the divine trinity transcended into 'Avatars' or forms of being. Among the famous avatars known to the Hindu mythology, Vishnu is believed to have ten forms in 'Garuda Purana' and another ten forms in 'Bhagavata Purana'. 'Garuda Purana' is an epilogue of Vishnu's instructions, which he delivered to his carrier 'Garuda',who was the king of birds.
Read more at Buzzle: [URL='http://www.buzzle.com/articles/hindu-creation-myths.html[/QUOTE']http://www.buzzle.com/articles/hindu-creation-myths.html[/URL]

They cant both be right about how the universe was created, but they can of course both be wrong.
"In my years of online discussions with creationists, three different creationists, at different times, have told me in all apparent seriousness that flying saucers are actually time machines that are used by atheistic scientists to travel back into the past and plant fake fossils as evidence for evolution." -- Lenny Flank

growing up in the Jehovah's Witnesses I was told that the fossil record was put there by Satan to confuse us all.....and that fossils were made of fibreglass!!!

Wow those are new to me. I've of course heard the creationist whackos say that fossils were put here by Satan to test us, but I've never heard them say they were made of fiberglass! Wow. The atheistic time traveling scientists theory is also new to me, it's pretty damn hilarious when you think about it. You have to give them points for creativity, but it doesn't matter because you then have to subtract points for sheer unmitigated ignorance, so in the end the total is still zero.
If this website is any indication of a cross section of individuals then I would have to say that the mainline paranormal crowd is predominately antagonistic athiest in its views. This is a pair of rose colored glasses in and of itself.
I think most of you work overtime to try and prove non-existance of a God and even harder at convincing yourself that He isn't a personal God.

These are very broad strokes worthy of a former member we all know (Kim) :D

At the extremes, you'll find some here that are antagonistic atheists pushing a godless, purely mechanical, view of the universe and others that seek to put all paranormal phenomena (including UFOs) into the hands of a caring personal God and the dynamics of moral good and evil (as defined by each religion).

IMHO, to really separate the signal from the noise you need to be in a relatively quiet place. Religious fundamentalism is about being absolute and setting immuable foundations from which the universe is to be decoded. Both end of the spectrum are very different (dynamic vs static) and create a very noisy environment where motivations to reinforce absolute positions destroy any hope of rational discussion.

For most of us, the core of trying to understand UFO's and potential ET visitation is also an effort at replacing the idea that these are not 'godly' manifestations but hints from civilizations that have evolved enough to escape their home worlds. Having an earth-centric 'God' blocking our view of the bigger picture will always be irritating... Something that you don't seem to be able to comprehend. Most of us here are at least able to clearly see that a mechanical scientifically based view of this universe is unpalatable to you.
Been awhile since I have had the chance to get back here. I made the mistake of overgeneralizing the general population here as Athiest in view and militant athiest at that. Some of you have made it clear that you generally believe in a god but not the Hebrew God. Almost noone here believes in the Hebrew God and only a small percentage believe in any God at all. To the extent that you have insisted or implied that anyone who does believe in the God of the Bible is somehow misinformed or misdirected I wholeheartedly disagree with. Let time tell the truth on this one. Let further science and fact eventually disprove all scepticism. Maybe it won't be in your lifetime but I am certain in fact positive that it will happen. All of the things that you are so certain disprove the Biblical God will crumble and be seen as what it obviously is, an attempt to disassociate the creator from the created.

I don't think the subject of UFOs strays away from religion and God in fact it embraces religion from the perspective of where we came from and who is in control. So I don't feel at all obligated to subjugate my discussion on these matters to somewhere else, although maybe another thread dealing more directly with religion/God/the paranormal is called for.

They really don't want you to know you know :) And I suspect most of you wouldn't believe it if you did.

While I appreciate the position from the other side/athiest perspective with supposedly concrete scientific info arguing for the non exisitence of some events claimed in the Bible, Muadib was especially helpful in his perspectives and presentations. I am not moved one iota that the Bible isn't the word of God sent through men. I thing the pseudo science purported to prove this comes up way short IMO. There are counter explanations that offer the opposite explanations to all of those things.

Aside from all the science(just another term for what we think we know) and constant intellectual discourse between people who think alike or similar we have not begun to touch on anything unexplained until we look into God. If you choose to ignore that you severely limit yourself IMO.

Maybe I was misunderstood as someone who has thin skin and can't take a disagreement. This is certainly not the case here. When I come here to the Paracast I now fully expect to be disagreed with....I just wish so many people weren't wrong lol.

I'll maybe start another thread with a more direct approach to this subject if Chris and Gene allow it.
... I don't think the subject of UFOs strays away from religion and God in fact it embraces religion from the perspective of where we came from and who is in control. So I don't feel at all obligated to subjugate my discussion on these matters to somewhere else, although maybe another thread dealing more directly with religion/God/the paranormal is called for ...

Religion is only one facet of ufology studies, and it deals primarily with religious and mythological texts that lend themselves to interpretations of an alien presence. These cases are studied from an impartial point of view, not as anything that requires unfounded belief, devotion or worship. From this perspective ufology and religion are two completely separate things. Within this context your input is certainly more than welcome and may even be useful. Can you provide any examples that address the topic of this thread ( They Don't Want Us To Know ) e.g. God forbade us to eat of the tree of knowledge. This is a perfect example of some highly evolved entity ( a.k.a."They" ) demonstrating that they don't want us to know the knowledge that the mythological tree provided. The Tower of Babel has also been touched on. Anything else you can add?
Almost noone here believes in the Hebrew God and only a small percentage believe in any God at all.

Considering the intelligence and sophistication of people here, in contrast to the general population, what does that say about the likelihood there is one?:)

Let further science and fact eventually disprove all scepticism. Maybe it won't be in your lifetime but I am certain in fact positive that it will happen.

What could be the basis of such confidence? Nothing in the real world. There is a correlation between scientific and material advances and the waning of religion, so it's much more reasonable to expect the opposite.

I am not moved one iota that the Bible isn't the word of God sent through men.

Try reading Ehrman ("the bible is a very human book.") For many years the bulk of scholars have known the bible contains fabrications and forgeries besides scientific inaccuracies.
I've never seen so many words used to say so little. Your opinion is duly noted but it is just that, your opinion, nothing more. It has no basis in science and nothing backing it up but a 2,000 year old book written by superstitious, bronze age humans. It's good to know that you consider modern science, which is the basis for everything we know about the world around us and all the luxuries of technology that we enjoy, to be "pseudo science." Next time you get on the internet or drive your car or read an article about what we know about the universe at large you can thank all those "pseudo" scientists, with their pesky facts and repeatable experiments. Damn those heathens!

You had the chance, pages ago, to debate the merits of your case on an intellectual level with objective, verifiable information but chose to instead cop out because "no one would believe you anyway." The thing is, we would believe you if your information was good, could be verified and had any basis in reality, but sadly that's not the case, and deep down, you know it, which is why you didn't bother. Instead you chose to throw out a few lol's and state that everyone here is wrong because "you know it to be true." You're going to have to do much better than that if you want your argument to be taken seriously around here. From what I've seen so far, you aren't even close to ready. I could be wrong, only time will tell, but if the best you've got is "the bible is right because I say it's right" I wouldn't even bother.

What's really funny is, you don't recognize the fact that this same argument has been made by countless religions before yours and it was just as ineffectual. The ancient priests of Zeus and Apollo would have said that they knew their religion was correct as well, but I'm sure you have no problem laughing at them without recognizing your own glaring hypocrisy.
I used to know I was correct about God too. I attended church on a nearly daily basis for the first 22 years of my life. I helped build a christian youth group, worked at my church as much as possible and spread the word of god every chance i could. Then I used my brain and thought for myself. Religion in all its forms around the world is nothing but another way to control the masses through a belief system. No science required. Multiple interpretations of the bible are accepted so it can never be totally wrong because of these interpretations. It is amazing to me that ALL religious people believe theirs is the only real one. Humans are supposed to be so intelligent, I am not so sure we are. When we get rid of the "my gods dick is bigger than your gods dick" mentality I think the world will be a far more peaceful place.
I used to know I was correct about God too. I attended church on a nearly daily basis for the first 22 years of my life. I helped build a christian youth group, worked at my church as much as possible and spread the word of god every chance i could. Then I used my brain and thought for myself. Religion in all its forms around the world is nothing but another way to control the masses through a belief system. No science required. Multiple interpretations of the bible are accepted so it can never be totally wrong because of these interpretations. It is amazing to me that ALL religious people believe theirs is the only real one. Humans are supposed to be so intelligent, I am not so sure we are. When we get rid of the "my gods dick is bigger than your gods dick" mentality I think the world will be a far more peaceful place.

If you don't mine me asking.. What was it that changed your thought process or belief? Any particular event or experience?